Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2362: Wujia brothers [five more]

"It's really great, Master Liu, Master Zhang, I saw you, and we finally found the organization."

Pan Hong said with some excitement. After all, the strength of the three of them is still relatively weak. Now I have seen Liu Quanchao and Zhang Lei, and they have found the backbone. All the way, I don’t know how many people are dead. Now everyone’s heart is filled with feelings of depression. The same is true of Pan Hong. The people of Xuan Fengzong have died one after another, without any signs at all. At that moment, it was destined to face death, and the people who died were far more than those who survived the secluded secret.

Whether you are a genius genius or a son of a lord, as long as you enter the secluded secret, you enter the death hell. If you want to live, you can only continue to become stronger and continue to kill, and you will be able to stand up.

Pan Hong and Yang Jian and others know that their strength can only be regarded as the level of the middle reaches. They can live. It is entirely luck, not to mention the horror of the first three gates, even Liu Quanchao Zhang Lei, in their eyes, It is also extremely powerful, and it is difficult to compete. If you encounter such an adversary, you can only smash it.

No one wants to be someone else's oil bottle, but Pan Hong and others know very well that if they don't flock in groups, then they will die faster. This is the world where people eat people. Jiang Chen wants to save them. In the end, it’s life and death, and in their hearts, how can they not care about it?

The appearance of Liu Quanchao and Zhang Lei and others is undoubtedly giving them a shot of strength, and Liu Quanchao and others are also the same. After all, they are among the four major sects. No one is too angry, and Liu Quanchao and Zhang Lei are also responsible. If you can help them, it is natural to help.

"The previous things were really our fault. At that time, we were controlled by the spirit of the ghost eye, and we will make such a despicable thing. Brothers, don't be surprised, I am here to give you Yang Jian. Everyone is insured."

Yang Jian said, it was a deep gift, a look of dignified color.

"Ghost Eyes, Li Yan, is indeed a powerful character. I don't know if you don't blame it, get up, this thing, I didn't expect it, it would be so dramatic."

Liu Quanchao said with a smile.

Pan Hong and Leng Yiyi are also looking at each other, but Zhang Lei and others have not continued to speak.

"What about Jiang Chen? How can I trust you now?"

Linglong said coldly, apparently she was still angry with the previous things, and she still feels guilty.

"We were indeed under the control of Li Yan's soul. Jiang Chen is still alive and dead to save us. Hehe."

Yang Jian’s words, let Liu Quanchao and others, are breathing a stagnation.

"What, life and death?"

Pretty handsome face change, incomparably dignified.

"I think that Jiang Chen will certainly be able to save his life. Although his strength may not be the strongest, no one can let him flap, at least I have not encountered it."

Liu Quanchao pondered for a moment, and said with a sullen look.

"I hope so."

Zhang Lei whispered.

"You only have three people left now?"

Liu Quanchao looked at Yang Jian and others and asked.

"God guns, cold and sorrow."

Leng Yiyi said that he can meet with Liu Quanchao and others. He is also very happy. After all, people are more powerful. Otherwise, relying solely on the strength of the three of them to stand in this secluded secret is completely heaven. Night Tan.

"The guns are cold and cold, I have heard it for a long time. I am fortunate."

Zhang Lei smiled.

"Do you want to go to the holy mountain?"

Pan Hongdao.

"Yes, you too? It seems that this time, it is a bit clever."

Jiang Hao said, looking at the yellow mountain in the distance, nodded and looked dignified.

"The water of the spiritual spring of the holy mountain, I am afraid that it is not so good. There should be a lot of monsters here, and it is a powerful and powerful monster."

Yang Jian nodded.

"how do you know?"

Zhang Lei asked.

"Because this sacred mountain is the real place for the dance of the devils, we were chased by a **** of evil dragons, and we were still dead, and we encountered a horrible mountain-beast, also a monster of the gods, they said These two monsters, in the holy mountains of the earth, can all share the water of the spring. That is to say, these two monsters are estimated to be back, and not only that, but also other monsters. And will come."

Yang Jian said with a gloomy face. At this time, their hopes will become more and more embarrassing. How powerful is the monster of the gods? If it wasn't for the **** evil dragons that were injured, they could hardly escape. Even so, they are not relying on their own strength to escape, so Yang Jian and others are intimidating about the evil dragons of hell, and even the monsters of the gods.

"According to what you said, we came to this sacred mountain, isn't it a happy one, not only can we not get the water of Lingquan, but also may we die?"

Zhang Lei said that in his heart, the monsters of the gods and gods are extremely jealous. If the monsters of the gods are present, it is estimated that these people are not enough people to sew.

"That may not be the case. We can continue to make some human powers and form alliances. In that case, even those who face the gods of the gods may not have a chance of winning."

Cold and embarrassed.

"That's right, we can make some human powerhouses. In that case, we will be able to have a foothold. Here, we will not be killed by those monsters. Only the real strong can be proud." Only when they stand can they ignore those monsters."

Liu Quanchao said seriously.

"It's not a master of Tianchenzong. It's good to say it. Count me. In Wuyi Zongwu Qianxun, this is my brother, Wu Tinghou."

A hearty Tsing Yi man, who laughed and walked over, walked like a wind, and the people present, no one even found out that they existed separately. It really made people feel amazed, Liu Quanchao silently nodded.

"Tian Chenzong Liu Quanchao, polite."

"Mr. Liu is a dragon and a phoenix, but it is like a slap in the ear. This time, it is a good thing to see that we form an alliance, but it is a beautiful thing. Hahaha. In the past, I have never heard of a human strong from this. The earth sacred mountain has taken away the water of Lingquan, fearing that it will be tens of thousands of years."

Wu Tinghou, who is in a blue suit, is nine feet long and looks like a crown. It is also a serious face.

"The martial arts brother said that it is extremely tens of thousands of years. I have not heard anyone say that there is a water of Lingquan, which is now in Gulong City."

Zhang Lei smiled.

"Now we form an alliance and share the monsters. Once successful, it will definitely be famous in the river and shake the city of Gulong."

Wu Qianxun is also a hope, obviously confident, the strength of both of them is indeed quite powerful, each one is not weaker than Liu Quanchao.

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