Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2048: Return of the Emperor of Heaven, Xianting turmoil

"Okay, give him another chance. If you don't come out, you will do it directly. That kid is not your opponent."

The Emperor said, until this moment, he still has great trust in Jiang Chen, without any doubt.

It is mainly that Jiang Chen’s performance is so good that people can’t see the slightest flaw.

"Yes, the emperor."

Jiang Chen responded, then nodded to the big yellow dog, one person and one dog flew toward the Emperor Palace.

At this time, in addition to the scenery Yang and Ling Liqun, there are also a few subtle changes in the appearance of the top figures. It is obvious that these people are all over the top of Han Feng, knowing that something is going to happen today, and they are already Be fully prepared, as long as the Emperor returns, he will immediately stand up and show his position.

The disciples of Longtang did not come. Only Yuhuafan stayed by the side of the landscape. Now the siege of the Emperor’s Palace is the high-level figure who participated in the discussion on the same day. They are all tyrants of the fourth-level emperor, even if there are some new ones, At least the third-level emperor, Yu Huafan is here, it is the lowest.

However, the feathers of the talents are different, although the cultivation is only the peak of the second-class emperor, but the combat power is enough to deal with the third-level emperor, and his breath is more intense, and there is the possibility of stepping into the third-class emperor at any time.

In the Emperor's Palace, when Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog walked in, the Emperor had already sorted out everything and was about to step out of the gate of the Emperor's Palace.

"Little dust, rhubarb, you are coming."

Seeing these two long-lost brothers, Nangong asked the smile on his face.

"The Star Emperor has been trapped outside the Emperor's Palace, Anan, how is your repair?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"The ancient elephant blood has been completely refined by me, and my cultivation has also returned to the peak state. Now the peak of the sixth-level emperor is comparable to that of the emperor."

Nangong asked that the face was full of self-confidence, and the momentum that was radiated from the body was horrifying.

"Well, if that is the case, then we will have a break with the Emperor of the Stars today."

Jiang Chen laughed and said that his warfare began to float.

"Although I have rehabilitated, but there are too many masters on the side of the star, we don't know if there is any chance of winning."

Nangong asked the day to worry about it.

"What can be worried about, what kind of battle our brothers have not seen, it is not good to go to the present, for a while you only deal with the Star Emperor, Ling Liqun will deal with Hu Wei, and the rest will be handed over to me and the scenery Yang."

Jiang Chen’s face is bold, and in his mind, he has never feared two words. The more powerful the enemy, the more excited he is.

"Yes, you are right, our brothers are together, have never been afraid of anything, and the big camps have met, and today he is upset."

Nangong asked Tiantian to laugh, and he had waited for too long this day.

"Hey, let's go, I’m already impatient."

The rhubarb dog laughs, this is the master who is not too big at all, and has not had a passion for a long time.

"Emperor, what about me?"

On the side of Han Feng could not help but ask, now he is also passionate, and finally wait until the return of the Emperor of Heaven, Han Feng's heart is hot, is excited.

"Han Feng, you will stay in the Emperor's Palace, don't go out no matter what happens."

Nangong asked the heavens to say solemnly.

"I see."

Han Feng nodded. When this blood was boiling, he was very eager to participate in it, but Han Feng was also self-aware. He knew that he was not qualified to participate in such a battle with his own strength. Nothing is too busy, it will become a cumbersome, so many masters unite against each other, and the casual waves that are exiled casually can all kill his life.

"Little dust, let's go."

Nangong asked the sky to smile, and then the body swayed directly into the sky above the Emperor's Palace. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog stood on the left and right.

This scene instantly reminded the star emperor who had been waiting outside, not just him, but everyone else was stunned.

"Star Emperor, I haven't seen you for so long, your performance has made this seat really disappointing, but you want to kill me today, I am afraid it is impossible, because my cultivation has completely recovered."

The Emperor looked at the Emperor of the Stars and said with a sneer, he also released his own powerful momentum, which is the momentum of the peak of the Sixth Emperor, so that everyone feels frightened.

"Jiang Chen, is that you?"

Star Emperor is not a fool. At this time, how can he guess that this matter is related to Jiang Chen.

"Star Emperor, I forgot to tell you my true identity. I and the Emperor of Heaven are the friendship between life and death. I am here to ride the fairy court. The purpose is to help the Emperor. I went to the Xiaofeng Chijie to help the Emperor find it." The ancient elephant blood, I also helped the Star Emperor fight for seven days. Now, seven days have arrived, and the Emperor returns, you can abdicate."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, his face was not a little embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, you are a Jiang Chen, my star emperor, I did not expect to be put together by a small person."

The emperor’s anger is unstoppable. This truth is what he did not think. He thought that he had completely controlled Jiang Chen, but he thought that the other party was just playing himself.

Endless murder is diffused from the body of the Emperor. In this world, no one can play with himself. Jiang Chen must do so at a very costly price.

"Star Emperor, you and I are not all the way people, you are cold-blooded, you can use whatever means to achieve your goals. People like you are not suitable for sitting in the position of the Emperor."

Jiang Chen said loudly.

"Star Emperor, I said earlier, I don't have to wait for seven days, I will directly shoot at the Emperor's Palace, but it is not too late. Xianting is still in your hands. Even if the Emperor is rehabilitated, he and Jiang Chen Two, not our opponents at all."

Hu Yan said coldly, he is now like the Emperor of the Stars. He hates Jiang Chen’s teeth. If there is no Jiang Chen, the Emperor may have been destroyed, and there are still things today.

"Hu elders, I am really embarrassed, I am afraid today is not just two of us."

Jiang Chen laughed.


His voice just fell, and the figure was washed like a stream of light from the camp here. In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen people standing in the camp of the Emperor.

Ling Liqun, scenery Yang, Yuhua Fan, there are two other five-level emperors, the other are also four-level emperors, such a camp, although compared with the star emperor is nothing, but the influence of the emperor has come out In particular, Ling Liqun joined and directly evolved into a major turmoil in which two emperors competed for control of Xianting.

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