Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2205: Under the gods and gods

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at the moon with some puzzles. He thought that the gods were all gods, and at least it is unlikely that there were so many nine-level emperors.

In fact, it does not seem to be the case. Even if it is the arrogance of the gods in the realm of the gods, it is not so easy to cultivate for the advancement and step into the sky.

"The fact is not what you think, big brother. In the realm of the gods, there is no incomparable strength when born. Only those born in the realm of the gods, the aborigines of the gods, pass through the gods between heaven and earth. The qi of the Yuan is warm, and it is destined that life is a gift of talent. Of course, compared with those of you who have been promoted to the lower level, basically, a teenager like me has at least reached the rank of Emperor, or Even more powerful has broken through the virtual **** level, more talented and enchanting, the year of the weak crown, you can reach the realm of the gods. I am quite mediocre."

Said that here, the month is obviously somewhat lost, she is a girl who cares more about other people's opinions, so she is also worried about her strength, but she has been working hard, but no one can see it, and She has limited talents, and she does not know why she is so hard, but she has always been slow to make progress.

"But just because the gods of the gods are too rich, for those who are ordinary, although they may cultivate very fast in the early stage, some people are doomed to break through, and they are never able to break through. The threshold, some people, can't break through the virtual level for a lifetime, because their early progress is too fast, and they can't completely digest the power of the gods. Unfortunately, this is the destiny destined for the gods. People like me estimate I have never reached the realm of the gods in my life."

"You are not bad, when I am as big as you, the strength is even weaker, huh, huh. Even far less than you, come on, I believe you can."

Jiang Chen looked at the moon seriously.


"That is nature. If you are a motivated person, you will be successful, and you will live up to your heart. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will never be worse than anyone. Some people are just because of the hearsay, talent is generally not a big deal, so you It’s also self-defeating. In this way, it may not be a surprise to miss the best time for cultivation. It’s no surprise that everyone is in a lifetime.”

The eyes of the child turned slightly, and smiled:

"Listen to what you think is very reasonable. I will not give up. I must break through the realm of the gods and let everyone respect my grandfather."

"I believe you must do it, haha."

"Well, big brother, your strength must not be weak. Listen to what you said, I feel it, you must be stronger than me."

Moon looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

"I am only at the beginning of the virtual level, and I have suffered such a heavy injury. It is estimated that it will not be possible to recover without a ten-and-a-half-month period, and my cultivation time will be longer than you."

"In fact, in the realm of the gods, not everyone can live forever. If we can't break through the realm of the gods, we will always be just a mortal, so Shouyuan can have up to five hundred years."

At this moment, the old bar smiled and walked in, and looked at Jiang Chen with a deep sense.

"You must be very curious, why you can live forever in the fairy world, but in the realm of the gods, it is different."

The old bar-speaker awakened the dreamer and thoroughly saw the doubts in Jiang Chen’s heart. This is indeed the most worrying thing. If it is only five hundred years of life, then how can he wait for his beloved? How to lay down the mountains for them in the realm of God.

"The gods and the people are all doing everything. You may not have heard this sentence. Only when you break through the gods, you will have five hundred years of life, reach the realm of the gods, and condense the gods, and you will have five thousand years of life. To reach the realm of the king of God, then you can live forever. But under the human condition, in fact, it is no different from mortal. Some abilities are superior or have great opportunities and leadership control, perhaps more than a few hundred years, But under the human condition, no one can live for five hundred years. I have countless refining drugs in my life, and I used the medicinal herbs to upgrade to the middle of the gods. But after the war with the people, it is the middle of the present virtual god. It’s hard to get in the way again, and people will be a hundred years old."

People will be a hundred years!

These four words, like the thunder and thunder, reverberate in the ear of Jiang Chen, originally thought that the gods are the paradise that everyone dreams of, but now it seems that the cruelty of the gods is even more terrible than the fairy world. If you don't succeed, you will be married! If you don't break through, you will fall.

If you can't break through the realm of the gods, you can't break through the path of longevity. This is an iron law. Even the old man who once broke through the realm of the gods will have to be a hundred years old. What a cruel, so sad.

Jiang Chen can deeply feel that the old bar is looking at his granddaughter, and the touch of tenderness and expectation in his eyes is all about creation.

In the realm of the gods and gods, Jiang Chen will surely step into the realm. The gods are difficult to resist. The king of the gods is difficult to stop. He must go straight to the nine hexagrams, step through the realm of the gods, and use his own pair of iron fists to make a world in the realm of the gods. Otherwise, If you want to protect your loved one from the fairy world, how can he protect them?

Nowadays, rhubarb and monkeys, as well as monks and monks, are all ignorant. The world of gods is totally unimaginable. It is still necessary to find them first. Rhubarb enters the Luo family. It should be easy to find, but I don’t know what Luojia is. local.

"I have something to ask, I don't know where my predecessors know where Luo Luo's Luo family is?"

Jiang Chen asked.

The old bar was slightly surprised and looked at Jiang Chen.

"Do you know Xuanyuan County Luoshen?"

The old bar sighed and shook his head.

"Xuanyuan County Luoshen is in the Western China, although it is not the farthest from us, but to the West China, if you do not rely on space transmission, it may take more than 6,000 years to arrive."

Jiang Chen’s heart is a bitter smile. Is this Nima funny? For more than six thousand years, that is to say, if you do not break through the realm of the gods, then you will die during the flight? And there is still no accidental death, and it sounds like a fantasy, it seems that space transmission is more reliable.

"And space transmission is not something that anyone can afford. Even if it is a **** or even a god, if you want to take a space transfer, you have to lose half of your body. It is only the real superiors of the gods. Can qualify for a ride."

The old bar said faintly.

Jiang Chen can't help but swear. This godland seems to be quite large. It is quite difficult for him to live his life for a long time.

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