Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2000: Make a break

Not only Yang Bufan, Yang Yu and the old emperor, but also many masters of Xianzun have seen the tremendous progress of Jiang Chenxiu. At this moment, the cultivation of Jiang Chen’s show has undoubtedly given another confidence to the Dagan Empire. Although the Southern and Northern Dynasties are first-class emperors, people like Jiang Chen can never be measured by ordinary cultivation. Even if he is only the peak of Xianzun, it is enough to compare with the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"Jiang Chen, you finally appeared."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties looked at Jiang Chen and immediately released their own violent war.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell into those prisons, especially when he saw the injured morning rain, the anger in his eyes could not be concealed.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, you hurt people who should not hurt, and everything you and your North and South families have done for the Dagan Empire will pay a very heavy price. After today, you and the North and South families will cease to exist."

Jiang Chen said loudly that the whole person was flooded with a domineering.

"Jiang Chen, I like your arrogance. Between you and me, I will make a break today. Unfortunately, the people who died in the end are not me, but you, my Northern and Southern Dynasties are unbeaten."

In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the golden hair roots were set up, and one day the sword was pierced into the void.

"The ultimate battle, you live and die."

Jiang Chen’s body swayed and came to the sky. He displayed the fighting state of the dragon and opened up a battlefield.

"it is good."

The body of the Southern and Northern Dynasties swayed and came to the battlefield. He stood on the opposite side of Jiang Chen. The arrogance of his face was extremely rich. This pair of enemies turned around for so many years and finally stood at the peak of the fairy world, coming to a real The peak matchup.

This time, it will be a real battle between life and death. It will surely be a situation in which you live and die. After today, the Xianjie Jiangchen and the Northern and Southern Dynasties can only exist one.

This is what two people think together. They are the same purpose. They don't have to retreat and fear. Even if they finally die in the hands of the other party, they will not hesitate.

"Jiang Chen, your growth really surprised me. Unfortunately, your cultivation of Xianzun is against me. It is still far away. My means is not that you can imagine, killing you today, but I am a wish."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties said arrogantly, he said that this is not entirely in the eyes of Jiang Chen, but because of the natural arrogance, a supreme domineering.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen has already become the most important existence of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It has already surpassed the female emperor of Jiuyin. Otherwise, the Northern and Southern Dynasties will not give Jiang Dash a gauntlet, and wait for three days here.

Looking at the whole fairyland, it is possible for him to pay such attention to the Southern and Northern Dynasties. I am afraid that only Jiang Chen will be one.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, I have heard too much of this in your words. See the real chapter in your hand."

Jiang Chen didn't want to waste time, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with the North and South. He didn't need nonsense between him and the North and South, because it didn't make any sense.


Jiang Chen moved, and Long Zhen Zhentian, the real dragon handprint is like a **** obstacle, and rushed to the north and south.

Feeling the tyrannical appearance of Jiang Chen, the dawn of the Southern and Northern Dynasties obviously changed a little, because the power of Jiang Chen’s outburst was too inconsistent with his own repairs, and the cultivation of Xianzun’s later stage could burst out enough. The strength of confrontation with oneself, this has caused a slight blow to the hearts of the North and South dynasties that have always been proud.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties are not idiots. He is very clear that if he is doing such a cultivation in the late Xianzun period, it is absolutely impossible to play such a terrorist force. From this aspect alone, he is not as good as Jiang Chen.

The feeling of being inferior to others made the North and South Dynasty extremely uncomfortable, even to an unacceptable level.

In the face of this situation, the only thing the North and South Dynasties have to do is to destroy each other with their most tyrannical means, and let the other side die under their own vitality. In that case, they can fully defend their dignity.


The Northern and Southern Dynasties also shot, the red-gold fist is like a mountain, and Jiang Dust's blood-colored dragon claws collide together, only a moment, the violent energy will completely tear the void.

Too violent, even if a battlefield has been opened up, the pressure from the two-person battle still makes the following people extremely uncomfortable.


After a collision, Jiang Chen immediately displayed five elements of the dragon seal, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties used the wisdom of Wang Quan. The two played hard to resolve, and the battle came into a feverish degree.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties have just been promoted to the Great Emperor, and the means are all over the sky. Jiang Chen is also the peak of the late Xianzun. In the state of the dragon, he used the skills of the dragon and the help of the big void and the help of the great heaven. He already had the capital to compete with the Northern and Southern Dynasties, at least. Judging from the current situation, the two players are playing equal, and it is difficult to win or lose.

With the current strength of Jiang Chen, it is easy to kill the general genius of the first-class emperor. It is not easy to destroy, but it is not the same for the characters of the Shangnan and Northern Dynasties.

The following people are pale, so fierce battles, they have never seen each other, they are frightened and frightened, and they are also watching the battlefield, whether it is the people of the Dagan Empire or the people of the North and the South, for this battle They are incomparable concerns. They have no way to pay attention. Everyone knows that the result of these two decisive battles is directly related to their survival. If Jiang Chen is defeated, then the demise of the Dagan Empire is the demise. Similarly, if the North and South dynasties are defeated, the North and the South The ending of the family is not much better.

"The patriarch, this Jiang Chen really came. This guy is really enchanting. Every time there is a huge progress, it is rare that Xianzun’s later cultivation can compete with the DPRK."

An elder of the North and South family looked at the battle in the sky and couldn't help but swear. Even if he didn't want to, he had to admit the power of Jiang Chen. Imagine that if Jiang Chen's cultivation is now equal to that of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are not Jiang Chen’s opponent.

"Don't worry, the means to the son is not what you and I can imagine. He still has the emperor's sword not displayed. Jiang Chen will die today. There is no doubt that we can watch it."

North and South Taisheng said with great confidence that the North and South families have the same blind self-confidence to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven is enough to give them great trust.

On the side of the Dagan Empire, after seeing Jiang Chen's confrontation with the North and South dynasties, they were all excited.

"Awesome, Jiang Chengong is horrible. The cultivation of Xianzun in the late period can directly confront the great emperor. This is the most genius I have ever seen."

"That is of course, I have already said that as long as there is Jiang Chen, we will have nothing to do."


Although confident, there are still many people in the Dagan Empire who are full of worries. After all, Jiang Chen is now facing people who are not ordinary. It is the reincarnation of the Emperor, so it is so easy to deal with, don’t look at it now. Can be tied into a tie, how the real ending, it is really hard to say, like the characters of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there are many powerful means, this battle has just begun, many means have not been displayed.

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