Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2304: devil

"How can this be?"

"Yeah, he only took half a step to the human world. It was incredible to kill the master of the early days of God."

"I don't believe that the sword is too fast and too fast."

Ouyang Shaoxin’s eyes are cold.

"No wonder it’s arrogant. It turns out that there are two brushes. But now it seems that you have no need to live."

Ouyang Shaoxin snorted and glanced at the two guys, muttering a "useless thing" in his mouth.

The sword in the hands of Jiang Chen once again started, the Jianguang swept, the six-in-one, the Ouyang Shaoxin changed his face, and quickly retreated. The nine-tooth steel knife in front of him was already cut off a great gap, and just now The sword, Jian Feng swept over his shoulder, he felt a chill of sensation.

Ouyang Shaoxin still has some disbelief. This guy has such a powerful force. It is really strange to be able to repel himself in half a step.

"I don't believe it."

Ouyang Shaoxin was dissatisfied. After all, there are so many people watching it. How can he get rid of the chain? Absolutely not, once lost, it is completely shameful, but he is a genius disciple of the Five Elements. If it is Zhu Mingyang, he will never bow down to the minister.

"Five-line knife method, 遁 word 诀!"

Ouyang Shaoxin looks grim and has a lot of shadows, but when Jiang Chen appears next to him, he may have to lose himself, because he does not know which hand of Jiang Chen is out of the sword. When the sword is out, his The knife has been broken, and wants to retreat, but found that Jiang Chen has a sudden change in the sword, directly cut off the arm that holds the knife.


Ouyang Shaoxin screamed and quickly retreated, but when he retreated to Zhu Mingyang, he felt a trace of fear.

"Boss save me!"

"The five elements are really burning, and the fire is burning!"

Jiang Chen sneered, and the five elements of the real fire will completely wrap Ouyang Shaoxin. As a person of the Five Elements, then let him die under the real fire of the Five Elements.

Zhu Mingyang suddenly turned back and his face changed. I didn’t even think that Ouyang Shaoxin was completely defeated, and was trapped in the real fire of the five elements. Zhu Mingyang just wanted to shoot, but found that he could not get close to the five elements of real fire. It was too Hot, many people are quickly retreating, their faces are full of horror, less than ten seconds, even the last screams are not issued, under the five elements of real fire, Ouyang Shaoxin, completely became Fly ash.

All the people stepped back, and Zhu Mingyang’s face was gloomy, step by step toward Jiang Chen.

"You, it's a good way. It seems that I don't shoot, you can't do it."

Zhu Mingyang and Jiang Chen are opposite each other. Jiang Chen looks calm and has no fear of the slightest. This Zhu Mingyang, who has repeatedly provoked him twice, is not very polite.

"Boss, you must avenge Ouyang Gongzi."

"Yeah, Ouyang Gongzi died too badly, this guy should be a thousand."

"The killing of Ouyang Gongzi is unbearable, killing him and killing him!"

Looking at the group of unknown people, at least in his eyes, Jiang Chen really feels sad for them, with the wind down, no opinion, the weak, can only be trampled, whether it is physical or dignified, and there is no The power of resistance, the fox is only a tiger. Even sad.

"You shot, and the ending is dead."

Jiang Chen and Zhu Mingyang are only separated by less than half a meter. Both of them are full of confidence in themselves. The famous genius disciple of Zhu Ming’s emergence as the king’s gate is naturally very proud.

In his eyes, in addition to the three masters of Qinghe Zong, the two masters of Ghost Eyes, and the shackles of Shen Danzong, as well as their own brother Qiu Zhen, no one can bring pressure to themselves, even Tianchenzong. Linglong, Liu Quanchao, is also the rabble.

"This is the joke I have ever heard the best, and the only joke I can't laugh at."

Zhu Mingyang pointed to Jiang Chen.

"I will give you a chance to take a shot. Let me see if you have a few pounds or two. Even the waste of Ouyang Shaoxin is in your hands. You should be glad that you will die in my hands, otherwise After waiting for you to go out, the people of the Five Elements will never let you go."

"Okay, as you wish."

Jiang Chen said indifferently, the sword began to rise, half a step of the human world, his strength has improved a little, although not big, but to kill this guy, it should not be so expensive.

Jiang Chen’s footsteps are empty, and Cang Long’s five steps cut off all the retreats of Zhu Mingyang. He wants to die with him. Jiang Chen directly casts a dragon change, his strength suddenly climbs, and his ten times of combat power almost makes him reach the human world. In the mid-term peak, when it comes to physical collision, I don’t know how much better than Zhu Mingyang.

Every sword of Jiang Chen is extremely fierce. With the Tianlong sword, it is already a quick retreat of Zhu Mingyang.

Zhu Mingyang did not think that Jiang Chen’s strength was so fierce, and after the transformation of the dragon, it was completely changed. Whether it was the flesh or the dragon sword, it was not that he could compete with it, just like a humanoid beast. The half moon scimitar in the hands of Zhu Mingyang was cut on Jiang Chen's body, just like tickling. The brutal collision of the backhand Jiang Chen directly made Zhu Mingyang's body, and the whole person was not good.

"Damn, this guy is too abnormal, right?"

Zhu Mingyang thought of it.

"Do not shoot at this time, but when?"

Zhu Mingyang screamed, Qin Lang stunned, with more than 30 people, instantly joined the battle group, attempting to create obstacles to Jiang Chen, but at this moment, Jiang Chen is already unstoppable, the terrorist power under the dragon, The hand is a master who has shredded a god's human world. Every sword of the Tianlong sword falls, and it must be blood-stained. The horrible swordsmanship, vertical and horizontal, and the violent Jiang Chen have already made Zhu Mingyang somewhat guilty.

He now understands that he may have started to provoke this blasphemy, but who knows his strength is so horrible?

Dozens of people, in less than a minute, were all killed by Jiang Chen, leaving only Qin Lang and Zhu Mingyang, blood flowing into the river.

"You, you are a madman!"

Qin Lang subconsciously retreats, his face is extremely ugly, because he has been chopped by Jiang Chen, just because he is dodging in time, it is considered to be a catastrophe, but Jiang Chen did not intend to stop.

After a missed blow with Zhu Mingyang, he turned to himself, in the void, the sword shadow broke through the sky, and the light lingered, Qin Lang knew that this time, he could not go completely.


Qin Lang looked at the gray sky, he finally thought of a word to describe Jiang Chen.

That is dozens of people. In the blink of an eye, he was killed by him. It was too explosive and too bloody.

Zhu Mingyang took a deep breath and Jiang Chen’s hegemony at this time made him retired.

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