Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1980: Foreign visitors in the tomb


The vibration once again sounded more intense than before. The appearance of the Tianpeng demon emperor changed. There was an endless year in the fairy island, and there was never any movement in the tomb.

"Go, look at the past."

After the Tianpeng demon emperor finished, the body disappeared and disappeared. The tombs of the demon fairy island were buried among the ancestors, but the land of the demon island. No one was close on weekdays. Today, in the Tianpeng demon There was such a huge movement at the Heshou Conference, and immediately alerted all the people on the island.

"You, there is a little accident inside the demon island, everyone is not safe."

The Blue Wolf demon said, and then flew in the direction of the tomb.

"What happened? The huge movement seems to come from the ancestral tomb of the demon island. It is the ancestors who buried the demon island. If it is not the level of the emperor, even if it is dead, it is not qualified to be buried in the tomb." Inside."

"I don't know what happened, but the movement of Tianpeng demon is not a trivial matter. Let's look at it."

"Okay, there is nothing wrong with it. In the past, I looked at the excitement. This time I came to the Fairy Island. It was so lively. There were too many things happening, one after another."


The people above the Fairy Square can't keep calm. This time, the birthday party is destined not to be calm. First, Jiang Chen and Xiao forget the situation. Now there is a ancestral tomb change. I want to enjoy the peace above the fairy island. Impossible.

A large number of people followed the people of Yaoxian Island and flew in the direction of the tomb of the ancestors. After three days, they would also participate in the wedding of Xiao’s forgotten love. Since they could not walk for a while, they must follow the past to see what happened, and, demon. The great events of Xiandao are also worthy of attention to all the people in the fairy world.

Jiang Chen and Xiao forget the Tianling jade and look at the past, and the past, Yu Huafan and the big yellow dog came to the side of Jiang Chen, everyone accompanied.

"Jiang Shidi, you told me, how did you do it?"

Yu Huafan asked, he was so strange, too want to know what happened, if you don’t ask it again, I’m afraid I’m going crazy.

"Interesting is fun."

Jiang Chen shrugged, he could not tell the real reason, but it was the secret of Tian Peng.


Yuhua Fan’s face is speechless. The only reason for this is that the ghost believes, but since Jiang Chen does not say it, there must be no reason to say it. He simply does not ask, anyway, Jiang Chen can make a relationship with Tianpeng That is a good thing. It is a good thing for Jiang Chen, and it is also a good thing for Feng Chi Xian Ting.

The rhubarb dog on the side looked at the direction of the tomb of the ancestors and smashed out the gods. The whole process did not say a word, and did not even congratulate Xiao for forgetting the situation.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen couldn't help but shook his head. This dog must have been wrong. This is not his style at all. Jiang Chen had to guess that the big yellow dog is likely to have a certain origin from the fairy island itself. When I started coming overseas, this guy was very worried.

However, Jiang Chen did not ask him. He knew the big yellow dog very much. If the rhubarb didn't want to say it, even if he asked it, it would be useless.

All the people moved from the Fairy Square to the place closer to the Tomb of the Fairy Island. No one knows what happened, but they all know that it is a big event.

The ancestral tomb of the demon island is a black pagoda. The pagoda seems to have dozens of layers, towering into the clouds, and the surrounding area of ​​the pagoda is blocked for dozens of miles. The atmosphere here is obviously suppressed, dead, and the demon here. The super heavy land of Xiandao, no one dares to invade the majesty here. On weekdays, except for the Tianpeng demon emperor, there is no permission, even if it is the blue wolf demon emperor, it can not come here to sway.

According to Yaoxian Island, there is the ancestral spirit of the demon fairy island. The ancestral spirit is supreme. Those who can be buried in the black tower are all people who have made outstanding contributions to the demon fairy island. Any one must be influenced by future generations. respect.


The huge roaring sound was remembered again. Everyone saw that the roaring sound came from the Black Tower, and the Black Tower showed obvious shaking.

"The demon emperor, the tomb of the ancestors has never had such a big movement since its establishment, is it related to that monkey?"

The blue wolf demon emperor said.

"Definitely related to him."

Tianpeng demon said in a positive tone.

At this moment, Jiang Chen has already arrived at the Tianpeng demon emperor. He has just made an eight-day prayer with Tianpeng demon. Now he is the most important figure of the whole demon island, so Jiang Chen can walk to Tianpeng demon. Fat, no one dares to stop, even if it is a blue wolf demon, you have to say hello to Jiang Chen.

After all, Jiang Chen’s current identity is very different from that of the previous one. Lanxian can only watch Jiang Chen’s walk to the Tianpeng demon, and they can only look far away and dare not approach the demon too much. The fairy ancestral grave is a step, this is the gap.

"Monkey? What monkey?"

Jiang Chen’s expression was shocked. He couldn’t keep calm when he heard the monkey’s two words. In this world, the mighty monkey might not find a second one.

"The Jiang Chen brothers did not know. Not long ago, there was a young man overseas. When he was near the island of Yaoxian, the tombs of the countless years of the demon fairy island suddenly appeared a huge movement, flying from the top of the black tower. A ray of light just happened to fall on the young man. After that, the light entered the black tower with the youth. During this time, we all wanted to explore one thing, but we didn’t dare to really enter the black tower. The ancestral spirit."

The Blue Wolf demon said that now Jiang Chen has already bowed with Tian Peng, and his name for Jiang Chen is naturally changed. Whether he wants it or not, he can only be commensurate with his generation.

"What does the youth have to do with monkeys?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"The demon emperor can see at a glance that the youth is not a human being, and there is a strong blood in the body, and if it is human, it cannot cause the vibration of our ancestors."

The blue wolf demon said.


Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog almost exclaimed at the same time, a powerful sacred blood, in this world, I am afraid I can no longer find a second.

"Blue Wolf Big Brother, what does this young man look like?"

In order to be sure of the identity of Dragon Thirteen, Jiang Chen continued to ask.

"This person looks like you are old and wearing a yellow robe. The long one is also a talent. Right, the most obvious feature is black and white hair."

The blue wolf demon said.

"It must be thirteen, this guy, went to the grave of the people."

Jiang Chen silently shook his head, the characteristics of the Blue Wolf demon, except who can still be the Dragon.

[Today is three more, the remaining two will arrive soon. 】

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