Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2249: Qiyun Mountain

"I need to retreat for ten days."

Ling Xiao looked at the moon and said, the next time you need Jiang Chen to take care of her.

"Your strength?"

Jiang Chen looked at Ling Xiao with surprise, and Ling Xiao nodded.

"Although it is not always possible to return to the peak, but at least this time can restore some strength."

Jiang Chen’s heart is fixed, so that the month will follow her, and she will not need to worry too much, and they will definitely leave themselves in the future. Jiang Chen knows that this day does not seem too far. It is.

Ling Xiao is not destined to be a person here. It is reasonable to leave, and the month will follow her, and I will definitely get a better and more perfect cultivation environment, far from what I can imagine. Under the state of Ling Yufeng, I am afraid that there will be the strength of the mysterious and mysterious sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

"Do not worry, this time, the month will be handed over to me."

"I am not a child, do you have to stare every day?"

Yueer said, now she has broken through the ninth-level Emperor, and her talent has gradually begun to emerge. However, if she is to build a foundation in the future, she must help her. Rise.

Jiang Chen is not idle. In a few days, he will also challenge the fiery ghosts. Therefore, during this time, he plans to enter Luming Mountain to practice and find some monsters to practice.

At this time, Baiyun flew.

"We recently wanted to go to a place to find a fire lizard. Is there any interest? The person who organized this mission is Yang Jian, the master of our outer door. I think you should have seen it when you first started."

"Exactly, I still want to go to Lumingshan to make a good turn. It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Haha."

Jiang Chen and Bai Yunfei hit it off. Two people found Yang Jian, and there were two peers. They were the sixth and the ninth in the outer gates. The strengths were also the peaks of the virtual gods. The strength should not be underestimated. The strength of flying should be half a step of God's humanity, and Yang Jian's strength can only be described as unfathomable, even in the entire inner door, to find out who can beat him, fearing that it is not More than three or five.

"Yang Shixiong."

Jiang Chen saw Yang Jian carrying two people, and the five together gathered at the foot of Luming Mountain.

"Jiang Chen, it's not bad. It's awesome. You are a red man between the inside and outside."

Yang Jian smiled lightly, and Jiang Chen could not see the depth of Yang Jian.

"Yang Shixiong praised. Hehe. Are these two?"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Xue Rengang."

"Tanshan River."

Both of them are also laughing at Jiang Chen. Nowadays, Jiang Chen has killed Huang Bin and Gu Wanfeng in the inner door. Even if it is a foreign door predecessor, two people are in front of Jiang Chen, and there is no shelf for them. The strength, even for Shang Jiang Chen, is estimated to lose more than win.

And, especially at this time, strength is better than everything!

"Our one may go for ten days and a half. After returning, it is the day when the secret is open, and it must not be delayed. So this time, regardless of success or failure, we will come back as soon as possible. The mountain range is our destination. It should be able to arrive in five days. But when it is there, it is not the sphere of influence of our Xuanfengzong. Let me first tell you that everything should be thought twice, and you must not act rashly."

Yang Jian said with a dignified look.

"I got the news that someone in the Qiyun Mountains discovered the fire spirit lizard, so this time our goal is a fire spirit lizard in the realm of the gods, so please help me, my Yang Jian will never be ill-treated. ""

"Okay, let's go now. Go early and go back early."

Bai Yunfei laughed.

Five people went together to the Qiyun Mountains.

The Luming Mountain is full of miles, and the Qiyun Mountain is just a mountain in the west of the Xuanfengzong, but it has already separated from the sphere of influence of the Xuanfengzong. The site of Xuanfeng Zongyuan’s 100,000-mile radius is not small, but it is not too big. The Qiyun Mountain Range is the site of the Lianyunzong, and the Lotus Yunzong is all women, one of the masters, and the name is the deer. One of the strongest people in Mingshan seems to be better than Xuan Qingming.

The size of the Luming Mountain, Lumingshan is only one percent of the Linhe world. When Jiang Chen looks under the void, the Luming Mountain stretches for thousands of miles. It can only be silently sighed. This godland is really too big, and even this little Luming Mountain has not gone out, let alone the Linhe world, Dulong County, Beiliang Shenzhou, Zhongzhou Shentu...

The road to go is long and long. This is just the beginning.

The Luming Mountain is lush and green, and the Qiyun Mountain Range can only be regarded as a branch of the Luming Mountain. This is so, the Qiyun Mountains are still beyond reach.

Jiang Chen and others really took five days to get to the Qiyun Mountains.

Green trees and green onions, covered with silver frost, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, this situation, very beautiful.

“It’s really a beautiful iceberg snowfield. With the ancient trees towering, lush green, proud snow and cold plums, blooming seasons, compared to our Xuanfengzong, the scenery here is even more refreshing.”

Bai Yufei seems to be very elegant and calm, with a folding fan, which is more calm than the rest of the people, and appreciates this beautiful scenery.

Jiang Chen is also a silent beheading. It is indeed beautiful and suffocating. The endless snowfields and the trees are shaded, but they can grow normally at such low temperatures. It is worthy of the wonders of the gods.

"Qiyun Mountain Range is finally here."

Yang Jian took a sigh of relief. They had to hurry in the past few days. They did not expect such a hard work. Looking back at Jiang Chen, although his surface is the weakest, it is much easier than them. This shows how his skill is. Strong and amazing.

After the sunset, the scenery is set against the top of the mountain, sprinkling the clouds.


A wolverine sound echoed between the Qiyun Mountains, above the 8,000-meter-high mountain, the snow and ice trembled, and even an avalanche could occur at any time.

Then, dozens of wolves, resounding again, and endless.

"Let's go quickly, be careful, the monsters here are terrible. I don't know why the fire spirit lizard will come to the ice field of the Qiyun Mountains."

Yang Jian whispered, warning everyone, his heart is full of doubts.

"There are people over there!"

Jiang Chen looked at it and suddenly turned around. A strong stock of power fluctuated and swayed. It seemed that some people were fighting there, and not one or two people.

"Go, let's see it in the past."

Yang Jian looked at Jiang Chen, and the five quickly rushed over. Sure enough, a giant wild boar with more than three feet was fighting with more than ten women. The strength of the monster is even more terrifying, even if it is more than ten. People, it’s hard to be a time.

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