Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2046: Seven-day period [two more]

The words of the Emperor of the Stars have already been made very obvious. As long as they are not fools, they know what he is going to do today. As for the young man who lives in the Emperor’s Palace, is it the reincarnation of the Emperor, it is no longer important. What is important is that the Emperor is ready to The Emperor of Heaven’s Palace, then the Emperor, is destined to perish.

"The emperor said yes, the emperor has already become a thing of the past. In these years, Xianting was under the leadership of the Emperor of the Stars, and it was also flourishing. It was not compared with other Xianting, but because of the magnanimity of the Emperor, the Emperor Palace It has existed for so long, but in my opinion, there is no need to exist in this Imperial Palace. We can't have two emperors in a fairy court. You are right."

Hu Yan followed the words of the Emperor, and said loudly, the first one stood up to support the Emperor.

"The emperor of Xianting, I only recognize the Emperor, and the Emperor has already fallen. Now, is it true that the Emperor does not know, even if it is, it is only the reincarnation, what qualifications will become our emperor, I I feel that it is time to abolish the Emperor's Palace, and even take that kid, and also abolish it."

A middle-aged man said loudly, his face was so powerful, and the words he said were all alive.

What's more important is that his cultivation is extremely tyrannical, and the repair of the peak of the fifth-grade emperor is only from the surface, and there is no difference between it and the scenery.

This person's name is Li Yanghu, but the owner of the Tiger Hall. He has the supreme status in Xianting. He and Huang Tianbao are the confidants of the Emperor.

There are still more than a dozen of the five great emperors present, many of whom are ordinary elders who do not appear. Today, they met the fairy tales and all came out.

As the confidant of the Star Emperor, at this critical moment, Li Yanghu must stand up and express his position.

"Abolish the Emperor and support the Emperor."

Someone immediately began to reconcile, and more and more people are attached.

Jiang Chen sees this in his eyes, but his heart is sneer, but it is also understandable. The so-called emperor and the courtiers of the emperor, the star emperor naturally has the era of the emperor, but Jiang Chen can see that there is still a small part of the old man with a slight eyebrow It seems that I don't really agree with the abolition of the Emperor. After all, the Emperor of Heaven was still not thin to them.

But now the general trend, the only thing they can do is to stand there and not talk.

In fact, for Nangong to ask the heavens, it is not the position of the emperor who wants to fight for it. The emperor after the rebirth has not cared about this anymore, but now Jiang Chen and Nangong have to fight hard, not for the emperor. The main seat, but for his own life.

Almost certainly one thing, the Emperor of the Stars will never let go of the Emperor, even if the Emperor gave up everything here to leave Xianting, the Star Emperor will secretly kill it, and then he will get rid of it.

In this case, it is better to take it back to yourself and get it back.

The Emperor of the Star raised his hand and motioned to stop the discussion. Then he looked at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, what about you?"

"The disciple naturally supports the emperor. How does the emperor say, how do the disciples do?"

Jiang Chen said, very positive, it shows his attitude.

"Very good, Jiang Chen is now the first genius of our Xianting, and even the greatest genius of the entire fairy world. The future achievements are limitless."

Star Emperor nodded very satisfied, Jiang Chen supported himself in the face of so many people, this is what he most wants to see.

"Ling Lao, Jing Yang, what do you think of the two?"

The Emperor of the Star then fell his eyes on Ling Liqun and Jing Yang.

The eyes of everyone in the entire hall also fell on him. Everyone knows that the weight of these two people is too heavy. As long as they also support the Emperor, there will never be another objection. That is to say, the death of the Emperor is coming.

"I also support the Emperor."

"The old man also supports."

Scenery Yang and Ling Liqun also showed their attitude.

"Haha, well, the stars are expected to return. I am afraid there is no objection."

Hu Hao laughed.

"Well, do you have any objections to the abolition of the Emperor of Heaven? If so, say it."

Star Emperor looked around for a week and continued to ask.

No one spoke, everyone nodded in agreement, even if there were some dissatisfaction, now they dare not show it. Now even the scenery Yang and Ling Liqun have expressed their support. They dare to stand up against it at this time, it is not for themselves. Can't you find it?

"Well, since there is no objection, this seat decided to abolish the Emperor of Heaven and regard the Emperor of Heaven as the house of Jiang Chen."

Star Emperor said loudly.

"What? Jiang Chen is too lucky, and the Emperor of the Stars directly awarded him to the Emperor's Palace."

"In fact, this is normal. The Emperor of the Stars is drawing people's hearts. The potential of Jiang Chen is there. Now the Second Emperor has killed the Huangtian Leopard of the Fifth Emperor. The Emperor of the Star values ​​him and takes it for granted."

"Yeah, what is supposed to be, Jiang Chen is really capable."


Many people are shocked by such a heavy reward for the Star Emperor, but the shock is shocked. People still understand it. After all, Jiang Chen’s performance is too good. Such young people should be valued by Xianting.

"Thank you for the Lord."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the star emperor and looked very excited.

"In this case, Jiang Chen, this seat sent you to the Emperor's Palace, and the Heavenly Emperor was directly abolished."

The star emperor looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"Emperor, although the Emperor is destined to become history, but after all, he is the former Emperor of Heaven. If you can't help but say that it is abolished, it seems that our fairy court is too cold and ruthless. It is better to go to the disciple and give him a seven-day period to let him abolish. The rule of the Great Emperor, from then on, no longer stepped into the Xianting step, so that it also appears to the Emperor your atmosphere."

Jiang Chen said loudly that the emperor placed the emperor on the commanding heights of morality.

Wen Yan, Ling Liqun and Jing Yang all secretly gave a thumbs up to Jiang Chen, this is indeed a good means of fighting for time.

Jiang Chen said this in the face of so many people, even if the Star Emperor wants to agree, it is difficult. After all, because the Emperor of the Yellow Heaven has already let some people chill, now is the time to re-establish their prestige.

Moreover, Jiang Chen’s words have almost no harm to the Emperor. Although he did not kill the Emperor, he let the Emperor abolish the Emperor’s Law. From then on, he can only be the cultivation of Xianzun, a fairy, who can pick up any big waves.

"The emperor, Jiang Chen said yes, give him seven days, let him leave, and it seems that the emperor is magnanimous."

Someone said that this time, when I stood up and spoke, it was probably that I didn’t want to abolish the Emperor of Heaven, and I was once favored by the Emperor.

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