Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2258: Heaven helps me too

"God helps me too, God helps me too."

Jiang Chen tilted his legs and leaned on the cliff. Everyone was incomparably dignified, but he was relaxed and relaxed. He seemed to be completely afraid that the fire unicorn would kill him.

"You guy, it’s really like the sky is falling down and it doesn't matter to you."

At this moment, Baiyunfei is also a little nervous, because this fire kylin is too strong. His half-step sacred humanity really can't help much, and it is likely to be spiked, and Jiang Chen is still so happy. Leisurely walks in general.

"Why can there be any way to make it a big cry?" Hahaha, that's not my style, Yang brothers, they may not lose, rest assured."

"Your heart should be bigger than the nest."

Bai Yunfei turned his eyes and said.

"That said, what do you plan to do with Dragon Ball?"

"What to do, haven't you heard a word? Whose, in whose hands, is naturally who."

Jiang Chen said vowed that there is no idea that he wants to take Dragon Ball again.

"You see."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and sighed, but this battle will definitely determine the direction of the Dragon Ball.

The fire cymbal is like a broken bamboo. With an enemy five, Yang Jian holds a three-pointed and two-edged knife. It slams into the head of the unicorn, sweeping down and slamming Huashan, but the fire unicorn does not hide at all, let Yang Jian squat down. On the contrary, the fire unicorn was shocked, and Yang Jian was shaken off. Even the tiger's mouth was over, and all of them were already paralyzed.

Xue Qian Ying also made a real means, flying the fairy in one hand, the sword was shocked, but the flame of the fire unicorn was not weak, the flame that spurted out, forced them back several times, and each time, They are quite fierce, and the flames are burning, but if they are stained by this flame, they will suffer from the flame.

The purple sings, completely transformed, he is also a peerless beast, and looks terrible.

"this is?"

"Hey, he is a fierce beast, and it really is the son of the dragon."

Xiao Ying looked at the purple scorpion with some shock. As the son of the dragon, he was more fierce.

"Even if you become an ontology, you don't have any chance, and you are my defeat. Do you have no sense of self-consciousness? Haha."

The fire unicorn stands proudly, looking at the purple eyes with a cold face.

"The legend is that the dragon is nine sons. This is actually the son of the dragon. It really opened my eyes."

Xue Rengang said with an ugly look, whether it is a slap or a fire unicorn, they have given them a huge shock, even a restless mind.

"Tale, the dragon is nine sons, the nine sons are different, fierce like a peerless beast, its fierceness and glory, cholera, human beings. The nine sons in the ancient times, seems to have all been extinct."

Bai Yunfei said with a dignified face.

"You mean? Longsheng nine sons, in the ancient times, they have been extinct? What is it going on? It is generally the same as what humans portray."

Jiang Chen brows wrinkled, this legend should be fake.

"I don't know, but this is absolutely true, and the Dragon Ball in his hands should be true."

Bai Yunfei whispered, at this moment, the fire unicorn completely suppressed Yang Jian and others, the flame poured down, once the fire unicorn, there is a feeling of being grilled on the fire, fighting, but It’s quite difficult. In this way, the fire and the unicorn’s oppression of Yang Jian and others are becoming more and more horrible.

"You are not my opponent at all, blocking me from dying."

The fire unicorn is fierce, and a fierce impact is a fierce impact. It is directly hitting the purple scorpion. Even Jiang Chen looks in the eyes and feels that it is sore and painful. The body of the fire unicorn is too strong, let these How people attack, even his defense can not be broken, so that the situation is even more crisis.

However, the fire unicorn did not dare to be underestimated. After all, these four people are all the best of their respective sects. If it was during the heyday, the fire unicorn would not dare to rush to death, because these four guys are not simple.

"It's too early for you to be happy."

Liao Bufan sneered, a huge golden clock, and Huo came out, suppressed, and above the void, the bells burst, the golden light overflowed, and a deterrent against the sun was even more frightening. .

"This is Donghuangzhong? No, how can Donghuangzhong be so weak."

The fire unicorn eyes are cold, if it is Donghuangzhong, then I am afraid that it has been completely suppressed and died, and this is obviously a fake Donghuangzhong.

"Yes, although it is imitation, not the real Donghuangzhong, but it is enough to suppress you."

Liao Bufan’s eyes are extremely cold. This is his strongest artifact. The imitation of Donghuangzhong is only one of the ten thousandths of the Eastern Queen’s clock, but it also reaches the level of artifacts. It should not be underestimated, bells and deafening. Cover the fire kylin.

In the end, the fire unicorn was suppressed by Donghuangzhong. This scene is extremely surprising.

However, Donghuangzhong actually grew bigger and bigger at this time, and became bigger again! In the end, Donghuangzhong was directly flying from the top, squatting on Liao Bufan’s body, and smashing it back and donating blood.

The fire unicorn turned into a huge, fierce and arrogant, this moment, everyone's heart is sinking, this guy is really too strong.

"Although this broken clock is not bad, it is absolutely impossible to suppress me."

"The shadow of the sky!"

Xiao Ying's knife flickering, Ling Tianqiu, the black shadows cover the clouds, looking at the knife from the sky, the fire unicorn is not afraid, screaming, directly using his own body, hard to smash this knife, but he is also Taking advantage of the back step, but unfortunately, Xiao Ying was still shaken away, his eyes filled with shocking colors.

"Tear the sky, destroy the sky!"

Yang Jian screamed, and his forehead was like a torch. Throughout the heavens and the earth, everything was wiped out. Everything turned into nothingness. The fire unicorn stalked the sky and broke through the valley.

"Broken inflammation."

The flame of the fire unicorn, burning up, and Yang Jianyi higher, Yang Jian was blazed by fire, shattered inflammation, almost let Yang Jian's tearing eyes suffered a great trauma, quickly dodge, shattered inflammation, burning the whole Grand Canyon.

"A strong beast."

Yang Jian took a breath of cold air and his face was pale. The shock just now made him lose his fighting power.

"Ice, eternal!"

The snow is welcoming, and the sword refers to the void, the thousand miles of the canyon, the devastating inflammation, and is swallowed up in an instant. The water is plunging into ice, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, the time and space are frozen, the fire unicorn is also smashing again and again, apparently the snow welcoming the ice, so that he has been hit hard, plus a few serious injuries, the fire unicorn is also Caught in a crisis.

"Fortunately, my body is originally coming from the fire. I want to freeze me, I am crazy!"

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