Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2299: Nine-tailed firefox

"I didn't expect you to come earlier than I thought."

He sneered and said, looking at the huge fire fox above the sky, wearing nine tails, the sky is shining, the red foxtail, stirring the wind, the surrounding atmosphere, are all very hot.

"In this case, then the nine-fired firefox will be handed over to you to deal with it."

He smiled coldly and his eyes were cold. The people who had just been under his command had already reported him. Jiang Chen is not far from the east, falling into Yingshan, as long as they enter the mountains, the inside of the mountains, will certainly anger this nine-tailed firefox, and they turn away, then the nine-tailed firefox will definitely Release all anger to the top of his head.

"I hope you don't let me down, Jiang Chen."

琅琊 faintly said, but after a blow, it is a rapid vision, through the layers of the mountains, want to get rid of the nine-tailed firefox.

"We should have found it."

Jiang Chen’s mouth is slightly tilted. If he is good, what they are looking for should be here.

But at this time, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"I am afraid that it is not as calm as we think."

Jiang Chen said, because his hunch has always been very accurate, this east fell to the mountains, there is absolutely no seemingly calm on the surface.

"Everyone is careful."

Pan Hong whispered that he also carried out the purpose of Jiang Chen, carefully passing through the east of Yingshan.

The surrounding vegetation has all withered, as if it had been taken away from the nutrients, and the barren hills and mountains, even the sound of birds, have not been heard.

Bai Yunfei had a cold war. He felt more and more uncomfortable here, but he did not say anything. Everyone was careful, for fear of a little situation. After four people died, no one can walk in silence because of death. It is possible to appear at their side at any time and pass by with death.

The soil under the feet seems to have dried up and lost the final moisture. The handsome and Wang Chongyang each looked at each other and all played a 12-point spirit, lest there was a slight scorn, which harmed themselves or the whole division. Brother of the door.

Only by uniting can we be able to achieve unity. Everyone understands the truth. Only by linking all of life together can they let them forget the last worry and embarrassment.




After two consecutive collisions, the more they approached them, Jiang Chen's face was also gloomy to the extreme, looking up, a fiery figure, scratching the void.

His face was pale, and his mouth was filled with a smirk of laughter.

"Jiang Chen, I will send you a big gift today, hahaha."

After he finished speaking, he flew in the direction of Jiang Chen, and eventually fled, but the oncoming nine-tailed Firefox was already approaching Jiang Chen. Yang Jian and Pan Hong joined forces. The nine-tailed fire fox quickly trembled away. The faces of the two people were full of shock, but it is undeniable that the nine-tailed fire fox is really terrible. Just now, just under the sway, it is already waisted. Breaking a few kilometers of high mountains, it is conceivable that the impact of the nine-tailed Firefox will be terrible.

"Who is it, I moved my golden lotus."

The sound of the nine-tailed fire fox is low and extremely restrained. The penetrating power is almost to make Jiang Chen and others feel trembled. All of them are going backwards and gathering together.

"Don't you say that? Then I will only kill you all to sacrifice his spirit in heaven."

The nine-tailed fire foxes are all under the blazing fire, sweeping the sky, dozens of huge bodies, covering the sun, everyone gazing at this scene, speechless, because they simply do not know these nine What is Firefox talking about.

Even if it is a disaster, the hidden cockroaches are slightly frowned. What is Jinlian? Even he did not see it.

"Where are you coming from, why do you want to target us, we simply don't know what Jinlian is saying?"

Jiang Chen snorted and stood proudly. It seemed that he was not afraid of the nine-tailed fire fox in the late stage of the gods.

"You mean these despicable human beings, I don't know what you think? You just came to this place in order to get my golden lotus. Are you here, not to kill and rob, to win the treasure? Do you say that? Wrong? Oh, it’s ridiculous, humanity, I still don’t believe it, don’t hand over Jinlian, kill innocent!”

The nine-tailed firefox is indifferent to each other, and it is rushed up, and does not give the opportunity for Jiang Chen and others to explain.

"Damn guy, hey, I won't die with you!"

Jiang Chen looked at the figure just now, clearly it was awkward, and the nine-tailed Firefox was also attracted by the cockroach, and the purpose was clear. This wolf ambition guy not only stole Jin Lian, but also put himself to death. However, Jiang Chen thought about it, and it was relieved. After all, between them, it has already been regarded as a fire. It’s just that the enemy meets and is very jealous. He wants to kill himself. Why don’t he want to kill him? Then fast?

"Then you should first look at how to deal with the nine-tailed firefox in front of you, hehe."

琅琊 琅琊 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九Leading together, Tianlei slammed the fire, one person and one beast, not the kind that can make concessions, will definitely erupt a very fierce battle.

"A garbage of a virtual level in the district, dare to fight with me? Hahaha."

I have already thought about it. As long as Jiang Chen is dead, then his things are his own, but he also thinks of a problem. Jinlian, mentioned in the mouth of the nine-fired firefox, is likely to be seen by the black he himself saw in his old nest. The film was stolen, so I couldn’t wait to catch up with the shadow. As for who the shadow is, it’s not known.

However, you will never let go. Look at the anger of the nine-tailed Firefox. The Golden Lotus will definitely not be a thing. As long as he gets Jinlian, he will come back to collect Jiang Chen and others. It is not too late. But afterwards, he only needs to take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen.

"We don't have the golden lotus you said. When you lose something, you become a madman. You are a monster, but it is too low-level compared to the wisdom of human beings. It is ridiculous to be blinded by people."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

"You are a humble human, and dare to come to me with theory. You still have no qualifications."

The nine-tailed fire fox flew in an instant, and the fire was full of clouds. At this time, Jiang Chen was completely shrouded in it. The nine-tailed fire fox was on hand, and there were thousands of rockets ejected and shot at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's look is certain, no panic, one hand Tianlong sword, blocking the rocket encountered, and there is no slight disorder, it is completely a look of calmness.

Nine-tailed Firefox eyes are cold, it seems that this little guy is a bit of a meaning, although the strength is not good, but it can block its first wave of rocket offensive, it is not easy.

On the other hand, Yang Jian and Pan Hong and others have already begun to prepare for the attack. The nine-tailed Firefox is obviously angry. Now it is impossible to have a possibility of reconciliation. There is only one ending, and the battle is at the last moment. If Jiang Chen falls, then no one will be able to survive in peace.

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