Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2286: Gentleman is guilty of sinlessness [five more]

At this moment, everyone was shocked by the chin of the land, because Jiang Chen actually gave the three best peaks to the sky and gave it to others.

"The predecessors of the people, the predecessors of the dragons, the predecessors of the Mu, the three big fires and the great Dan, will give you three people, but also look at the smile."

Everyone is dumbfounded, including three people, the eyes of the first Jiang Chen are also with a touch of surprise, the three peaks of the best of the sky, even if it is the king of the gods, may not be able to sit Dan medicine, was actually sent by Jiang Chen? At this moment, even Xuan Qingming is somewhat envious of hatred, and his own fire is not as good as the three.

However, Xuan Qing’s heart is clear, Jiang Chen’s hand is a gift to Dan. The fear is also meaningful. For the future development and unity of the four major gates, it is bound to play a vital role.

Ren Yuanzi and others are not stupid. Jiang Chen gave this to Dan, fearing that it would be even more difficult for them to have the slightest resistance to the Xuanfengzong. The four major sects are bound to become more united.

"Is this true?"

The dragon ancestors looked at Jiang Chen with great shock.

"It’s just a drug."

Jiang Dust is as light as the customs, but at this moment, the entire Zongmen Federation has already boiled up, and is still a drug in the district? I want to know that it is the best medicine, and it is still a great need for the gods and strong people. This kind of medicine, but there is no price in the market. Every time there is a high-grade medicinal medicine on the auction, that can be There is a priceless market.

Jiang Chen’s big hand waved directly to the three people. Ren Yuanzi and Mu Tianen looked at each other. In the hearts of two people, don’t mention how happy they are, especially Mu Tianen, who did not think of this mysterious style. The kid, even so arrogant, this is not only the style of everyone, there is no chest, can you do such a thing? If these three medicinal herbs are taken to the auction, it is a huge amount of wealth, especially for Jiang Chen, who is only in the late stage of the virtual god.

Even Ronghua’s life is more than enough.

Some people think that Jiang Chen is a brain teasing, but some people can't help but admire the atmosphere of Jiang Chen. In this way, many people who are quite embarrassed to him must also measure it. This kind of atmosphere is really It is rare in the world.

Jiang Chen gave Dan a hand, so that all the sectarian disciples outside the Zongmen Federation, including the elders, became crazy. This is beyond their cognition. To others? What's more, this gift-giving person is still a disciple of the virtual **** class.

The name of Jiang Chen is destined to spread throughout the Zongmen Federation.

"This kid is really amazing. Mom, why don't I have such a talented alchemy under my hand?"

The dragon ancestor said, full of unwillingness. The implication is that it is difficult for Jiang Chen to love himself. After all, Jiang Chen gave him the best of the best. This kind of kindness is not expressed in a few words.

"Oh, it’s also true. This time, it seems that the mysterious winds are famous for the earthquake, and this Jiang Chen will definitely become the hot spot of this time."

Ren Yuanzi said with a smile. In the heart of Jiang Chen, the evaluation is a bit higher.

"But this is not a good thing. You should understand that the gentleman is guilty of his sin. I advise you not to let him enter the secluded secret. Otherwise, it is not my mouth. Nine, he will be stared at by a large number of people, and now he is well known. Shen Danzong is just one of them."

Mu Tianen said faintly, although the words are not heard, but Xuan Qingming has already thought of this point, and it is indeed quite right. At this moment, Jiang Chen is afraid that it has become a lifelong place for the whole secluded secret, once entered into it. I am afraid that there will be a battle for the dragon.

Xuan Qing’s brow is tightly locked. This is indeed a problem. Jiang Chen won a full applause for himself and Xuan Fengzong this time, but he may not be able to complete the counterattack of the secluded secret. After all, his strength is too weak, and the **** In the late stage, this level is already the real bottom in the whole secret.

"Mom, I said you must do it, haha, good Jiang Chen."

Bai Yunfei was on the shoulder of Jiang Chen, and he hammered it. The four masters of the sects were cheering for Jiang Chen, and even some other sects, but also for Jiang Chen, such a teenager, when It’s rare in the world, I don’t even know that many younger disciples are secretly confessing to Jiang Chen’s heart at this time.

Jiang Chen laughed and said nothing. Among the many cheers, he was already accustomed to it. At this time, he was more expecting, but it was a secret. That must be a real battle between life and death, the battle of all the young and powerful in the river.

Xuan Qingmu hesitated for a long while, but he knew that this was done for Jiang Chen, but he was deprived of his qualification to enter the secluded secret. Can he really do it without hesitation? Xuan Qingming really can't do such a good disciple.

"Jiang Chen, I think, you still have a lack of strength. Otherwise, you should not enter the secret world."

Xuan Qing whispered.

When he said this, he was also a little embarrassed, but he had no other way. Mu Tianen said that Jiang Dian won the glory for Xuan Fengzong and won a lot of praise for himself. He really wants to At this time, choose to rush to retreat?

Xuan Qingming felt that Jiang Chen should not be such a person.

"Sovereign, you should know that for this time, I will make a second killing, so I will not give up."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

Xuan Qing sighed, he still chose to respect Jiang Chen's opinions, but the final result, I fear that he is not so willing to see it, the whole secluded secret, the master is like a cloud, he may not be able to become one of them. By.

"Jiang Chen is the hope of the rise of our Xuanfengzong. You must ensure the safety of Jiang Chen. Pan Hong, this time, don't let me down!"

Xuan Qing Ming said to Pan Hong.

"Follow the order, the sovereign. Pan Hong will not bear the burden."

"Jiang Hao, this time into the secluded secret, when necessary, and the Xuan Fengzong united, must not let him suffer losses, especially Jiang Chen."

Mu Tianen said

"The disciple understands."

Jiang Hao nodded.

"Zhang Lei, you too, protect Jiang Chen. I am a sect, I must not be bullied, nor can we bully our brothers."

The dragon ancestor whispered.

"Yes. Old ancestors."

A handsome man, looks respectfully.

"Exquisite, protect Jiang Chen."

Ren Yuanzi glanced at the only female disciple behind him and said faintly.

"it is good."

Linglong took the light spot and looked at Jiang Chen with a look of calmness and lightness.

Jiang Chen also looked at Linglong, the woman's glory, attracted the attention of countless people, the **** of the sky, destined to stand above the clouds.

Jiang Chen’s heart smiled, and it seems that he’s really worthy of the three big fires, and he has exchanged so many bodyguards.

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