Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2193: I have forgotten the years

"Smelly monk, if it is not a dog, I am wise, do you think you have a chance to see such a beautiful female donor? You guys who are eating and climbing, I don't know anything to thank you."

"I am grateful to you for a fart? I am a little dusty man, you are a stinky guy, still so able to get it, my mother almost killed, you still have the mood to pick up this girl, are you still brother? dog."

The monk monk changed the serious look just now, and suddenly broke his mouth. Everyone was shocked. Even if he said that he could not be a master, it was a bit dumbfounded. The former monk monk would not be like this.

"Do you have a serious injury? Do you want to be seriously injured? If it is not for you, why am I doing this? You guys don’t know how to report, wait for the dog, I am good, kill you with a negative flower monk."

"Amitabha, Malang Gobi, and swearing, good and good."

After that, the tyrant's monk rushed to say that the master could not bow gently.

"This time, thanks to the brothers, the tyrants are grateful to your eight generations of ancestors - right or wrong. Spoken and wrong, thank you for not helping the brothers to save lives."

"Polite, the tyrant's younger brother, the original... you are also true temperament."

He said that he must not be embarrassed, but he knows the mind of the monk monk, and it is quite mellow.

"It’s really true."

Mo Lingdong Chen was a bit difficult to talk about, whispered in a low voice.

"Right, what are your plans for the next step?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"I want to go to that place, I know there is something I want."

The monk monk said.

"Well, I will accompany you."

Jiang Chen nodded.

"My dog, I will go too."

The rhubarb dog jumped down and looked back at the goddess Luo.

"My goddess, I am going to go to a place with a stinking monk, don't think about me."


The goddess Luo’s lips were light and she only said one word. For her who does not eat human fireworks, it is not easy.

Mo Ling Dongchen and others still want to help Jiang Chen, but they were stopped by Jiang Chen.

"You can go to the feathering world and wait for me, I will definitely go."

Jiang Chen refused everyone, because he has a feeling that this is definitely not to be underestimated, and it is likely that it will also be dangerous.

"It's a bit loyal to your dead dog."

The tyrant's monk smiles mellowly at the big yellow dog.

Two people and one dog, set foot on the journey together.

In the east, a dark and cemetery cemetery, the tyrant's monk came here by the call and induction in his heart.

Not far away, a layer of high-rise palaces, straight into the clouds, radiant, although I have not known how many years have passed, but the palace is still not collapsed.

Outside the palace, there are broken walls and ruins everywhere. Stone statues are everywhere, all of them are Buddhism, and their disciples are hundreds of thousands.

Above the palace, there is a big clock, directly embedded in the glazed tile above the palace, surrounded by a Buddha.

"right here!"

The monk monk looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"Is this the place to summon you?"

"Yes, it is here, it seems to be a Buddhist temple, but I don't know how many years have passed."

The monks of the tyrants stepped in step by step, and the space around them seemed to have been set off for a while.

"Little Leiyin Temple!"

The tyrants and monks silently stared at the four characters above the temple, as if they were deep inside, they were all touched.

"Little Leiyin Temple, is this the small Leiyin Temple in the realm of the gods? Why do I feel so desolate here, so sad."

The tyrant's monk muttered.

However, Jiang Chen could not get in. His feet could not go in anyway, as did the big yellow dog.

"Mom, this broken temple still recognizes people? Dogs, I am so handsome, I can't get in."

"Since we can't get in, let's go there."

Jiang Dust Road.

"You go, my dog, I am not hurt, I am too lazy to move."

The rhubarb dog muttered and said that he slept again.

"You should be born into a pig in your next life."


Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, and the dead dog actually snorted.

Among the small Leiyin Temples, the monk monk saw a statue of the great day in the Great Hall of the Great Hall. Above the statue, the solemn, the futon at the foot was covered with dust.

The monk monk slowly squatted down, and in front of the Buddha in the big day, he slammed three heads.

Between that, a quaint scripture and a purple gold cymbal appeared in front of him.

"No beginning of the Golden Dragonfly, "Day of the Day"?"

The monk's monk's face changed, the incomparable dignity, and even the gods and the strong, all of them are tabooed, "Da Riru's Curse", even after they have smashed their heads, they appear in front of themselves. It is really ridiculous. .

This is too miraculous!

Jiang Chen shook his head and turned to a cemetery not far away. Although it is separated by a dozen miles, it is completely different from other places. It is full of peace and meaning. It does not seem to be a place of burial. It is like a place to enjoy old age.

In this cemetery, there are not many graves, and the tombstones are not in the east. Some are just a piece of wood inscription, but they are also simple and neat, as if someone had repaired it.

Hundreds of tombstones, Jiang Chen looked at them one by one, but there were not a few pieces that he could see clearly. Only the first piece, clearly written above:

Tomb of the Headless God of War!

The rest of the tombstone, he seems to try his best to keep his eyes open, but he can't see what is written on it.

"Criminal days, ancient war gods? This name seems to have been heard."

Jiang Chen muttered.

"The punishment of the day is dry, and the ambition is always there. He is the simplest and most terrible god."

An old voice appeared behind Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was shocked. He didn't even find each other.

"I am the grave guard here."

The old man smiled and smiled. He opened his mouth and saw Jiang Chen. He seemed very happy and had no warning.

"The grave guard."

Jiang Chen muttered.

"Why, I can't see the words above those inscriptions."

"I can't see it either."

The grave guard shook his head and said that he did not know.

Jiang Chen has a deep sense of looking at the tomb guard. His strength is only the peak of the virtual god, but his appearance makes Jiang Chen feel a bit strange.

"You are willing to keep the tomb here, why not go to the gods?"

Jiang Chen asked. He knows that he is a living, flesh-and-blood person, not a god.

"Life is a life, grass and wood, where do you come from, where to go. When you die, you have to go back to the tomb of the god, live, chase after the name, and die, and fight for fame and fortune, and the world of God will be a good place." Is it? Hehe."

The gravekeeper laughed.

"You can see it. It is true that it is not about life and death, it is alive and well, and it is still the same, and it is still in this world between the heavens and the earth."

Jiang Chen nodded lightly.

"So, why should I let myself go through this suffering?"

The grave guard asked.

"Then you have been here, how many years have been kept."

Jiang Chen asked.

The grave guard shook his head.

"I have forgotten the years."

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