Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2033: Such as Mu Chunfeng

Thousands of dragons rushed, this is a spectacular scene, the whole small wind and the world are covered, this is a rare tens of thousands of years of tyranny, which itself represents destruction.

It is said that the Tianlong catastrophe is divided into ten thunders. Each time a thousand Thunder Dragon impacts, the more backward, the more powerful and powerful the tyrannosaurus is, the lethality and destructive power are amazing. In other words, the tyrannical tyranny is the same as the general catastrophe. The more it gets to the back, the more dangerous it is.

When a general monk is promoted to the Great, the first few robberies can easily cope with it, and even get great benefits from thunder.

But the more it goes to the back, the more the horror of the thunder will be, the monks will not be able to withstand it. Almost every person who survives in the emperor’s robbery is bruised and bruised. It takes at least half a month to recuperate. restore.

Moreover, not everyone will be promoted to the robbery, like the rhubarb dog and the smoke of the morning rain, did not cause thunder.

That's because they are all reborn and reincarnate. They used to stand on the height of the emperor. They have an incomparable attribute to this realm. Now they are re-promoted to the great emperor. It is just a normal return, so it does not exist. The emperor robbed one. There are also many monks who are too ordinary when they are promoted to the Great Emperor.

The robbery of heaven is the representative of Tianwei. It will only come when there is a rebellion. The cultivation itself is going against the sky. The emperor represents the peak level between heaven and earth. A slightly talented person may trigger the day. Robbery, the more talented, the more terrifying the catastrophe.

Just like the current Jiang Chen, he came up to the unification of heaven and earth, which directly led to the terrible horror of the horror.


Thousands of Thunder Dragons swooped down and instantly shrouded Jiang Chen. The entire Xiaofeng Chijie became a Thunder Sea and became a world of dragons. The endless Tianwei is really a horror. At the extreme, even through a screen, the people of Xianting can feel the heart that comes from inside.

Jiang Chen stretched his arms. He bathed in the thunder sea. Like the spring breeze, the infinite thunder and lightning beat him on his body, and he could not cause any harm to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen also issued a dragon scorpion. He turned into a real blood dragon. The blood dragon of the size of a hundred feet circling and dancing, and dancing with Qianlong, could not see the slightest incompatibility.

The power of horrible thunder and lightning was constantly absorbed by Jiang Chen, and his potential in the body was once again stimulated, and a new dragon pattern was formed again.

Every time a robbery is a metamorphosis for Jiang Chen, it will make his cultivation a step further. Even if this day is a big robbery, Jiang Dust will not be able to make the slightest fear.

The robbery, for Jiang Chen, has long been like a routine, relaxed and casual.

"You see, Jiang Chen has also become a dragon. The law of the great emperor is also standing in the thunder sea. Even if the thunder is so powerful, it will not cause any harm to him."

"This metamorphosis, others have to fight hard to resist, he is still a kind of enjoyment, it is really more people than the dead."

"This is the most venomous genius I have ever seen, but I can't say it too early. This is the first day of robbery. The more the tyrannical tyrannosaur is, the more horrible it is to the back. It is said that the last two days. Robbery, the power to destroy the earth and destroy the earth, can destroy everything between heaven and earth."


All the people who saw Jiang Chen’s robbery had a horrifying color on their faces.

There is absolutely no way to keep calm. This way of robbing has never been seen. Looking at the whole world, I am afraid that Jiang Chen will have this ability.

The rhubarb dog looked at Jiang Chen, who was easily responding in Leihai. He smiled at the face, and the people in the scenery Yang and Longtang were very worried. Only his face was relaxed.

Because only the rhubarb dog knows the secrets of Jiang Chen, in addition to Jiang Chen itself has enough ability to fight against the Tianlong robbery, he also has a sacred dragon tower.

Every time you rob, Jiang Chen will not forget to let the ancestral tower get great benefits. This anti-sky artifact can almost devour all the energy between the heavens and the earth. As long as Jiang Chen is willing, the whole dragon will be robbed. The dragon tower is absorbed.

Of course, Jiang Chen can't release the Zulong Tower now. You must know that every time it is a rare opportunity for him, Jiang Chen has to get the endless benefits of himself, and then he will be cheaper.


As Jiang Chen continued to absorb the power of Tianlei, Tianshengjian also emerged. This sword has been crushing Jiang Chen. Now, Jiang Chen also wants Tianshengjian to produce the final transformation in the thunder.

Tianshengjian is also like a dragon. It is suspended in the body of Jiang Chen, and it absorbs the power of Tianlei cheerfully and constantly tempers itself.

Soon, the first day of the robbery was over. Jiang Chen turned into a dragon, and his body was full of **** rays. The first thunder of horror did not cause even a little damage to him.

"Jingyang, you have received a good apprentice."

Ling Liqun could not help but appreciate.

"Jiang Chen is indeed the most genius I have ever seen, but it is still very worrying."

The scenery Yang said, mentioning Jiang Chen, the landscape is full of pride and pride, but in the face of this horrible dragon, he is extremely worried.

There is no way to worry, although Jiang Chen easily responded to the first day of robbery, but the next day of robbery will certainly be even more horrible, ten days of robbery, no one knows what kind of scene will appear behind, after all, no one knows It’s a big robbery.


The mad dragon screamed, roaring the world, and another thousand Thunder Dragons poured down. At the moment when the first day of the robbery had just ended, the second day of robbery came directly.

This time, the thunder, whether it is spectacular or devastating, is twice the first thunder.

I have to say that this time only the thunderous robbery has caused countless emperors to be frightened and frightened. They are self-raised. If they are standing under the catastrophe at this moment, I am afraid that there will be danger to life when they are submerged in the Leihai. live.

And this is only the second catastrophe of the Tianlong catastrophe. People think that there are more horrible eight-day catastrophe, and people are a little shuddering.


Thunder and thunder rolling, Jiang Chen bathed in the Leihai, still like a breeze, looks relaxed.

At this time, the biggest change should be the Tiansheng sword. The sword itself seems to be alive. It constantly inhales a dragon into the sword, and fundamentally it has undergone great changes.

This time, Jiang Chen wants to use the Tianlong catastrophe to make himself and the Tiansheng sword change at the same time.

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