Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2173: Full of gunpowder

At this moment, the entire Sumi Mountain has instantly become a human purgatory. More than 300,000 human cultivators have been forced by the spirits to have no retreat. In the twinkling of an eye, there are as many as four or five thousand human powers. Harvested life.

Life, at this moment, is insignificant and fragile. For every person who enters the realm of the gods, these are the tests, and those who can finally enter the realm of the gods do not have one.

"Sumi Mountain has collapsed. Under the thunder, it has been completely razed to the ground. There are so many souls here, and our situation is afraid of danger."

Amo Khan said in a deep voice, his face changed a little, they could not find Jiang Chen boss, at this moment, already desperate, and even everyone said that Jiang Chen boss may have fallen, one person said they do not believe, Two people, three people, ten people, they still don't believe, but after waiting for tens of thousands of people, they all say that thousands of people have become tigers, they have to believe.

"We must hurry to leave. Otherwise, these souls are likely to swallow us up. This group of horrible guys is really amazing. The ordinary nine-level emperor is in their hands, as simple as the autumn wind sweeps the leaves. Nothing to fight back."

Lv Dong is also extremely dignified. If you don't leave, then it is likely that it will be wiped out by the whole army. Now the Shoushan Mountain has become a mess.

"I don't want to go, you have to go, you have to see people dead to see the body, I must see the body of Jiang Chengong, otherwise I will never leave."

Jiang Xinxin is extremely serious. At this moment, no one will think that she is so determined and firmly believes that Jiang Chengong will still be alive.

"Now, I am afraid I can't walk away, so many souls, people here, I am afraid I can't get away."

Ye Shengyun Wang said with a look of indifference, even if it was him, at this moment, there was some movement.

"What are you waiting for, fight? Haha, even if you die, you have to pull a few backs, not to mention that we may not lose."

Amo Kehan ​​said with a big smile, he seems to be very calm and uncomfortable. At this time, the most important and the most rare, the fear is to put aside life and death.

"Amok Khan is right. Even if Jiang Dunk is no longer there, we can't lose his people. Sword God League, never leave a scorpion, kill me!"

Lv Dongyi took the lead and rushed into the crowd, killing the sky.

Nearly 300,000 terrorist human cultivators have fought back, and each of them knows that if they don’t fight for a fight at this time, then no one can live because they are preparing for the first moment in the tomb of the gods. Under the bullying of these souls, I don’t know how many people, how many companions, have died in the hands of these gods, they are the fate of the human power.

Mo Ling Dongchen and Luo Wenhao, the first to ride, the invincible, the strength of the two people, all reached the late stage of the virtual god, and Mo Lingdong Chen even more, white clothing wins snow, feather fan fiber towel, smog and smoke, the invincible, dozens of The soul of the gods, all in a moment, was crushed by it.

Luo Wenhao and Luo Luo god, not to be outdone, under the cooperation of two people, no weaker than Mo Lingdong Chen, thousands of souls, in their hands, were completely broken, the soul flies.

"Well, there are such masters, it seems that it is not a person in this world."

The ram grazing smiled a little and saw Mo Ling Dong Chen. He recognized this as a **** of the Mohist family. As a generation of the Emperor, the ram is also a super strong person in the realm of the gods, but now It is the fall of this step, and has to search for the spirits of the tens of millions of human powers to be able to reincarnate and return to the throne.

"Young man, the strength is very strong, the Mohist people?"

The ram grazing said with a smile.

"Who are you? I didn't expect anyone who even I am a Mohist to know."

Mo Lingdong Chen looked at the ram to graze, Shen Sheng said, the other side alone with his own skills can know his strength and background, this person, very terrible, his life, perhaps a super powerful master may also be.

"Who am I? Hehehe, who is your owner?"

The ram grazing said with a smile.


"Ink? Is this guy, even the owner of the Mohist family? Haha. It’s really a thing. I thought that when I was in the realm of the gods, the ink side was only a junior of the Mohist family. But it was also Junjie of the younger generation, I have been to your Mohist once, but in the end, I am not happy."

The ram rams and shakes his head and sighs.

"you are?"

Mo Ling Dongchen's pupils are crunching. This guy seems to be really a fierce lottery many years ago.

"The ram is grazing."

"Have not heard."

Mo Ling Dong Chen said faintly.

The ram's face is slightly stiff, and the corner of the mouth is more and more cold.

"I didn't expect that you are really a guy who doesn't know how to be tall, so you will die here, no matter what you are coming for. This tomb is not for you to come, but to leave."

The ram grazing his teeth and licking Mo Ling Dongchen, originally wanted to see the expression of Mo Lingdong Chen shocked, and thought that he was also a hegemon in the realm of the gods. He did not expect that the other party did not have any surprise, but he was full of disdain for him.

"Even if you were a peerless **** before you were born, now you are still just a god, and it is not so easy to kill me."

Mo Ling Dong Chen sneered.

"It seems that you are not worried about your current situation. I will let you understand that the realm of the gods and the tomb of the gods are two completely different regions. For the inheritance of the gods and gods, you are destined to be To die here, the power of the gods and gods, you must have seen it too, so if you die here, you can be considered dead, and you can escape from the underground gods. It’s already a big blessing, but unfortunately, you meet again. I am."

The ram of the ram has a long sword, and the sword refers to Mo Ling Dong Chen. The more and more the coldness of the look, the battle, the touch.

"Alright, let me see, the peerless fierce millions of years ago, can you still have some power?"

Ink Ling Dongchen holds the folding fan and does not retreat. Instead, it is approaching the ram to graze. Two people point to the awning, and no one has stepped back. The thunder of thunder is flashing out from the long sword of the ram. .

"This is my natal **** artifact, Lei Mingjian, now I will accept the Thunder baptism, young man. You will pay for your arrogance."

The ram of the ram seems to have pronounced the death sentence of Mo Ling Dongchen.

"Even so, it is already a broken artifact. Just like your soul, even if it is the glory of your life, today, you are still only a hundred insects to die and not stiff."

"I'm going to kill you!"

The ram screamed and his face was gloomy and watery. The two men were completely smashed, and the smell of gunpowder between them was completely upgraded.

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