Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2254: Show their talents

On the other hand, the three flames of Red Flame are also incomparably clever. When they reach their level of monsters, they can't be transformed. The spirit is not weaker than humans, and even some strange monsters are even beyond the reach of human beings.

"The strength of this three-headed scorpion has reached the middle of the human world. Even if it has just broken through, it is quite powerful. Be careful!"

Liao Bufan shouted and his face was extremely grim. The three men took the lead and attacked with the three heads of Chi Yan.

The three-headed scorpion of the red flame is full of fire, and the three heads, as the name suggests, have three heads, and they are quite fierce. They are nine feet long and three heads look at the six roads. They have no dead ends at all, and the three heads can fully adapt to the battle. .

"This red flame is the ancient animal, second only to the legendary blood of the beast, the strength can not be underestimated."

Xiao Ying whispered that at this moment they shared the same boat and dealt with the three heads of the red flame. Naturally, they could not be neglected. In other words, three people were single-on-one with the three heads of Chi Yan, and no one was an opponent. This is very clear to them. Only by uniting can they truly defeat the three heads of Chi Yan, and they will probably get the Dragon Ball.


The three heads of the red flames were thunderous and deafening. The snow thousand greeted the three people and shot them. For a time, they could not suppress the three heads of the red flame. It is obvious how terrible this animal is, but the three are not fuel-efficient lamps. All of them are the best in the Zongmen. How can the most outstanding genius disciples easily lose?

Snow thousand greeted the sword and stood up, directly on the head of the three heads of Chi Yan, this behemoth, with the head as a murder weapon, and the three men fight three hundred rounds, do not fall. The rest of the people, when they were not waiting for the three heads of Chi Yan, had already been swayed by the three heads of Chi Yan, and they were completely smashed out and suffered a lot.

Among the ice and snow canyons, the fire is shining, and the fire spirit lizard is not to be underestimated, but compared to the three heads of the red flame, it is natural that if there are many, only the early days of the gods, but this is the case, Under this, this fire spirit lizard is also a human power in the middle of the human world, and should not be underestimated.

Yang Jian took the lead and was inseparable from the fire spirit lizard, while Jiang Chen, Bai Yunfei and Tan Shanhe Xue Rengang, from the side, almost gave the fire spirit lizard several deadly attacks, and the fire spirit lizard screamed again and again. However, its powerful vitality is incredible, even if it is deeply damaged, riddled with holes, and there is still no trace of defeat, and it is difficult to solve with Jiang Chen and others.

Snow Qian Ying is the strongest disciple of Lian Yunzong. The strength is better than Liao Bufan and Xiao Ying, because one of the three heads of Chi Yan, who is fighting with her, has been used by her sword. Cut down, and killing the machine step by step, that the three flames of the red flame, completely dare not confront the snow thousand front.

On the other two sides, Liao Bufan and Xiao Ying also gave it enough pressure, so they have already formed a small suppression on the three flames of the Red Flame. In the Grand Canyon, the buzzing sounds, the light flashes, the gold and iron Ming, the reverberations, the landslides.

"The three guys, it seems that there is still a bit of skill, this red flame is three heads, the strength is unfathomable, they are not able to let them completely surrender."

Jiang Chen mouth slightly tilted a meaningful arc, this moment he is also unwelcome, the five elements of the dragon prints repeatedly, the strength is no less than the Tanshan River next to the body, the five people battle the fire lizard, Yang Jian is unstoppable, straight to the sky The three-pointed and two-edged knives in the hand, recruiting deadly, let the fire spirit lizard be severely damaged, and even after retreating, there is no power to fight back, but its tenacity is unexpected.

"A group of humble humans!"

A purple-haired boy stood in the void, his voice said coldly, but no one could notice his existence.

Jiang Chen suddenly looked up and saw the purple boy in the void, his face sinking. This boy gave a rather terrible feeling. It seemed to be unstoppable. His face was pale, but his eyes were scattered. The glory of the light.

"Damn guy, Thunder field!"

Liao Bufan roared, and Wan Lei ran, and between the whistling canyons, the thunder and lightning flashed, and the rolling of the red flames of the three heads was quite uncomfortable.

"Spy Shadow Kill!"

Xiao Ying's figure is nine flashes, and the phantom is lost. People can't catch his shadow at all. The three heads are even more so. I don't know which one is the real Xiaoying. Xiaoying's shadow knife falls on the top of the three heads. On the top, a fire was cut, but its head was also bloody.

"The sword breaks the horizon and the snow flies!"

Snow Qian Yingjian refers to the void, the snow falls, like a sword rain falls, let the three flames of the red flame, is a mourning.

But it is also not to be outdone, roaring again and again, echoing the first and last, two times in a row, screaming out, the horror is extremely, the emptiness seems to have been torn apart, the fire burned if it was idle, the three heads spurted three flames, extremely terrible, though Not as good as the five elements, but it is equally suffocating.

The three quickly retreat, the power of the horrible flame, sweeping the sky, all three were battered by the flames, and between them, the three dragons of the red flames swayed, which made the three people completely in a desperate situation. Among them, all three were shot.

At this time, the three people once again joined forces and rode on the top of the three heads of Chi Yan. The snow thousand greeted the sword and fell, the ghost of the figure, the sky, the sword, the **** rain, the red flame The head lice were directly cut off a skull.


The three heads of Chi Yan were screaming again and again, but Liao Bufan and Xiao Ying were not willing to show weakness. The means were all out, and the three flames of Chi Yan were at this time, completely plunged into the death of the Jedi. Even if it has three heads and three lives, this time is not enough.

On the hand of Xue Qianying, there was a drop of red blood from the three flames of the red flame, the burning tingling, and the dragon that had just eaten a red-headed three-headed dragon, the body is also a little weak, this big guy It’s really hard to let people down. If it’s a single fight, Snow Chi Ying is not the opponent of this beast.

Yang Jian also thoroughly demonstrated the power of the Xuanfeng Zong, all the way to suppress the fire spirit lizard, but in the end, although exhausted the power of nine tigers and two tigers, but still let the fire spirit lizard completely intensive, completely no room for resilience.

Jiang Chen and others are not too small, and Yang Jian is also the same. After all, the big lizard against the enemy is spirited, energetic and resistant. It is also surprisingly strong. Even at this step, the fire spirit lizard is deeply damaged. But still resisting death, it seems to guard the things it wants to guard.

"The boy should be a monster."

Jiang Chen thought that there is a huge cave in the valley of the valley not far away. The hole is exuding purple and mysterious and hot.

"Give me death!"

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