Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2057: Return to the Golden Killing Field

"Little dust, just as you plan to go to the savage world to save the spirit, the gold family is the biggest nemesis of the barbarian. Now the gold family reappears, you just go to the gold family first, maybe it will bring you no help to the brethren. ""

Nangong asked the day.

In the last catastrophe, the contribution of the golden family was known throughout the fairy world. It is unceremonious to say that if there is no gold family, the fairy world may really fall directly in that catastrophe.

As a nemesis of the barbarian, there must be something to restrain the barbarian within the golden family. Since Jiang Chen is going to go to the straits, it is still necessary to go to the golden family first.

When the gold was killed in the field, Jiang Chen helped the gold family to withstand everyone, and finally got the sun **** feathers, and the body contained the fire of Jin Wu, which has been recognized by the gold family.

Jiang Chen has great grace for the golden family, and has made great contributions to the re-emergence of the golden family. Moreover, his wife is now a saint of the golden family. Jiang Chen and the gold family can already be said to be indistinguishable from each other.

Coupled with Jiang Chen's talents, it is the world's first genius. The gold family will definitely pay great attention to it. It is unceremonious to say that in the eyes of the golden family, Jiang Chen is a solid force against the barbarians in the future.

"You want to go to the savage world to save the spirit? This is too dangerous."

Wu Ningzhu heard Jiang Chen’s plan, and his face immediately revealed the color of worry. After becoming a saint of the golden family, Wu Ningzhu is quite familiar with the savage world. It’s really because he is familiar with the horror of the barbarians. Jiang Chen alone went to the straits to save Zuo Linger. It was a hundred times more dangerous than going to the Knife Mountain and the sea. There was almost no possibility of success and hope. Even Jiang Chen could not get out of it, and he would lose it in the savage world.

"Condensed sister, Linger is in danger, I can't save it. If it wasn't for Linger, I wouldn't even be able to get out of the wild, so even if the savage is Longtan Tiger, I have to go and see." ""

Jiang Chen’s momentum was shocked.


Wu Ningzhu couldn't help but sigh. She knows that Jiang Chen is a human being, and she is serious and serious. Linger is sure that she will not sit idly by, as if Nanqian had a difficult time before, Jiang Chenyi did not hesitate to come. Like Fengchi Xianting, Jiang Dian made a decision that no one can change.

Moreover, if Zuo Linger is really difficult, Wu Ningzhu has no reason to stop Jiang Chen, even she is worried about Zuo Linger.

"Since you are determined to go, first go with me to the golden family, maybe you can get help."

Said Wu Ningzhu.

"Well, that's not too late, let's go."

Jiang Chen said.

"Then I will return to the Fairy Island for the time being, to prepare for the upcoming catastrophe, and let the rhubarb stay to help Anan deal with the fairy court. Little dust, you go to the mortal world to be careful, but I believe that this world can make The person you died has not yet appeared. I hope that you will create a miracle again."

Dragon thirteen took a shot of Jiang Chen’s shoulder.

"Do not worry, I can't die."

Jiang Chen smiled. Some things are always going to be done. Jiang Chen and the barbarian have handed over their hands and have had a wealth of experience.

After that, Jiang Chen went to the golden family with Wu Ningzhu. Long XIII went back to Yaoxian Island, and the big yellow dog stayed to help the Emperor to host Xianting.

The world is calm, but it gives people a feeling of dark tide. If the catastrophe comes, this beautiful fairyland, I am afraid it will once again become a human purgatory.

After walking out of Xianting, Wu Ningzhu took out a red gold charm, which was branded with a golden dance that was dancing and looked very different.

The dancing bamboo shoots a golden energy and instills it into the charm. The spirit symbol becomes an illusory portal, and behind the portal is a void passage leading directly to the golden family.

Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu's body swayed and disappeared directly into the void portal. Then the portal disappeared and the void was calm, as if nothing had happened.

The place where the gold family is located is still within the original gold killing area, but the current gold killing field is completely different from the previous one.

The former gold killing field is full of killing gas, dead and heavy, and all kinds of demons are rampant.

Nowadays, the golden family has reappeared in the world, and the entire golden killing environment has undergone earth-shaking changes. The entire space is full of sacred tastes. The sky is full of glory, staying up all night, never falling.

Jinshan is continuous, the sky has colorful birds flying from time to time, the air is filled with hot scent, where there is still a bit of gold before the killing of the domain.

"After the reappearance of the golden family, the entire gold squad was full of the glory of the golden family. All the demons that existed were completely destroyed in the first time. Now the entire golden murder is a holy place for the golden family, and will not be There is a way to open the gold killing field."

Wu Ningzhu said with a smile.

"This family is really scary."

Jiang Chen is not awkward.

"Golden Emperor used the supreme means to seal the gold family. After the endless years, the gold family reappeared in the world, and the living forces of that year were also preserved."

Dancing bamboo road.

“How many emperors are there in the gold family now?”

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I don't know too much about the specifics, but there are at least a few hundred of the great emperors. Now the one who controls the golden family is the Akasaka Emperor. His cultivation has reached the peak of the eight-level emperor, and it is only a step away from the nine-level emperor. ,very horrible."

Said Wu Ningzhu.


After listening to the dance bamboo, Jiang Chen couldn't help but **** a cold breath, the peak of the eight-level emperor, plus the special blood of the golden family, can't it be confronted with the singularity of the ninth-level sage, it seems that the gold family The living force has really been preserved. In the upcoming second catastrophe, it is conceivable that the gold family will also play the most important role.

"Now, no one knows that the gold family has reappeared, even the masters of the emperor do not know, otherwise, now the gold family has been squeezed by the emperor of the emperor."

Wu Ningzhu said with a smile.

Jiang Chen nodded, this is not a bragging force, the reputation of the gold family is not covered, if you know that the gold family reappears, even the rulers of the Imperial Region must come to congratulate.

However, the first thing after the reappearance of the gold family turned out to invite himself to this nameless pawn, which made Jiang Chen feel proud.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the patriarch."

Wu Ningzhu said, and then took Jiang Chen to the door of the golden family.

This is the gateway. Jiang Chen is not the first time. The last time of the last gold killing is to protect this portal. Jiang Chencai and the geniuses of major forces are fighting for life and death, but this portal is better than this. At that time, the relics were too much to be sent.

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