Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2365: Go back

"Oh, this time, you are afraid that there is no second water of Lingquan. It seems that this hellish dragon has not sold you this face."

The one-horned rhinoceros faintly said, but wearing a mountain beast is already furious, this guy is not keeping promises.

"Do you dare to go back?"

The mountain **** beast roared.

"The person who is in the opposite direction is you. I am only treating the person with his own way. This water of the spring is to be fixed."

Hell evil dragon sneered.

"Enough, since the **** of the evil dragon has come, then it depends on the ability, six dragon cave seats, it depends on whether you can pull the top."

The voice of the horned rhinoceros fell, and there was a burst of turmoil above the entire Kowloon Grottoes, because no one wanted to give up. This war is destined to be inevitable, fighting, and at the touch of a button.

"Old rules, melee, who can stand up to the end, who is the winner."

Although the mountain beast is angry, but he has to say that he is still very fair. Now that the **** dragon has appeared, he will not continue to entangle. After all, this century-old water of the spring is extremely important, and the rest of the private Resentment, he will not let go of this hell.

"It seems that we can see a real dispute between the gods and the gods this time."

Xu Jin said, these battles of the gods and the beasts, they want to join in, it is basically impossible, so can only wait for the opportunity, in that case, as long as the other party can get the water of the spring, then halfway It is absolutely perfect to kill the gods of the gods who have long since died.

In the distance, Liu Quanchao and others are also entering the sacred mountains of the earth, watching the monsters of more than 20 heavenly gods. Everyone’s heart is like a big stone, pressed and pressed. The pressure is entirely from the depths of the heart, because the monsters of these gods are really too strong. Among them, no one will be an opponent, only to wait and see, this Kowloon Cave is bound to be a **** battle. .

"This is the real feast."

Liu Quanchao said with a long heart, the envy of the eyes, when, he can step into the gods in one step, once formed into a godhead, then it is the difference between God, half-step gods, distance from the gods, always still not small difference.

"Yeah, the real battle of feasts, this battle must be discolored in the heavens and the earth, and the situation is changing."

Wu Qianxu silently sinks into this. At this moment, they can only choose to wait quietly. Only in this way can they be surprised and get a chance. If they are really hard-hitting with the monsters of this group of gods, they can only hit the stone with eggs.

"This time, it is really exciting. The monsters in this group of gods are really too strong."

The handsome man is also very excited. At this time, no one can calm down, the dispute in the Kowloon Grottoes, and other monsters will be beaten, and even when they get the water of Lingquan, they will definitely be seriously injured. It is the best time for them to shoot.

As the saying goes, after catching the oriole, the same is true of Yang Mingcheng and Xu Jin. They are all waiting for a shot.

"I see today, who dares to fight with our three brothers."

A huge giant, swaying, and two giant pythons behind him, are also close behind. If Jiang Chen or Tang Zhen is here, they will be able to recognize that this was caused by them from the riverbed. The three giant pythons, the horrible atmosphere, swept up, all the gods and gods, at this time, they also chose to silence, after all, three brothers, as long as one, if you dare to come, the three brothers yell at you One, this sale is quite cost-effective, and no one wants to provoke these three guys.

"Occasionally, our Golden Winged Scorpio brothers only want a place in the Dragon Cave."

Two scorpio-backed golden-winged scorpions stepped out in one step, and the branches were standing in front of the three giant pythons.

"Children, Qingliu, Qingfang, you want to fight without fighting, I am afraid it is not so easy, hehehe."

"Dog day, it seems that you are still worried about the death of your deceased brother. But today you two can think about it. There is no turning back when you open the bow. If you are against other monsters, maybe you There is still a line of life, but with our three brothers, it is not so easy to stand out."

Boss said in a childish disdain.

"There are heads and debts who have the Lord. What we are looking for is the three of your brothers who are dying today, and they have to fight and fight without fighting."

The golden-winged cockroach proudly said that he did not want to continue to entangle with the three giant pythons. They were ironic and wanted to compete with the three giant pythons.

"If that's the case, then I will fulfill you. Let the two of you go together with your brother to get together under the ground."

Qing Qiao said with a smile, but this embarrassment is indeed a hard battle. These two guys are not idle people. The three youngsters want to win this test. I am afraid that it is not so simple.

There is no extra routine in these wars. There are also monsters in these gods. They are also beasts. After they have identified their own ideas, they are more persistent than human beings, and they have died in battle. Many monsters are Going to the battle of life and death.

It didn't take long for these monsters of the gods to start the competition. The real battle of the strongest is just beginning. The battle of the six dragons is in full swing. No one wants to miss the water of the spring. Once you miss it, it is a hundred years, and after a hundred years, it will be even stronger than the monsters that have the water of the Spirit Spring to purify the demon. At that time, it will be completely ridden by others. .

Therefore, each monster is hard to solve all the problems, the battle is fierce, it is quite terrible, because they know that once there is a slight slack, then it will only become a stepping stone for others, although these monsters usually seem safe Nothing, but once it involves things of its own interest, it is a life and death competition. In the secret of the lack of resources, they compete for the water of the spring, which has become a top priority.

They practice hard and finally complete the transformation. What is needed is the water of the spring, the whole secluded secret. The water of the spring is really a baby. For humans or monsters, it is here. It is a place to fight.

The beast is born with a strong and unparalleled spirit, and it is far better than human beings. This is also the reason why the gods and gods here are not in the eyes of the human beings, and they have been in tens of thousands of years. Competing for the water of this spiritual spring, and the people who compete for it, without exception, all died here.

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