Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2291: Uninhabited

At this moment, with the increase in the price of Jiang Chen, the scene is even more enthusiastic. Jiang Chen is really giving face, everyone is cheering for Jiang Chen, what is this? This is the local tyrant, this is domineering.

"Mom, no one is!"

Bai Yunfei couldn't help but scream, his face changed a few times, and finally squeezed out these words.

Above the background, Violet's eyes are slightly stunned, watching this scene silently. Jiang Chen is undoubtedly at this moment, has become the focus of the audience, even she is happy to close her mouth, originally thought that she took seven thousand Already the highest price, because his value is not too much for the artifact, but after all, not everyone can use it, and the artifact is not, everyone wants it.

This time, Shen Danzong’s bidding with this unknown little son actually directly called the price to 20,000 yuan Yuanshi. This is the highest bidding within three years. How can Zilu be unhappy? The background of this little son seems to be no ordinary.

Such a fierce bidding is naturally something that some people like, and Jiang Chen’s triumph, along with it, is naturally frustrated.

His eyes were always staring at Jiang Chen. At this moment, he had no choice. He had no capital to continue bidding.

"The first time for 20,000 yuan stone, the second time of 20,000 yuan stone, the third time of 20,000 yuan stone. Deal!"

When the host Hao Dabing knocked down the hammer, the audience cheered up. Jiang Chen took the top prize with 20,000 yuan and won the first prize.

Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction, and finally it was worthwhile.

"Wait a minute!"

God Danzong, once again, someone shouted. And this person, not someone else, is Li Yanchao. Of course, this time it is not what he wants to call, but what he is willing to do.

"I suspect that he is not qualified to repay such a high amount of auction fees. He is completely spoiling. How can a small sect of disciple have such a huge fortune? 20,000 yuan of Xianpin Danfang, 5,000 thousand The annual blood of Ganoderma lucidum and human face magic ginseng, huh, huh, do you have no doubt? I really think that I am the grandson of the super big chaebol? Today, I asked Jiang Chen to trade on the spot. Because I seriously doubt his repayment of capital."

Li Yanchao originally hated Jiang Chen, and this time he was more proud and became the audience's attention, and won the Xianpin Danfang. How can it not be embarrassing? And this price is extremely huge and is destined to attract more people.

His eyes are slightly picked up, he is to let Li Yanchao uncover the veil of Jiang Chen, to see if he really has such a powerful wealth.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Li Yanchao’s words, although there is some unreasonable taste, but they also poke a lot of people’s hearts, because they all want to know what kind of background Jiang Chen has, and even so hard, competing with Shen Danzong’s people. .

"Yeah, why didn't I think about it? Is this guy deliberately going to go with God Danzong? Just that 10,000 years of blood and Ganoderma lucidum and human face ginseng, this is the case, now this fairy danfang, still so, indeed let People are a little hard to imagine."

“Is there really a secret behind this? I am also looking forward to this young man. Is there such a strong fortune?”

"People are speculative, this may be that the people of Shen Danzong are interested in it, and they don't know."

"I would rather believe that this guy really has this strength. Otherwise, isn’t it just a happy time?"

There are not many people who are skeptical. With the attitude of Li Yanchao, there are also many people who want to find out. After all, this is not a small amount.

At this moment, Vio also slowly embarked on the auction venue.

"Hello everyone, I am the general manager of Juyuanfang, we can meet the requirements of everyone, but we must first seek the opinions of bidders, but if the bidders do not agree, then we have no right to conduct transactions on the spot. Thank you."

Violet smiled slightly, graceful and delicate, red lips, seems to tease the guests, a pair of talking eyes, but also a soul. Slender legs, cheongsam, looming, towering double peaks, is even more like. Excellent temperament, glamorous and unparalleled young lady.

When Violet came out, even if the scene was stabilized, there are still many people who still want to find out.

Li Yanchao's words obviously evoke a lot of people's resonance, but after all, the facts speak louder than words. If he really has this horrible financial power, then Li Yanchao will have no place to be self-sufficient.

Therefore, he did not appear in provocation, but gave this long-term and arduous task to Li Yanchao. Although he knew that he was being shot, Li Yanchao had no other way. Although both of them are genius disciples of Shen Danzong, they are only a one-line difference, but their status is far from the other side.

"Well, then I will not be able to do your request. Is it not fair and fair to open the door to do business?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile, flying and jumping, directly jumped onto the high platform, smiled slightly, and Zi Luo was watching the Jiang Chen with his eyebrows dancing. He was his big patron, relying on that artifact, Violet or I believe that Jiang Chen’s, the person who sells artifacts, she has seen, no one is not distressed and painful, but Jiang Chen, the wind is light and dark, it seems to be selling a broom.

At that time, Violet decided that this young man was not simple.

"Tell this to you, God Yuanshi, I don't have it."

Jiang Chen's hands spread, in a word, the audience was silent, but the purple eyes looked at him, silently watching him, without any movement.

Among the sly eyes, there is also a touch of excitement. As long as Jiang Chen gives up the auction, he is the last winner.

Even those who watch the excitement are not too big, are some quite unscrupulous, no money? No **** stone? Isn't that taking us for fun?


Jiang Chen’s words turned.

"I can take out two more artifacts and auction them. Because the previous 9,300 pieces of the top-grade Shenyuan Stone auction, I am."


The audience is at a loss. That artifact, actually he auctioned? And have to come up with two more artifacts? Big Brother, is your home an open-air grocery store? When is the artifact so worthless?

Don't talk about the audience on the spot, even Violet is a bit dumbfounded. Take out two artifacts again? Big Brother, aren't you kidding?

In the screams of Zi Luo and everyone on the scene, Jiang Chen directly backhanded and took out two artifacts.

"Artifact, red light sword, and nine knots. Hold it."

Jiang Chen handed it to the Violet, and the purple glimpse was a little stunned.

Jiang Chen did not trace, gently patted the purple hips above the hips, the latter only stunned, his face blushing, and instantly realized his blasphemy.

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