Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2345: a touch of affection

Yang Jian holds a three-pointed and two-edged knife, sweeping the world, opening and closing, and swallowing like a tiger.

The cold 泠 泠 泠 , , , , , , , , , 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠 泠Moreover, hegemonic arrogant, treating two women, no mercy, Yang Jian is in front, cold and sturdy, behind the chasing, the two people are still stopped, if the strength is at the peak, then even The two women will not be afraid of them, but now they are already the end of the strong, and escape, there is no chance.

"Run, why don't you run? Oh, toasting, not eating and drinking, now you are my person, exquisite."

Leng Yiyi looked at Linglong and said that his eyes were full of hustle and bustle.

"Rather Stick to your guns."

Exquisitely faint.

"Life and death are all destiny, let's go, even if you die, you can't regret it."

Xue Qianying also said that the two women showed strong strength and decisiveness at this moment, but it was impressive. However, Yang Jian and Leng Yiyi did not have any pity.

"Then I have to be a hypocrite, hahaha."

Yang Jian laughed loudly, but the coldness of his mouth was terrible.

"Before Yang Jian, it is not like this, gentle and elegant, very humble, is this the true face of you?"

Snow thousand meets.

"Jiangshan easy to change the nature is difficult to move, hypocrites I have done enough, it is better to be crazy once, hey, for you, I can change my principles."

Yang Jian sneered, step by step closer to the snow.

"Put it, even if it is dead, you can't make it all right."

Linglong looked at the snow and greeted her, and the two women’s eyes were absolutely incomparable.

Xue Qianying and Linglong are both true female heroes. They are powerful and strong. Even if they are injured, they are still not willing to show weakness. Two people are fighting hard. Xue Qian Ying is on Yang Jian. Yang Jian did not take advantage of it. After all, when the snow was welcoming, he was not an opponent, but he was strong in Yang Jian’s strength, and he had a three-pointed and two-edged sword. He was the most unstoppable in the world. Even if he was doing his best, he still couldn’t resist it. The situation of self-restraint and self-restraint is also accompanied by the confrontation between the two, which is getting more and more serious.

On the other side, Liang Kuanping and Pan Hong are not required to be shot at all. It is not so weak to go to Yiben. The strength of the two men is different, and the exquisite nine-section whip is also beyond the reach of the cold. There is no threat at all, the rifle is still the same, the guns are shot, and the exquisiteness can only be step by step, and the situation of defeat is already clear.

At the time of the battle, Leng Yiyi did not have any hands to keep his hand. Exquisite shots were like electric power, and he attacked madly, but he still couldn’t escape the ruthless guns of the cold, and it was unstoppable.


Cold 泠 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一There is no feeling of pity and jealousy, they just have to deal with themselves and the snow.

"Even if I die, I will pull you back."

Linglong sneered, the nine-section whip constantly hit, the momentum is stunned, even if it is hurt by the exquisite, under the full force, still does not lose the power of the peak of the human world, and her counter-attack is also in the cold Under the gun, it is equally divided.

However, Linglong could not persist until the poisonous gas attack. At this moment, she has been exhausted exhausted, and finally she is repelled again under the attack of Leng Yiyi, but even if it is so embarrassing, it is still Not to lose the brilliance, so is the snow thousand welcoming, both of them are constantly repelled, and eventually lost their fighting power.

"Now, I see how you fight with me."

Leng Yiyi smiled.

"Hand over the baby on your body, otherwise you will have to be a beast."

Liang Kuanping smiled and jumped out. The gloomy eyes shone with unusual colors. The snow and the cold and the cold, were extremely dignified. I didn’t expect both of them to be self-defeating and not to be eyebrows. In the hands of these villains.

"If my strength is at the peak, how can you dare to fight with me?"

Linglong sneered.

"But that's just an assumption. Now, both of you are in my hands."

Yang Jian shouted.

"To kill, you have to shave, and you will listen to you."

Exquisite road.

"Kill you? That's not too cheap for you, hehe."

The beam width is flat and the color is soft and soft.

"A group of shameless people, I have already been out of life for life and death."

Snow Qian Ying is also not afraid of a few people, disdain to say.

"It really is that you don't want to have eyebrows. Since you are so sturdy, then I will not kill you, how to torture them, how comfortable?"

Liang Kuanping sneered, slowly approaching the exquisite, the color of the eyes in the eyes, the more intense.

"Someone, be careful!"

Yang Jian looked at Leng Yiyi and said, Shen Sheng said.

Just then, a hammer of storm fell in front of Liang Kuanping.

"You dare to take a step and try it out."

A cold voice echoed in the void, a figure of a stalwart, proud of standing.

"Jiang Chen, is it really you? It is really good."

Yang Jian said with a look of surprise.

"Yang, brother, are you?"

Jiang Chen also glimpsed a little, and immediately the corner of his mouth raised a touch of joy.

"These two are the cold sorcerers of the sacred guns, Liang Kuanping of the impermanence gate, yes, you guys? Is it only you alone?"

"And us."

The handsome man and Jiang Hao Liu Quanchao Zhang Lei and others, all came over, Jiang Hao's broken arm, even more shocking.

"Pan Shixiong, Master Yang, I really didn't expect to be able to meet you here."

The handsome man is also a little smile, very close, in this secret secluded secret, the person of Xuanfengzong, in addition to him and Jiang Chen, is already less and less, so I can see the people of Xuanfengzong here. For the handsome man, nature is extremely happy.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be with them."

Linglong said quietly, Xue Qian stunned and stared at him for a long time.

"How do you tie them together?"

Liu Quanchao said in a deep voice, Linglong is the goddess of their Tianchenzong, so at this moment, Liu Quanchao is naturally unhappy.

"What is going on? Master Yang."

Jiang Chen looked at Yang Jian with a burning gaze.

"Oh, it’s hard to say a word. Both of them are poisoned. When they see people, they kill. We have more than a dozen brothers, all of them are dead in the hands of both of them, so in desperation, we can only shoot them." Living."

Yang Jian shook his head.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he looked at the snow and ushered in the exquisiteness. The exquisite eyes were full of indifference and anger, but in the eyes of Xue Qianying, he saw a touch of affection.

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