Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2064: Nine changes

The golden gas wave is like a tidal wave. It swept the entire battle platform. Jin Tianyuan’s body swayed and flew directly into the sky. His hands were imaginary, and he opened up a battlefield. At the level of him and Jiang Chen, the battle was extremely fierce. Even if the battle platform was laid down with a strong ban, I am afraid that it would not be able to withstand the strong attacks of two fierce and violent men.

"Come on Jiang Chen."

Jin Tianyuan screamed, his whole man was uncontested. Like Jiang Chen, he was a militant. At this moment, he stood on the battle platform. The purpose is no longer to get a golden lupin, but to find a smooth one. The opponents of the war are even more exciting.

The appearance of Jiang Chen made Jin Tianyuan very excited. If he did not fight in today's Lien Chan, he would directly get the golden lupin fan. For Jin Tianyuan, it really didn't mean anything.


Jiang Chen made an earth-shattering dragon scorpion, and immediately became a battlefield of the dragon, flying to the battlefield above.

"Good metamorphosis skills."

Many people are embarrassed, but for this kind of transformation of Jiang Chen, people did not feel the accident. The image that was branded at the beginning, Jiang Chen is this kind of combat state, which can instantly increase the combat power ten times, extremely terrifying.

Jin Tianyuan moved. He pulled out a powerful French seal in his hands. The moment when the French seal was shot, it became a huge **** bird. He was brave and extraordinary. He carried a fierce flame, accompanied by Jin Tianyuan’s violent screaming. Jiang Chen smashed the past.

"Water Dragon Print."

Jiang Chen also moved, and he came up to play the water dragon seal.


The huge water dragons rushed out, roaring the heavens and the earth, and the gods and birds that Jin Tianyuan displayed together collided with each other.


The two major terrorist attacks violently collided, and the void was completely torn apart, and there was a big horror.

Water Dragon, Firebird!

The fire and water are not tolerated, but in this extreme battlefield, the fire dragon clearly has the upper hand, and the property is a great restraint. Moreover, the third-level emperor-level Jiang Chen, its own combat power, must also suppress Jin Tianyuan. So at the beginning of the battle, Jin Tianyuan felt a strong pressure.


Under the strong attack of the water dragon, the flamingo was completely destroyed, and the opposite face of Jin Tianyuan showed a very shocked look, and his face was not good-looking.

Obviously, Jin Tianyuan did not think that Jiang Chen was tyrannical to this extent.

However, Jin Tianyuan did not have the slightest discouragement and fear. He performed more excitedly, and the whole person was so eager to start a more powerful and vigorous attack.

"Look, Tianyuan brother wants to display nine changes. This is the most powerful attack of our gold family. Tianyuan brother has already applied the eighth change. I don't know if Jiang Chen can do it."

"I see no problem, Jiang Chen is too strong. Although there are only three-level emperors, the strength of the battle has reached a spurt. In the first collision, Tianyuan brother has fallen into a disadvantage."

"Yeah, it was a fierce competition. The people who watched it were full of blood. Jiang Chen is now also a member of our gold family. I have no idea of ​​the two of them who won."


Everyone is excited, such a battle can represent the peak of the younger generation, this is the real genius competition.

And in the hearts of most people, Jiang Chen has been accepted in the subconscious. Genius like Jiang Chen can join the gold family. It is a good thing for them. This is beyond doubt.

Therefore, whether it is Jiang Chen or Jin Tianyuan, the two of them won the golden lupin, and everyone else is very happy, because no matter who the golden fan falls into, they are finally used to fight the barbarians.

Above the battlefield, eight giant golden eagle birds hovered over the top of Jintianyuan. These eight golden sacred birds are vivid, just like real **** birds. The body of each sacred bird contains the horror energy of the mountains and the sea. The power of attack can be imagined.

"Jiang Chen, this trick is a powerful move for me. Now I have cultivated to the eighth change. It is powerful and terrifying, and it is very lethal. You should be careful."

Jin Tianyuan said loudly.

"Come on, let me see how powerful."

Jiang Chen is unparalleled in warfare. He has to admit that Jintianyuan is indeed a good opponent. He is tyrannical to the extreme. Fighting such people makes Jiang Chen very excited.

The nine-turned Jinwu is the unique skill of the gold family. Jiang Chen is also looking forward to this battle skill.


Eight Jinwu continued to scream in amazement. Then, eight Jinwu were connected in a straight line, madly coming toward Jiang Chen, but when Jiang Chen was approaching, eight Jinwu suddenly merged into one, but its The power has increased by eight times.

This trick, destroying the earth and destroying the land, even if an ordinary six-level emperor is on the move, it will not be dead.

In the face of this horrible nine-turned Jinwu, Jiang Chen also screamed, and he was shocked by the horror of the murderous murderousness. It was a kind of avenue.


A dragon scorpion, a horrible **** dragon emerged, this dragon scorpion is like a **** color, without a little bit of emotion, carrying the will of endless killing, rushing toward the opposite Jinwu bird.

"A good guy, Tianyuan has lost."

A seven-level emperor could not help but say.

"Yes, this Jiang Chen is really not simple. You have seen his attack and you have already realized the taste of the avenue. It is a powerful way to kill, almost the way to destruction, unless the source of the nine changes into gold The ninth change, or simply can not resist."

Another seven-level emperor also said.

The golden red scorpion shines, and there is a hint of shock in his eyes. It is obvious that Jiang Chen’s performance also gave him a surprise.


The horrible air wave swept the whole sky, and the killing of the mad dragon was too fierce. The kind of killing will is the real destruction of the earth. There is nothing in the heavens and the earth that cannot be killed.

The eight-year-old Jinwu, almost hit the moment of killing the mad dragon, was torn, and was completely pressed.


Jin Tianyuan was violently shocked. The whole person withdrew more than a dozen steps to stabilize himself. His face became very pale and his breath began to be disordered. His collision was at least half cut.

In other words, if this is a battle between life and death, in its current state, today there is only one dead end.

"Jiang brother, I lost."

Jin Tianyuan hugged his fist against Jiang Chen. Even if he didn't want to, he had to admit that he was really not an opponent of Jiang Chen. Eight changes to Jinwu could not affect Jiang Chen. The outcome was already divided and continued to fight. It makes no sense. It can only be seen that he is not a big source of gold and cannot afford to lose.

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