Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2324: There are always people who want to suffer

Next, another Thunder landed, and Helian Wuji avoids inevitable. The whole person is completely unrecognizable by this broken Xiaojin Jinlei. The blood in the body is completely broken, the flesh and blood is blurred, and the face is already invisible. Any blood color.

"Hold the grass Nima! You pit me, Jiang Chen!"

He Lian has no screaming screams, but his power has been absorbed by the thunder, and under the three rumors, he has completely lost his ability to resist.

"You have to stay, and now blame me? Don't I tie you here? You can run, why don't you run?"

Jiang Chen looked serious.

"I ran your uncle, I am not willing, I am not willing..."

At this moment, Helian Wuji was already in a state of sorrow. He did not expect that he wanted to hang a river dust, but in the end he became his own grave.

"Oh, it’s all this time, and it’s not convincing. Your brother is so dead. You are dead. It’s okay, my brother is stupid, my brother is so stupid, and later I went to the yin dynasty and simply changed my name. You are called Helian, and your brother is called Helian Er. Hahaha."

Jiang Chen said with a smirk, the fourth thunder's power has not yet fallen, and Helian Wuji is already a blood donation, and he is stunned. He is staring at Jiang Chen, and is trembled by Jiang Chenqi. Looking up, the fourth break, Jin Lei, has already landed. He has no power to fight.


A shrill sound of thunder rang across the heavens and the earth, and Helian Wuji was broken by the smashing bones of Jin Lei, and there was no bone residue left.

Xue Qiang was dumbfounded, and those who were strong in the sects of the sects were also dumbfounded. They did not expect that Jiang Chen, who had thought that he must die, turned out to be the final winner at this moment. It was Jiang Chen’s unscathed, and Helian’s Promise, he was so grievous.

"This incident tells us a truth, the heart of the victim is indispensable, and the character is very important."

Jiang Chen looked at the geniuses of the sects and did not kill them. It is not difficult to kill them. It is rare that he does not want to destroy the rules of this secluded secret.

"People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, let's go. If you want to taste the taste of this nine-fold thunder, I don't object."

Jiang Chen shrugged and said, more than 20 people, they ran away and instantly disappeared thousands of miles away.

The Thunder dissipated, the Jiang Chen looked cold, and the silver scorpion shone with a different style. At this moment, although he had lost most of his physical strength in the battle with Helian, he was still full of arrogance.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are sharp, punched out, and the mountains are shaken, and the momentum is magnificent and hegemonic.

"It’s just the power of the flesh now. I’m afraid that it’s an ordinary **** in the early days, it’s enough to be blown up by me.”

Jiang Chen thought that the strength of God's human condition is really extraordinary. Now, if it is once again against the end of the world, Jiang Chen can use it without the thunder, so he can kill it. By showing the dragon, it is already in an invincible position.


Snow thousand welcoming.

"Thank you."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"The person who said thank you should be me. If you are not saved today, I am afraid that I have become the soul of the sword under Helian Wuji and others."

"That guy is unjust, he and his brother are both dead. If you want to kill someone, you can see if he has this ability. It seems that this reincarnation mandala should be extremely important to you. Otherwise, you will not be willing to guard it."

"Yes, this reincarnation mandala can treat the wounds on me."

Snow thousand meets.

Jiang Chen brows.

"Is there a wound on your body?"

"It was caused by myself and has nothing to do with others."

"Is it the sequela of improving strength?"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"How do you know?" Xue Qian looked at Jiang Chen with a strange look.

"Don't forget, I am an alchemy teacher. Do you know how this reincarnation mandala is used?"

In the face of Jiang Chen’s questioning, Xue Qiang was breathing a stagnation. She really didn’t know how to take this reincarnation mandala, whether it was internal or external.

"you know?"

"That is nature, this reincarnation mandala -"

When Jiang Chen said half of it, someone suddenly interrupted him.

"This reincarnation mandala is to be applied externally, and it is to be ground into powder, mixed with the water of Lingquan, evenly spread on the girl's jade body, huh, huh, if you need to do it, I am You can give it a try."

The person who spoke was Li Yanchao. At this moment, he was walking step by step, with a touch of meaningful color in his eyes. He looked at Xue Qianying and was full of embarrassment.

"Who am I? It turned out to be a small hybrid of Shen Danzong. Oh, why, do you want to lose sight?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This sentence, I should give it to you, little bastard, do you think that you can stand out from the crowd at the auction? Here, it is a secret, no one can save you."

Li Yanchao said with a proud face, can not be a lifetime, in his eyes, Jiang Chen is already his own prisoner.

"Now hand over this woman and hand over the artifacts in your hands. Maybe I can leave you a whole body, maybe."

Jiang Chen shrugged.

"There are always people who want to be evil. Just because of you? Do you think you have this ability? If you are here, maybe I will still be jealous of three points, but you, huh, sorry, I have never seen you before. Even Is it better than Helian, I am afraid that you may not have absolute certainty?"

Li Yanchao is not angry, saying:

"Your strength is indeed very strong, really, if I am on you, maybe it will not have a good ending, but this thunder, there is already a brain damage of Helian Wuji, I think I still Will you fall into your tricks? You have lost more than half of your strength with Helian, and you have passed the nine-day catastrophe. Do you think you still have the power of a battle? Now, I want to kill you. If you take a sac, you can't lose it to you. It is a loss to his conceit. After all, you are just a little hybrid that has just been promoted to the human world. How much wave do you think you can make?"

In the speech, it is extremely ridiculous and disdainful. Li Yanchao has completely decided to take Jiang Chen, and this time there are beautiful people on the side, plus the reincarnation mandala, he can be said to be very fruitful, Li Yanchao deep inside, I have already been happy.

"It seems that you are eating me, playing with me and catching the squirrels in the back. Oh, it's a bit interesting, then you have to come up with some real skills. I am a cockroach, a cockroach has been eaten by me. You, this oriole, I will not be soft-hearted."

Jiang Chen smiled.

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