Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2139: Xuanbing Ancient Road, Bronze Portal [Five]

"Hey, I already have itchy hands, see how your monkeys abuse you."

The dragon thirteen screamed, holding the peerless gods, sweeping all directions, and the momentum of the whole person became unstoppable.

"Thank you."

The war spirit cloud and the ambiguous Dongchen are all bright eyes. If Jiang Chen and Long XIII are willing to help, then at least the current situation is enough to stabilize, and there are dozens of early virtual masters, these four The long-tailed beasts will never be their opponents.

Dragon 13 is the first to take a shot, hurting the table, directly killing a long-tailed beast hundreds of meters, '嗷呜', screaming, and three other long-tailed beasts, also at this moment, The Dragon 13 launched a fierce impact, but the pressure of the War Spirit Cloud and the ambiguous Dongchen was much smaller.

Jiang Chen did not rush to shoot, Tianlong sword swept all directions, although it did not kill the long-tailed beasts in an instant, but it brought great pressure to them, accompanied by the addition of dozens of virtual god-level masters, fighting victory The balance began to tilt toward Jiang Chen in their direction.

Jiang Chen is not slow, the sword is walking, although there is nothing surprising, but he is the only one of the nine-level Emperor, compared with the Dragon 13 they are quite ordinary, but even the Dragon Three did not dare to smash Jiang Chen, but at this moment, Jiang Chen did not want to expose all his strength.

In the tomb of the gods, the unknown crisis is too much with the opponents, so be careful everywhere. Now in this collection, it is always necessary to pay attention to it. Everyone can become yours. enemy. Even the current ambiguous Dongchen and the war spirit cloud are also the same. If it is not for hiding the strength, Jiang Chen will not save them both.

Weak meat and strong food, this is the iron law of this world, no one can violate.

Jiang Chen and Long XIII, Mo Ling Dong Chen and the War Spirit Cloud, the battle force is like a rainbow, the four long-tailed beasts, and also fell into a passive moment, especially the Dragon Thirteen, the sticks are shocking, it is truly unparalleled in the world. Unbeatable, this kind of combat power, so that the ambiguous Dongchen and the war cloud, are very shocking.

Because he used to be in the hands of the tyrants, it is obviously hiding the strength. At this time, the battle is strong, and then fight with the guy, it will definitely be too fast to kill the tyrants. However, this is still not the full strength of the Dragon Thirteen. At most, it is the success of the seven. Jiang Chen is also trying to drink the two people of Moling Dongchen. Otherwise, there is not enough strength, and it is still not worthy of attention.

"Eat me!"

The dragon thirteen laughs like a thunder, the foot is empty, a stick falls, and the strength of a thousand feet, a long-tailed behemoth, when even the beaten seven-seven, is trembled and slammed.

The long-tailed giant beast suffocated the cold, directly frozen the river dust, but the five elements of the river dust body really fire, instantly turned into ice water, long tail beasts swept a thousand troops, Jiang Chen is not slow, Tianlong The sword fell continuously, and the tail of the dragon fell off, and the long-tailed beast roared and rolled out.

On the other side, the ambiguous Dongchen is also unceremonious. One person faces a long-tailed beast. The power of the two is also displayed. Although they have suffered some injuries before, they are harmless. After all, the strength of the two is compared. Dominant, still have to be on the front line.

Four people in front of the charge, completely completed an anti-hunting, and now the long-tailed beast, is also caught in a passive beating situation, four long-tailed beasts, humming, the entire Xuanbing ancient road, have become incomparable Gloomy and horrible, snow and ice collapsed, four long-tailed beasts, killed by the dragon and thirteen sticks.

Four long-tailed beasts, after the death of a huge body, but gradually turned into ice and snow, integrated into the ancient ice path.

"A long-tailed beast with a strange look."

Jiang Chen's brows are wrinkled, his face is extremely dignified, and the people behind him are all waiting for it. The long-tailed beast is defeated and disappears between the heavens and the earth, but it is instantly disappeared. The situation here is even more impressive. Taboo.

In the distance, Jiang Chen looked at the bronze portal in front of him. He was a sly, a sly, powerful and powerful, with more than ten feet tall and guarding the bronze portal.

Above the bronze portal, it was covered with snow and ice, but it was faintly visible. The portal was 30 feet tall, just like Nantianmen. It was very incomparable, giving people a sense of unparalleled independence.

"After this bronze portal, it should be the real god."

The war spirit cloud has a slight gaze, and when it comes to this step, it has experienced the battle of life and death. Now it is necessary to make a full effort. The bronze portal is in front of you. No matter whether there is any hidden hiding behind it, he must take a step forward and find out. .

"Then we will take a look at what is hidden behind this bronze portal. Is there really a god-level god?"

Miao Ling Dong Chen said indifferently.

"I have long been unable to wait, Xiao Chenzi, go."

Long XIII stared at the bronze portal in front of him.

Jiang Chen stepped out, standing in the forefront, the wind whistling, the surrounding ice and snow, also followed by the volume flying up, on the bronze portal, with two door ears, a foot size, although hundreds of meters away, but already Can be seen clearly.

The two ancient monsters, the dragon and the son of the dragon god, are also fierce and sinister, lifelike, the eyes of the crystal, just like staring at everyone, makes people fear.

"I looked at the ancient road of Xuan Bing. It was really a bit strange. This wind whistling, like a ghost crying, it was a panic."

"Who said that it is not, this ancient ice road, surrounded by a piece of ice and snow, under the ground, such a large space, what should have, should not be a sea of ​​fire? How can there be endless ice?"

"Don't say, the four long-tailed beasts have been killed by us. Now that the bronze portal is at your fingertips, can't we still have to return?"

"It’s a good thing. Now, the gods are in front of you. Whoever is back is a fool."

Many masters of the virtual **** level are nodding their heads. Although everyone is scared by the wind and the wind, but no one is willing to return. Humanity is greedy, not to mention greed, how can you get a true god?

"Jiang Chen brother, what do you think?"

Miao Ling Dong Chen said, and looked at Jiang Chen with a deep sense.

This bronze portal, he once heard a predecessor said that in the tomb of the gods, there is a peerless bronze portal, but I don’t know if this bronze portal is the one that I know. If it is, then absolutely There will be a shocking scene.

"Let's go, this is already the time. The soldiers will block the water and cover it, fearing what."

Jiang Chen whispered.

Although Jiang Chen also saw that the bronze portal is not simple, around the bronze portal, the clouds are haunting, and the wind and snow are blowing, like a lion with a big mouth opening, swallowing the land, but already Baoshan, returning empty-handed, is not his character.

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