Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2036: Calculate the account first

Others do not say that Jiang Chen is now the second-level emperor's peak repair, killing the fifth-level emperor is easy, the entire Xianting can not pose any threat to himself, even if the star emperor wants to kill himself, then It is also absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Jiang Chen does not care at all whether it exposes the Zulong Tower. Even if it is exposed, who can help him?


The Tianlong robbery was completely over, but the more dramatic movements appeared. The whole small winds and the world were caught in an extremely strong vibration, the space barrier began to break, and the whole world began to burst.

"Not good, Xiaofeng Chijie is going to be destroyed."

"Normal, after a catastrophe, this space could not be saved."

"Unfortunately, there are countless years in Xiaofengchi, and it is the best place for us to experience the disciples of Xianting. This time it was destroyed, it was a great loss for Xianting."


Looking at the small winds that are going to collapse, many people have a sorrowful color on their faces. After all, Xiaofeng has been a symbol of Xianting, a unique product of Xianting, and it has been given to Xianting for countless years. No less contribution, now completely destroyed, it is really unwilling.

Soon, the whole small winds were completely submerged in a chaos. Jiang Chen stepped out and entered a huge space crack. There was a big void in the body, and there was no place where he could not go. The harsh environment also wants to stop his footsteps.

"Rheum, catch the blood of this ancient elephant."

The big yellow dog that was shocked suddenly heard the sound of Jiang Chen from the ear, and then saw a crystal ball appear on his lips.

When the rhubarb dog's eyes are bright, Zhangkou will swallow the crystal ball.

At this time, when the Xiaofeng was destroyed, everyone’s attention was on the top of the wind and looking for Jiang Chen’s figure. No one noticed the big yellow dog, and the rhubarb dog’s movement was too fast. At the moment when the crystal ball appeared, it was collected, even if the six-level emperor Ling Liqun did not notice it.

"Rhuo, listened well, I destroyed the Xiaofeng Chijie, I will come out after a while, Xianting will certainly have someone to attack me, when I will make a big noise, attract the attention of everyone in Xianting, You take this time to quietly go to the Emperor's Palace and give the ancient county blood to Anan."

Jiang Chen’s voice passed through the void to the ears of the big yellow dog.

The ancient elephant blood is of great importance. The Emperor's Palace will definitely be secretly watched by the people of Xianting. If he has just left the Xiaofeng Chijie to go to the Emperor's Palace, it will certainly cause people's doubts.

However, the time of the Emperor was urgent, and the Emperor of the Stars was ready to shoot him, so he must get the ancient elephant blood as soon as possible.

Jiang Chen’s plan is very clear. He attracts everyone’s attention here. The big yellow dog sneaked into the Emperor’s Palace and used the rhubarb dog’s ability to make it quiet.

"it is good."

The rhubarb dog responded secretly and pretended to be nothing.

In the big screen, the Xiaofeng Chijie completely disappeared, and it completely became a chaos. Then the big screen disappeared. The magical symbol that opened the key to the small wind and the realm broke out and turned into nothingness.

At this point, the representative symbol of this countless years of Xianting disappeared completely and became history.


A fragile sound broke out in the void, and a figure rushed out of the void, not who is Jiang Chen or who.

When entering the Xiaofeng Chijie, Jiang Chen was only a half-emperor. It was only a day later that he was promoted to the second-class emperor, and it was the peak of the second-class emperor, so the speed of such a horrible advancing, if not seen by the eyes. No one will believe it.

This is a miracle in itself.


Jiang Chen came to the scenery near Yang, and hugged his fists against the scenery.

"Okay, okay, haha..."

The scenery is full of laughter and laughter. It is difficult to conceal the excitement and excitement. In his lifetime, he was able to collect such a powerful apprentice in Longtang.

"Jiang Shidi, you are awesome this time, even Xiaofeng has been killed by you."

Yuhua did not know when it appeared, and said with a faceless voice, watching Jiang Dust of the second-level emperor level, Yu Huafan also had to say a convincing.

He knows that he is the first genius of Xianting, and he will let the sage in the future. He knows the horror of Jiang Chen. He and Jiang Chen are both second-class emperors, but if they really fight, Jiang Chen has a finger. They are all able to crush themselves.

"Jiang Chen, this is Ling Lao, the elders of Xianting."

Scenery Yang introduces Jiang Chen.

"I have seen Ling old."

Jiang Chen held a fist to Ling Liqun. This Ling Liqun's cultivation is already a six-level emperor. It is an extremely important figure of Xianting. Jiang Chen is also interested in pulling, but Jiang Chen is still not sure that the other party is an enemy or a friend.

"Well, young talent, not bad."

Ling Liqun nodded and praised Jiang Chen’s performance today, which really made this elder elder, and was greatly surprised.

"Jiang Chen, Ling Lao is the master of Xianting's older generation. It existed during the Emperor's Day. Like me, he is a neutralist. He only considers the interests of Xianting, but he can draw it."

The sound of the scenery Yang appeared in the ears of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded and thought about it.

"Jiang Chen, you destroyed the Xiaofeng Chijie and caused great losses to Xianting. This is a big sin."

A voice suddenly sounded, no need to think, the voice must be the Leopard Church owner Huang Tianbao.

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of lightness. This situation is what he expected, and it is exactly what he wants. If this Huangtianbao does not deal with himself, he is not good at it.

"Huangtianbao, the destruction of Xiaofengchijie is caused by the tyrannical tyrannical, what is the relationship with Jiang Chen?"

The scenery Yang did not say good.

"What's the relationship? Landscape Yang, you don't squint and say anything, because of the appearance of the Tianlong catastrophe, it is not because of Jiang Chen, anyway, Xiaofeng Chijie is destroyed, Jiang Chen is responsible."

Huang Tianbao said coldly.

The scenery Yang still talks, but it is blocked by Jiang Chen.

"Huang Tianbao, I am not responsible for Jiang Chen, not what you said, even if I want to be punished by Jiang Chen, I will not be able to come to you, Huang Tianbao, and Xiaofeng’s prior agreement will not be said. Count it."

Jiang Chen said loudly.

Huang Tianbao, a glimpse, did not expect this Jiang Chen to be so strong, and actually confronted himself.

The hairy not only the Huang Tianbao, many people in the scene were so arrogant, they thought that Jiang Chen must be soft and good words. After all, Xiaofeng Chijie was destroyed, and Jiang Chen still couldn’t get away with it. Now Jiang Chen is good. I have to settle down with the Leopard Hall, even if he is promoted to the Second Emperor, he is not qualified to scream in front of the Leopard Church.

You must know that Huang Tianbao is a five-level emperor.

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