Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2195: Kyushu Eighteen Counties

The gods are full of light, the sky is full of clouds, the sky is empty, and the world is one.

"Is that the **** world? It is so beautiful."

Some people are intoxicated, and they are doing their best. They have come all the way, and they have been practicing for thousands of years. Finally, they have stepped into the realm of the gods and completed the real transformation.

"It's so beautiful, the gods, it's really a place for all the people in the world, I want to come, I think I have to fall into it."

"This scene should only be in the sky, how many times the world can hear. God, I am finally coming."

"Entering the realm of the gods, stepping into the sky, turning to the gods, and arrogating the heavens."

"At your fingertips, the world of my dreams is finally in sight, hahaha."

More and more people are beginning to get excited, and their looks are extremely dignified. They have experienced countless difficulties and obstacles. Finally, they have finally completed the final transformation. They are about to enter the realm of the gods. Who can not be excited?

Their faces are full of excitement. As soon as they step into the realm of the gods, they are completely changed. From then on, they are no longer human beings, but gods.

The Yuhuajie Thousand Miles Hongqiao, the radiant, the only enchantment above the void, is the feathering world. Here is the only passage between Unicom and the Tomb of God.

"Here, it is the realm of the gods. It’s the realm of the gods. It’s just that we may be sent to different places. The gods are so big, the land is vast, and it’s not a lifetime. Every corner of the gods can only shuttle through the void by relying on space transmission."

Luo Wenhao said with a smile, explaining the person behind him.

"Yes, the greatness of the gods is definitely beyond your imagination. There are eighteen counties in Kyushu, one county and one heaven, not to mention the higher level of Kyushu."

Mo Ling Dong Chen said, but his heart is full of thoughts, always worried about the safety of Jiang Chen, this kid will not really come, right? Once the feathering world is closed, he will definitely not come out. Even his own ancestors can only wait for them outside the feathering world.

"How can the gods be so big? Hahaha."

Jiang Chen’s hearty laughter, spread thousands of miles away, countless people are cheering for it, because Jiang Chen is their savior, Jiang Chen’s appearance, no one is unhappy. This is more precious than anything else.

Jiang Xinxin and Ye Shengyun Wang and others are also extremely excited. Jiang Chen’s boss is always back. Although he may not have the opportunity to see you again in the future, the years of the tomb of the tomb will never be forgotten. Without Jiang Chen, there will be no Their future.

"Haha, come back, the feathering world has already started. If you don't come back, you can't get into the realm. If you want to enter, I'm afraid it will take thousands of years."

Mo Ling Dong Chen patted Jiang Chen's shoulder and said.

"God world, I am coming."

Jiang Chen’s eyes gazed at the other side of the feathering world, and there was a place in the realm of Unicom.

The rhubarb dog is not at all polite, but directly becomes a little yellow dog, and it is in the arms of the goddess Luo.

"This dead dog is really shameless, and I really want to stew him. Amitabha."

The monk monk said with a dignified face. Many people have pumped their mouths, and this monk is really a wine and sausage, and the Buddha’s heart is left.

"Ah! You are stinking, you are a flower monk."

The rhubarb dog was not willing to suffer at all, and sighed, and quickly hid in the arms of the goddess Luo to put on the kitten.

The goddess Luo gave a look at the head of the rhubarb dog. The jade hand gently touched it, making the rhubarb dog extremely comfortable and intoxicated.

"What is the existence of this feather world? It is always more comfortable than the tomb of the gods, and the dark tomb of the gods is really uncomfortable."

Jiang Chen frowned.

"This feather and Unicorn tomb and the gods are a special existence. It is said that several gods and gods jointly created it to maintain the order of the gods. This is the sacred light of the gods. It came out that there were nine golden urns in the ancient times, which ravaged the sky. Later, they were shot by the peerless gods. Nine Jinwu were permanently suppressed on the Shenzhou gods and were banned by the gods with peerless means, but Jinwu It can exude the divine light and shine on the earth, calling it the divine light. Once in the realm of the gods, this sacred light will be more obvious and help to cultivate. The whole gods will always feel the great emperor. Holy grace."

Mo Ling Dong Chen explained to Jiang Chen that he did not bother.

"It’s really a great deal to shoot down Jinwu."

Jiang Chen could not help but admire.

"The feathering world is just a transition. Once we enter the realm, we will be sent to different places. The gods are a total of ninety-eight counties in Kyushu. They are vast and innocent, comparable to the Xinghe Wanjie, and endless."

Luo Wenhao looked at Jiang Chen and said it was dignified.

"Kyushu Eighteen Counties? It seems that it is quite big. It is what I want."

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth evokes a bright smile.

"Once you step into the realm of the gods, there is no such thing as calm on the surface. The world of the gods has been fighting for years, and it is not as good as you think. There is no doubt in the realm of the gods and the immortal world. It also needs the southern expedition to the north, and it also needs to plunder resources. The strong, can survive, and the cruelty of the realm is far more difficult than what you have learned."

Mo Ling Dong Chen said.

"Shenyuan Stone is the simplest hard currency, because Shenyuan Stone helps to cultivate, and it is a thousand miles away. I know that Jiang Chen Brothers are definitely not worried about this, but I have a ruthless invitation."

"But it's fine."

Jiang Chen looks at Moling Dongchen.

"My Mohist family is also a well-known family in the realm of the gods. After a while, our parents will pick me up. If you want to, I will go into the Mohist cultivation together with me. It is also a good choice."

"Mu Ling Dong Chen, are you not going to fight the Jiang Chen brothers and gods to inherit the idea?"

Luo Wenhao looked at Mo Ling Dong Chen like a smile, and the latter changed his face.

"Luo Wenhao, you don't want to smother your blood, take the heart of a gentleman's heart, do you think that our Mohist family will do such mean and shameless things? I think this is what you think in your heart. Hehe."

Mo Ling Dong Chen and Luo Wenhao are cold-eyed, and both of them are needle-pointed to Mai Mang.

"I have seen your thoughts. Why should you be angry and angry? I think Jiang Chen brothers are not as good as my Luojia practice. We will not treat you badly, let alone your big yellow dog seems to be very close to Luo Luo. After all, if you go directly into the realm of the gods, you don't necessarily know where it is being sent. Once you fall into a barren land or a terrible place in the wild, it will inevitably have a life."

Luo Wenhao said with a heavy heart.

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