Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1975: Tianpeng demon emperor's attitude change

"God, he really passed, and it took so short."

"More importantly, he has been through a lot of winds and the whole process has not suffered a little bit of damage. This is terrible."

"It's a big void, under the universal sky, I am afraid that only the big void can easily pass through this wind."

"This Jiang Chen is definitely a unique talent for the ages, but unfortunately it is not our people."


No one is not shocked, no one can keep calm, the birth of a miracle can always make people feel tiring. After all, no one thinks that Jiang Chen can really smash in the beginning, and Jiang Chen is not alone, but also with a Xiao Forget about it.

Although Xiao Forgetting is a first-class emperor, everyone knows clearly that for Jiang Chen, the process of smashing the wind and smashing the storm is a burden, and even with such a cumbersome, Jiang Chen is still unscathed. In the past, the whole process was like a leisurely step, and the infinite winds and waves did not have any effect on him. Even Xiao Xiao’s feelings were not hurt.

This is not a miracle. I would like to ask all the first-class disciples in the nine emperors in the field, which one can do Jiang Chen.

Even though Lan Xian and Tan Jinye are very ugly at the moment, they have to admit that Jiang Chen is better than them. If they change to them, they will not be able to get even half of the area.

On the Wanfeng Terrace, Xiao Forgetting and the Holy Lady Tianling Jade finally met again three hundred years later. Tianling Jade stood up from the Daqing Stone. Rao was the cultivation of her first-class emperor. Control your trembling body.

In the past few years, although Tianlingyu has been detained, it has not been delayed in cultivation. It has a complete Tianpeng jade of Tianpeng blood. It is also extremely horrible to cultivate. Therefore, it is not unusual to achieve the cultivation of the first-class emperor. It is not because of being imprisoned that Tianlingyu has experienced three hundred years, and now it is at least a third-class demon.

Xiao forgets and Tianling jade are opposite each other. No one speaks. They seem to have forgotten to talk, or they all think it is in a dream.

Jiang Chen stood sighing and sighed. He could feel the feelings of the two people. Even if three hundred years passed, they could not change the slightest. It was a kind of infatuation that could not be shaken.


Xiao forgets the twitching kidneys and hands, wants to touch the face of Tianling jade.

"Xiao Lang, I am not dreaming?"

In the eyes of Tianling jade, tears have fallen. This scene has been dreamed many times, but she knows that this is just a dream. It is impossible to become a reality in this life. For three hundred years, she has been worried about the safety of Xiao forget. It is too dangerous to offend the fairy island with the identity and status of Xiao’s forgotten love.

Now it seems that I am still very creditable, at least let Xiao forget to live to the present.

Tianling jade couldn't control his emotions, and suddenly he rushed into the arms of Xiao forgetting, just snuggling.


A light and shadow flickering, Tianpeng demon emperor appeared on the Wanfengtai, watching the excitement of Xiao forget and Tianling jade, Tianpeng demon emperor is also a touch of sorrow.

"The demon emperor."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the Tianpeng demon.

Xiao forgets to be separated from Tianling jade, and gives a gift to Tian Peng, but Tian Lingyu’s attitude toward Tian Peng’s demon is obviously not so good. She does not go too far. It seems that she does not want to go with Tianpeng Say one more sentence.

For his daughter's indifference, Tianpeng demon emperor has long been used to it. Although Tianpeng demon emperor concealed very well, Jiang Chen still noticed a trace of sadness from his eyes.

This is also understandable. After all, Tianling jade is his most favored child. The two fathers and daughters have reached the point where they are today. It is impossible for Tianpeng demon to say no to be sad.

However, immediately, the eyes of Tianpeng's demon emperor fell on Jiang Chen's body, and his eyes and the previous changes have taken place, which can be described as overwhelming.


Tianpeng demon emperor waved a mask and shrouded him and Jiang Chen, completely isolated from the outside world.

Jiang Chen knows that Tianpeng demon emperor has something to say to himself, and it is a matter of secrets. Even Xiao forgets and Tianling jade do not let him know.

"Jiang Chen, it seems that you really got the inheritance of the Nether Emperor, otherwise, your big void will not be so perfect."

Tianpeng demon said.

"The demon emperor, I also saw a shadow of the big void from your body. Is there any involvement between the demon emperor and the Nether Emperor?"

Jiang Chen asked, this is what he is eager to know.

He is not afraid of Tianpeng demon now, and he is even less afraid that Tianpeng demon will force himself to surrender the big void. First, he does not feel the slightest hostility from the eyes of Tianpeng, and secondly, he is against the big yellow dog. I am convinced that if the rhubarb dog secretly pointed out today, it would be impossible for the matter to progress so smoothly.

"Good eyesight, young people have you like this, it is really a miracle, Jiang Chen, your future achievements are destined to be limitless, but I am not a big void."

Tian Peng demon said that the words are full of appreciation to Jiang Chen.

"A lot of years ago, I was still a small Tianpeng, who was once pointed by the Nether Emperor, so I will let you feel the shadow of a big void in my body, and I saw the Nether Emperor Void, it is simply unparalleled, and it is precisely because of this, the effect of the big void on me is relatively large, so that I have the real speed of Tianpeng, and if I had the guidance of the Nether Emperor, I would not With such a great achievement today, the Nether Emperor is the greatest benefactor of my life, so when I saw you show the great void, my mood is extremely exciting."

Tian Peng’s demon emperor said that his whole person was caught in fantasy and seemed to recall what happened countless years ago.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that Tianpeng’s demon emperor paid so much attention to the big emptiness. In the past, there were some such involvements. If the Emperor Tianpeng said that the Emperor’s kindness to Tianpeng’s Emperor was indeed too Big.

Tianpeng was originally relying on speed, and the guidance of the Nether Emperor, I am afraid that countless people dream of things, as Tian Peng demon said, if not pointed out by the Nether Emperor, he will not have such achievements today, this It is almost unquestionable.

The rhubarb dog must know these secrets, so he let himself use the big void technique to attract the attention of the Tianpeng demon, but this is normal. After all, the past life of the rhubarb dog, but the character of the era of the empty Emperor.

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