Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1998: prison

"Sure enough, it is a peerless sword."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but nod his appreciation. As a famous fairy sword in the fairyland, it must be a well-deserved name. His Tiansheng sword will definitely not be lower than that of the Xianjian sword in the future, but now, the Tiansheng sword and the Xianxian sword are better than Up, the gap is not a little bit, this time to deal with the Southern and Northern Dynasties, is the enemy of life and death of Jiang Chen, and this time is to make a final break with the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the process can be imagined, it must be your life and death.

With the Jianxian sword, Jiang Chen’s confidence increased a lot. He and the big yellow dog continually tore the void, and for a moment, millions of miles, the virtual space was moved, and the direction of the fairyland was flying away.

Fengchi Xianting, in the palace.

"Master, do we want to secretly help Jiang Shidi?"

When Yu Huafan looks at the scenery, the words are still full of worry.

"No, Jiang Chen is a dragon of heaven. He has a slogan in the air. He can't even see through the teacher. And he is a very opinionate person. He and the Southern and Northern Dynasties should be enemies. Such enemies. He must solve it by himself, let him do a break, I believe him."

The scenery Yang said, his light is constantly flashing, as a powerful five-level emperor, the powerful dragon-headed lord, he has seen countless geniuses in his life, but Jiang Chen has made him invisible, he believes, let Jiang Chen Entering Longtang will be the most correct decision he has made in his life.

After thinking about coming for many years, mentioning the story of Longtang in that year, Jiang Chen must be the pride of his scenery.

缥缈仙域, 东玄域!

Today's Dong Xuan domain has fallen into the most turbulent.

In fact, from the beginning of the gold killing field, the East Xuan domain has not been flat, Jiang Chen's birth, completely disrupted the Dongshui domain of this drowning, and now there is a nasty North and South.

Not long ago, Dong Xuanyu changed from the eleventh power to two giants. Now, these two giants have also decided to win.

The North and South family have a rare singularity, and they have hit the realm of the Great Emperor in the shortest time. They have led the North and South families to fight the world. Now they have imprisoned another big giant empire, making the entire East Xuan domain in the hands of the North and the South.

Genius House!

Now it has been completely occupied by the North and South family. As a base, the top of the Dagan Empire is all held here.

On the martial arts field of the genius, countless cages are placed side by side. Under the illumination of the scorching sun, the prisons made of special metal constantly reflect the dazzling brilliance.

Yan Chenyu, Yang Yu, Yang Bufan, the old emperor, the elders of the elders, Yang Zanqing, the Emperor of the Orient, the top of the Dagan Empire were imprisoned in a single cage, and there were many huge cages, which were imprisoned a lot. Disciples and elders of the genius.

These prisons have been blessed with a strong array of methods and bans. They are hand-set in the North and South, and even if they are powerful masters of Xianzun, they will not be able to come out.

However, among the people who were imprisoned in the Dagan Empire, except for the pale morning rain, the expressions of other people were normal, and there was no change in the breath. It can be seen that before the Southern and Northern Dynasties took the North and South families to attack, Did not suffer the slightest resistance.

Undoubtedly, after the first rain of the Northern and Southern War, the Yanchen Rain chose to surrender in order to protect the Dagan Empire from being devastated. Therefore, the Dagan Empire did not have a large range of blood.

I have to say that the practice of the smoke and the morning rain is the most sensible. Although the people of the Dagan Empire are more awkward, the so-called stay in the green hills is not devoid of firewood. When the unnecessary resistance is only in vain, there is nothing better than saving lives. More important.

More importantly, the belief of the Dagan Empire has not yet fallen. Even though they have become prisoners at the moment, they have not given up their hopes directly. They have not given up, because there are individuals who have not yet appeared. That person carries all their hopes, that person’s There is a belief that they are supported.

There is no doubt that this person is Jiang Chen.

For a long time, Jiang Chen has created miracles again and again for the Dagan Empire. The impressions in countless people have long been ingrained. It is like a god-like existence. As long as he shoots, there is nothing that can't be solved.

Now that the Northern and Southern Dynasties have broken off with Jiang Chen, they have already issued a gauntlet to Jiang Chen. They believe that Jiang Chen will definitely appear and will not leave them alone. This is a belief and a kind of trust.

Beyond the martial arts field, the high-ranking seniors of the north and south family looked at the cages in front of them. Everyone’s face showed a smile, and everyone laughed very happy, especially the patriarch of the north and south family, Nanbei Taisheng, laughing. The mouth can't fit.

"The patriarch, let's put these people in prison and not kill them. It's too cheap for them."

An elder said.

"What do you know, the DPRK and Jiang Chen will fight together. Since the three-day deadline is given, it must be waited for three days. If we are to shoot them now, it will not ruin the reputation of the DPRK, but if it is a crime against the public, Come down, who can afford to sin."

The North and South Taisheng glanced at the elder.

"The patriarch, the three days have come to see it. According to the time of the dynasty, there are at most three hours. This Jiang Chen has not yet appeared."

"In my opinion, this Jiang Chen Bacheng is not afraid to come. After all, the Chaozi son is now a powerful emperor. If Jiang Chen is even more powerful, he can go wherever he goes. He is also sent to die. He is not a fool."

"It's hard to say that many people who are imprisoned by us are very important to Jiang Chen. Especially in the morning rain, Jiang Chen will definitely not leave them alone, but even if Jiang Chen comes, it is also a dead, a dynasty. It is the reincarnation of the mighty Emperor, and it is a small Jiang Chen that can deal with it."


The people of the North and South family are very confident. Now they have ruled the entire East Xuan domain and completed the so-called hegemony. The mood is not good enough.

As for Jiang Chen, if they were in the past, they would still be afraid of three points, but now they have a grandson, they will not put Jiang Chen in their hearts. In their view, Jiang Chen does not appear, and once it appears, it will die.

North and South Taisheng strode to the martial arts field and came to Yang Yu’s prison.

"Oh, Yang Yuxiong, you probably never dreamed that you would fall to such a point. The fate of your entire Dagan empire is now in the hands of my north and south Taisheng. I have already said that our north and south family Will rule the entire East Xuan domain, only my north and south Taisheng can laugh to the end."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties raised their mouths and said that they were very proud.

"North and South Taisheng, what do you mean? Whoever laughs last is not necessarily."

Yang Yu’s face was indifferent, and he did not hide his dislike of North and South Taisheng.

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