Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2281: The shame of a hundred years ago [five more]

Gulongcheng is the largest city in the entire riverfront. The inner city is 100,000 miles away. The repairer is like a cloud, and it is also the place where human strong people like to live. It is said that the city owner is a god-level powerhouse. Therefore, it is only able to survive the eight-party hooligans, and the ten parties are enchanting. In the ancient city of Long, no one dares to make troubles. Even if there is something, they will all solve it on the platform.

The practitioners here are almost all over the river front, and their prosperity is far higher than anywhere. The masters of the human world can be seen everywhere. The gods of the gods level are not unusual, and this time The opening of the mystery is destined to attract countless strong people, and once the masters who come out of the secluded secrets bring out some good things, it is bound to cause a big sensation. It is not uncommon in the entire Gulong City.

"It’s really lively here."

Jiang Chen looked at the surrounding city scene, and when he was in the fairyland, he was generally the same, but the people here are obviously stronger. No one is easy to be with the generations, and the vendors are very incompetent. Hundreds of millions of people have gathered together to become the eternal life of Gulongcheng.

"This is the east city of Gulongcheng. After three days, we are entering the secret environment from the outskirts of the eastern city. Before that, we still need to go to the Zhanmen Federation of the Rivers and Rivers. There are hundreds of alliances, and we want to enter the secluded area. In the mystery, you must collect the nameplate there."

Xuan Qing said.

"In the meantime, no one is allowed to provoke any wrongdoing. If you really offend a big man, I am afraid that even this lord can't keep you. This time I went to the secluded secret, I don't want any mistakes."

"Oh, isn't this a mysterious lord? It's so early. A hundred years ago, your mysterious sect, but the whole army was annihilated. No one came out from the secluded secret. This time, I have to start sending people again. Is it? Hey."

A yin and yang strange voice appeared in the side of Xuan Qingming, in front of the Zongmen Federation. At this time, a lot of strong people have gathered, and they are among the best among the sects. They are powerful and cannot be underestimated.

"Li Shuanggun, I didn't expect your mouth to be so stinky. You giant eagle door, isn't there just one person left? What's so good? I thought I was afraid of you?"

Xuan Qing said, even Jiang Chen and others were slightly stunned. I didn’t expect to have such a story. A hundred years ago, Xuan Fengzong was completely annihilated, and no one came alive. . This means that how terrible the secluded secrets are, and those who enter them can come out alive, even if they are alone, they will surely become true powerhouses.

"One person is not bad. Now Lin Feng has become the **** elder of my giant eagle door, haha."

Li Shuang gun said with a proud face, it is always better than Xuan Qingming.

"I hope this time, you can still be so calm, I hope this time, you will not be completely annihilated."

Xuan Qing said coldly.

"Take your good words, naturally not. This time we are giant eagle gates, but even more geniuses, Xuan Qingming, you will be fine."

Li Shuanggun, with his fifteen disciples, swayed into the Zongmen Federation and was full of arrogance.

"Look at this guy is not pleasing to the eye."

Bai Yunfei said coldly.

"Yeah, this time, I hope we will not be completely annihilated."

Wang Chongyang shrugged and said.

"Absolutely not, there is Jiang Chen, and it will definitely be able to smooth all obstacles."

Bai Yunfei waved his hand.

"No one will treat you as a dumb, white brother."

Jiang Chen took a look at Bai Yunfei. Wang Chongyang always has a grateful heart for Jiang Chen, but he also has the heart of fighting and regards him as his strongest opponent.

At this moment, no one dared to say a word more, because the look of Xuan Qingming was extremely serious. The words of Li Shuang’s gun just now made people feel unhappy. The one hundred years ago, it was considered to be Xuan Qing’s lost. If you have done your face, otherwise, the number of people who have entered the secluded secret will not be less than two. Even the sects like Giant Eagle are fifteen places.

"Qing Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time. Haha."

"Polite, two elders."

Xuan Qingming rushed to the middle-aged man who came in front of him, said slightly, and smiled.

"You and me, there is no need to stick to it. How about this time, Xuan Fengzong squatted for a hundred years, will it give us a surprise? Haha."

Ren Yuanzi laughed. He is the second elder of Tianchenzong. His strength is unfathomable. Compared with Xuan Qingming, he is more than ever.

"Oh, I hope I can have a good ranking. It won't be as embarrassing as last year. If this is another time...".

Xuan Qing shook his head and sighed.

"No problem, this time we have four powers, there will be no problem. Liu Quanchao, I have seen Xuanzong."

"Xuan Zong is good."

A young man with curly hair and a slight body.

"This is the chief disciple of Tianchenzong. The strength has reached the peak of the future of the gods and people. Even in the entire riverside world, it is definitely one of the best genius disciples."

When Yuan Zizi looked at Liu Quanchao, he was full of pride. Although Xuan Qingming knew that Yuanzi was not meant to show off with himself, he still felt a little difficult. After all, Xuanfengzong and Tianchenzong were brothers, but they were strong. But it is very different.

"Under Liu Quanchao, this time I will never let the teachers and brothers down, and the defenders will be well-rounded."

Liu Quanchao’s words were full of self-confidence, and Jiang Chen and others silently nodded, and they knew each other. This person is indeed very strong, Jiang Chen slightly moved, this is the top ten ancestral gates in the river, it is indeed a profound foundation, Ren Yuanzi as a second elder, but the strength is very strong, compared to Xuan Qingming, they must be better, now they are Really realize that the outside strong is so shocking, along the way, Jiang Chen encountered those gods of the level of the gods, no less than hundreds of thousands, this Tianchenzong as the head of the four brothers, the strength Still remarkable, there are a total of 24 people after Liu Quanchao, the worst strength is also in the middle of the human world, with the strength of Pan Hong, the chief disciple of Xuan Fengzong.

Among the twenty-five disciples, there is a girl in a purple dress who looks indifferent and looks like a jade, attracting a lot of people's attention, but she is indifferent, even Yang Jian and Bai Yunfei and others are also Can not help but look at the self girl, full of love color.

"Tianchen celestial masters, the genius born out, is even more enviable. Hehe."

Xuan Qing said.

"My dragon ancestor is coming, haha."

The ancestors of the great elders of the ancestors of the ancestors, laughing and coming, followed by eighteen disciples, all of whom were extremely powerful. Although Tianchen Zong, who was on the other side of the Yuanzi, could not match, but it was also extremely brilliant. The person who is the leader of the world is also a master of the late stage of the gods. The worst disciple of the earth, and the early days of the gods.

"You guys, every time they are so swaying."

Ren Yuanzi said faintly.

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