Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1982: First-class demon emperor [three more]


The dragon thirteen was completely violent, and both eyes were filled with strong grievances. He roared constantly and his body began to pervade murder.

Jiang Chen noticed that the dragon thirteen at the moment is already a powerful repair of the peak of the first-class demon emperor. This is a short moment, and the cultivation of the madness has reached the point where it has reached a point of shocking and imaginable. Yes, Dragon Thirteen is definitely a huge benefit in the Black Tower, so it is possible to shock the repair to this terrible level in a short time.

However, the situation in front of us is also confirming the results of Jiang Dian's big-day machine calculation. Long XIII got the adventure, but it will face a lot of troubles. The strong grievances that have been blessed on him for no reason are the biggest variables.


Jiang Chen shouted at the dragon thirteen.

Long Zhao, who was already violent, heard this cry, and his eyes turned immediately. When he saw Jiang Chen, his sharp eyes were obviously eased.

"Little dust."

Long XIII shouted out the name of Jiang Chen, and his voice was hoarse.

However, Jiang Chen’s heart was relieved. In any case, although Dragon 13 had strong grievances, he did not completely lose his mind. At least he recognized himself. This is the best situation.

"Rheum, what should I do?"

Jiang Chen looks at the big yellow dog. After all, the big yellow dog is the reincarnation of the Longyang demon. Everything knows a lot. The key moment is to ask the rhubarb.

However, after Jiang Chen asked, he found that the big yellow dog did not answer, and there was no movement at all. Jiang Chen looked over and found that the rhubarb dog looked at the dragon thirteen in the sky and could feel from his eyes. The fluctuations in the heart of the rhubarb dog at the moment are very large.

"What the **** is this dog doing?"

Jiang Chen's eyebrows, there must be something in the heart of the rhubarb, Jiang Chen can almost be sure that the big yellow dog must have a great relationship with the demon island, otherwise it will not happen.

"The demon emperor, this is the holy shrine that entered the tomb of the ancestors. Now we jump out. What do we do? He seems to be completely violent now, and we should not kill him."

The blue wolf demon said.


Jiang Chen quickly stopped: "Big brother, the monkey must have been controlled by your ancestors, or there will not be such a big grievance. The blue wolf brother also said before, he was brought to the light of your ancestral spirits. It’s not that he went inside the black tower. He is innocent.”

What he is most worried about is the master of the demon fairy island. In that case, the dragon thirteen will be in danger of life. After all, the situation in front of him is enough for the people of the demon island to be shot. Although the dragon thirteen is promoted to the first-class demon emperor, But such a repair is not a thing in the demon island, the other does not say, if the Tianpeng demon emperor wants to say that the dragon 13 is killed, the dragon thirteen will be killed immediately, even the residue is not left. This is almost unquestionable.

"Blue Wolf, first control him, don't hurt him."

Tianpeng demon said to the blue wolf demon emperor.

Jiang Chen looked at the eyes of Tian Peng's demon emperor full of gratitude. He knew very well that according to the means of Tian Peng's demon emperor, it is very likely that he would kill the dragon thirteen directly. Now he deliberately indulges the blue wolf demon to not hurt the dragon. Thirteen, just control it, that is to give yourself face.

"it is good."

The blue wolf demon emperor's momentum shocked, suddenly screaming the horrible wolf claws, shrouded the past to the thirteenth, the horror of the third-level demons was raging, and the heavens and the earth were discolored.

The Blue Wolf demon is very decisive, and the tomb has been destroyed. He does not want to make a big accident in the tomb of the ancestors because of a tyrannical sacred priest. No matter what the sacred sac has experienced in the black tower, it is because of what goes in. Now, it is imperative that this turmoil be quelled.

As long as the Dragon 13 is controlled, the storm will calm down. The rest of the matter is the inside of the Fairy Island. The Fairy Island will be solved slowly.


Unexpectedly, seeing someone attacking himself, the violent temperament of Dragon Thirteen was even stronger. Two fires were directly sprayed into the eyes of the fire, and then the Dragon 13 lifted a huge iron rod and displayed it to the Blue Wolf Demon. The wolf claws smashed in the past.


The horrible impact was raging. Under the impact of the iron rod, the wolf claws instantly shattered. The violent dragon thirteen suffered an attack from the third-level demons. The huge body did not even move, let alone What hurts.


The blue wolf demon screamed and looked at the dragon thirteen with a horrified look. His eyes were full of incredible, but he was a powerful three-level demon emperor. Even if this kind of horror cultivation was done, he could not cause the dragon thirteen. The slightest injury, the body because of the strong impact, let him feel a huge shock.

"It’s not a fight, it’s a lot of blood, it’s much stronger than me. Even if it’s just a first-class demon, you can fight against me.”

The blue wolf demon stunned, he looked at the Tianpeng demon and Jiang Chen, unable to conceal his own horror.

"Blue wolf big brother, the monkey's combat power is extremely horrible, with the repair of his first-class demon emperor's peak, the general three-level demon emperor, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

Jiang Chen said.

"This violent temper is so powerful that it can compete with the Blue Wolf Demon. It is simply against the sky."

"The blood in the violent body is too strong. In today's era, such blood has long ceased to exist. Even if it is the blood of the Emperor Tianpeng, it is not a grade compared with him. It seems that the blood of the Yaozu. Strength is very important."

"Tianpeng demon emperor is afraid to shoot, it is a matter of great importance, he is bound to end this storm."


Not everyone is shocked, the first-class demon emperor against the three-level demon emperor, does not fall into the wind, just relying on this, it is enough to prove that the violent is a powerful enchanting.


On the side of the feathers, he looked at Jiang Chen, and his heart was somewhat depressed. Jiang Chen itself was a metamorphosis. Now even the people he has made are so bad, it is so speechless.

"The Emperor personally shot."

Tianpeng demon emperor's voice is low. At this time, he does not want to waste time. He decided to take the shot himself and directly control the tyrannical sacred scorpion. The latter things will be solved later.

The Tianpeng demon emperor moved. He evolved a huge palm, and the palm became a large cage, covering the dragon thirteen.


At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the black tower. This sound seems to come from a long time, and it also carries endless grievances. Moreover, this is a woman's voice.

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