Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2333: Why do I cry?

Dagu soul light!

When Jiang Chen saw the big scorpion light in the hands of the old macaque, even he was slightly shocked. This is definitely not an artifact, but the existence of the transcendental artifact. It is a real yuan artifact! However, today's Dagu soul light has been completely damaged. If you want to re-fix this big soul light, even Jiang Chen is not sure. After all, he can't refine it now. However, refining and refining, if you want him to repair this big sacred light, it is not completely impossible.

"This magic lamp, I have to fix it."

Jiang Chen mouth slightly smacked a touch of smile, so that the old macaque is even more taboo, others may not know, but he always feels the appearance of Jiang Chen, crushed the seal of the mountain, extraordinary.

"If you are really a seal, then today I have to blame, to give you the most terrible blow, even if it is a seal, it is impossible to block my footsteps."

The old macaque whispered in his heart, stepping out in one step, the big scorpion in the hands of the soul, a blade of soul flashing out, and forced the river dust away.

"Be careful, Jiang Chen, this is the blade of the soul, don't be hit, otherwise your soul will be attacked."

Liu Quanchao reminded him without worry.

"Is it? I have to see, how powerful this blade of soul is."

Jiang Chen is not afraid, facing up, the branch is fighting with the old macaque, the blade of the horrible soul, continuously hit, and Jiang Chen is like a human being, the blade of the horrible soul is actually blasting to him. For a moment, like a mud cow into the sea, it did not cause any harm to Jiang Chen.

"Da Yan refining!"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are slightly stunned. The soul blade of this great sacred soul lamp is indeed horrible. If it is not the merits of the great refining and refining, he will never have any chance to hide in the past. Just taking the attack of the blade of the soul will make Jiang Chen invincible.

At that moment, everyone was dumbfounded, including the old macaque, incredulously watching this step, Jiang Chen step by step, although only the early days of God's humanity, but the face of the soul is not injured This makes the old macaques can not help but have a deeper shock and understanding of Jiang Chen's seal body.

"This is impossible, unless the power of your soul can transcend the heavenly state, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to block the blade of the soul."

The old macaque said coldly.

"This guy is indeed a bit of a pervert. This soul blade is difficult for us to compete against, and we dare not face it with it. But in his eyes, it is like a human being. Is it the soul blade? Can't hurt him?"

Zhang Lei muttered, not convinced, this scene, so that he is also frustrated, after all, Jiang Chen's strength is only the beginning of God's human condition, but he has reached the late stage of God's humanity, these powerful levels The gap, but let him become the foil of others, Zhang Lei naturally is difficult to be willing.

The horror of the Blade of Soul, Jiang Hao has the most say, because under the attack of the Blade of Soul, he has completely lost his fighting power and has become the Lamb to be slaughtered. Jiang Chen’s attack made him see a glimmer of hope. In the presence of the scene, if there is confidence in Jiang Chen, there are only two people, one is him, and the other is handsome.

"The Blade of Soul, but what?"

Jiang Chen felt the humiliation and anger of the power of the soul, shame and unwillingness, and the blade of the horrible soul was turned into nothingness under the purification of his own refining soul.

The old macaque is also displayed again and again. The soul blade of the sacred soul lamp seems to have no attack effect on Jiang Chen, so he also becomes dignified. This guy in the early days of the gods seems to be Not so good to deal with.

"In this case, this big sorrowful light can't hurt you, then try it. If you want to fight against it, can you resist it?"

The old macaque snorted and went back to the other side. He grew up quickly and rushed down. He completely blocked any retreat of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold and he was holding a dragon sword. Every sword was full. The power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, Tianlongjian constantly cut down the branches of the flowers of the other side of the river, so that the flowers on the other side of the river are somewhat cringed, because Jiang Chen’s Tianlong sword has fallen to the other side of the flower, and it has become difficult to grow again. In other words, the loss of the ability to regenerate the other side of the flower, but also the impact of Jiang Chen, it is difficult to cause real suppression.

"If you think this is over, then you are too naive. Hey."

"Be careful, this is the most horrible thing about the other side of the life, not its branches, but his power of charm."

Liu Quanchao exclaimed, but at this moment, it is already too late.

The old macaque screamed, rising from the sky, the pollen of the other side of the flower, instantly ejected, the purple glory, sweeping the river dust, and Jiang Chen is also in this moment, lost in confusion.

Jiang Chen’s gaze, what he saw, was a fragmented wall wreckage, a magnificent palace towering high in the clouds, but it was already ruined; the colorful beasts of the wild, trembled, but already blood Dry up; the ancient gods of the heavens, the hands of the gods, but also have been turned into a dry body.

The earth is roaring, the ocean is rolling, the sky is sorrowing, and at that moment, it seems as if the sky is falling, and the end of the world is the same. Jiang Chen, like an outsider, silently watched all of this, a tingling in his heart, slowly born out, heartbreaking, painful.

Jiang Chen clutched his chest tightly, and he even hurt his knees.

"It’s terrible, why do I cry."

Jiang Chen muttered, tears could not help but slipped from his eyes.

"Give me to die!"

The old macaque roared, like the morning bell and drum, in the ear of Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was also hit by the giant hammer in the hands of the old macaque, and the river dust was directly blasted away and landed in the magma. On the edge, a stream of blood spurted out, and Jiang Chen’s eyes were deep, and he still couldn’t forget what happened just now.

The old macaque, this giant hammer, is replaced by the ordinary gods in the late stage. It is estimated that it has been shattered by the internal organs, and there is no place to die.

However, Jiang Chen actually patted the dust on his body, and once again stood up, the blood that overflowed the corner of his mouth, it looked even more glamorous.

Liu Quanchao and others who originally took a heart have become more and more dignified, because they just thought that Jiang Chen would die, but he still stood up and looked like the injury was not heavy.

Xuan Tianjia saved his life at a crucial moment, and Xuan Tianjia did not need to take the initiative to promote himself, but Xuan Tianjia was able to defend himself, and it could resist the offensive of the gods. Although the offensive of the old macaque is horrible, this hammer is only to let Jiang Chen suffer a little shock, even a minor injury, not counted.

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