Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2350: The ancient dragon

Li Yan step by step to kill the machine, between the charge and the line, the steel whip flickered in the vertical and horizontal, force the mountains and rivers, shocking the void.

Jiang Chen quickly flashed, can only avoid its edge, today's Li Yan, can be described as a strong and unparalleled, half-step horror of the gods, completely unimaginable, Jiang Chen knows this battle, will be his strongest battle Although there is no grasp of winning, but it does not necessarily lose, but he still does not know how this Li Yan means, can only retreat into the first, touch the bottom of the other side, so that you know yourself and others, Can only fight a hundred battles.

Li Yan wins chasing, Jiang Chen's concession is also the cost of getting him to continue to charge. Jiang Chen is accidentally hit by two waves of Li Yan, so it is like burning in the depths of the soul. Let Jiang Chen’s heart be a trembling, this guy seems to be really outrageous.

Li Yan raised his hand, and between the squares, it was already that Jiang Chen had no sudden advances. As long as he wanted to rush forward, he would be defeated by Li Yan’s fierce whip.

Even if it was after the dragon's change, Jiang Chen had to avoid his edge. He could only make a split with Li Yan, provided that the other party did not continue to charge. After the dragon changed, the power of Jiang Chen reached an unprecedented level of strength. With Xuan Tianjia, Jiang Chen was not afraid of Li Yan, but his black iron steel whip did have some doorways, even his own mysterious Tianjia. Can protect him well, let him feel a trace of crisis, this black iron steel whip, can indeed act on the human soul, a whip down, shocked to heaven.

Jiang Chen’s strength has reached its peak, but it is difficult to cause any damage to Li Yan, because from the beginning to the end, Li Yan is pressing Jiang Chen to fight, the more he is worried, and Jiang Chen is also getting more and more Yong, change to be an ordinary person, has long been squandered by Li Yan, but Jiang Chen still does not rely on it, two people can be described as love each other, who will not have the slightest slack.

"Chongtian beats the whip."

Li Yan roared, and the whip shadow turned into a blast, falling from the sky, and his momentum was also at this moment, the rushing bulls, the violent violent, like the Mount Taishan generally smashed down, Jiang Chen's face changed greatly, quickly retreated, but still It was hit by Li Yan, and under the whip, Jiang Chen was mixed and sucked a little, and flew away. Tianlongjian’s sword broke out, the mountains and rivers shattered, the ancient woods flew, the earth roared, and the ghosts cried. general.

Jiang Chen rushed out of the blood and his face changed. This blow made him feel the killing of Li Yan. This guy, some of the horror is unacceptable.

"Great Heaven!"

Based on the big heavenly machine, Jiang Chen played against Li Yan. This time, he finally had to show his strongest blow. That is to make your own strength, but also to reach the real hegemony.

Jiang Chen and Li Yan struggled hard to divide. After the dragon changed, even if it was a battle for the first half of the heavenly gods, it could not really kill Li Yan.

"The ancient dragons!"

Jiang Chen roared, this is his first time to display the ancient dragons, the dragon changed again, this time, his body is all under the growth of gold scales, incomparably dazzling, ancient dragons, let his strength In an instant, he reached the same realm as Li Yan - half-step gods!

At this moment, Jiang Chen has the help of God, the momentum is like a rainbow, killing the plane, even Li Yan is a bit dumbfounded, how can Jiang Chen suddenly reach the realm of half-step gods?

Under the loss of God, Li Yan’s face also became dignified and went all out. This time, I dare not have any scorn.

Jiang Chen feels his body. At this moment, it seems to have the power of a sea and a sea. It can smash the sky, crack the ground, stir the Tianhe River, and only between the hands, the ash and the smoke are gone, the situation changes, and everything trembles.

Jiang Chen feels that this world, he seems to be at his fingertips, unprecedented power, filled with his own eight classics, limbs, Jiang Chen dare to fight in heaven.

Hand-held Tianlong sword, Jiang Chen a sword out, Baili Mountain, divided into two, Dajiang roaring, all things sinking, at that moment, Li Yan was also defeated by a blow, deeply hit, the power of a sword, shocking the world !

Lian Jiangchen himself did not think that the ancient dragon martial arts, he actually upgraded his strength to a half-step gods, crossed two levels, and under the dragon's skill, his own strength, almost doubled, the dragon changed again Change, terror is also upgraded again.

Although he was a half-step god, but Li Yan seemed to be in the middle of it, he was shocked by himself. Jiang Chen did not intend to give Li Yan any chance. At that moment, he again charged and started a five-line battle. The battle of the dragons is overwhelming. Compared with the past, it is more than a hundred times stronger. Jiang Chen can deeply feel that the addition of the ancient dragons to the five elements of the dragon seal is also difficult to estimate.

Jiang Chen's heart, set off a burst of stormy waves, even he is difficult to control himself, strength, strength is the real hard truth, in the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain, one force to reduce ten Hui, who can be?

Jiang Chen knows that his strength is still too weak. If he is half-step of the strength of the gods, what fears do he have?

Li Yan was hit by the five elements of the dragon, and he was once again hit hard. Even he did not expect that Jiang Chen would have such a hand, so that he was too unprepared to defend his strength. It was almost unheard of for two consecutive times. Today he is also open. Eyes are up.

"How can this be?"

Li Yan didn't quite believe it, but the facts were in front of him. He was twice defeated by Jiang Chen. They all had no resistance at all. Although they were half-step gods, in front of Jiang Chen, he seemed to be a As a child, the hand has no binding force, and there is no fighting power at all. Just now he suppressed himself, but now he has changed his position.

Li Yan feels the strength of Jiang Chen, and some of them are illusory. If he forces himself to improve his strength, he will definitely have sequelae. If he persists, he will definitely wait until the moment when his strength declines.

"If you want to wait for my strength to defeat, then launch an offensive against me, you may not have this opportunity."

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Three thousand dragon prints!"

The five elements of the real fire gathered together into a horrible dragon seal. This time, the addition of the ancient dragons was even more stunned by Jiang Chen, not to mention the evil charm, the strength of Li Yan, and more than Jiang Chen. Falconity, because he was forced to increase his cultivation when he entered the secluded secret.

At this moment, the five elements of the three thousand flaming dragons were raging and raging. The bombardment was on his chest. Li Yan felt his own internal organs, as if he had to be burnt.

"no, do not want……"

In Li Yan’s eyes, he finally showed a horror of color, because he felt the threat of death. At this moment, if he was one step later, he was completely killed by Jiang Chenge.

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