Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2369: Hundreds of trials

Not only the mountain beasts, but also the horned spirits, and the monsters of all the gods in the presence, at this moment, they all become red eyes, because the temptation of these two immortal medicines is too It’s too big. Org and Jiang Chen, even took out two at a time, this can definitely let this group of monsters riot, if they do not have a single-horned spirit and a mountain beast, they have already rushed to Jiang Chen.

"It is him, it is him, it is him! Hahaha, Jiang Chen, you finally appeared, I said, he will not die."

Yang Jian’s eyes sparkled with indescribable joy and excitement. The emergence of Jiang Chen made them all excited. Whether it was Pan Hong or Liu Quanchao, after all, many people had more power, and Jiang Chen had no fear. In front of the beasts of this group of gods, there must be some reservations. At this moment, with this slap in the face, the momentum is magnificent and the spirit is high.

"Is Jiang Chen? I heard that he killed Zhu Mingyang, who is the king of the tyrants, and Li Yanchao of Shen Danzong. The strength is strong. It is completely a demon temper. It seems that his strength is not very strong."

Wu Qianxu whispered.

"People can't look at each other. The sea can't fight, Chihiro, remember not to look down on anyone, especially a well-known person, Jiang Chen's strength, we don't know, so he is more terrible than 琅琊."

Wu Tinghou's words, let Liu Quanchao and others are also impressive, because his words are very reasonable, and full of affirmation of Jiang Chen, this Wu Tinghou, see people very accurate.

"This guy, what's the head? How dare you fight against you? And behind him, there are a lot of monsters in the gods, it's really daring. Oh."

Yang Mingcheng said coldly, his eyes narrow and he looked at Jiang Chen.

"This guy, it should be Jiang Chen, I saw him at the auction of Gulongcheng, I was so angry, I was arrogant, huh, I guess it was a pustule that I couldn’t use, and I dared to confront him. He It’s definitely a dead end. Although I have taken out two medicinal herbs, do you think this guy has any room to live and capital?”

Xu Jin sneered, his judgment on Jiang Chen is a guy who doesn't know how to be honest. He is arrogant and conceited. In the end, he still has to pay for his own behavior.

"Then let's wait for this good show, hahaha, I don't think this is a fuel-efficient lamp. Let them kill each other. When the time comes, who can laugh at the end, but not Certainly. These two monsters, it seems that they are ready to fight, so that it is quite beneficial to us."

Yang Mingcheng.

"That depends on how many people are sitting on the mountain, and these two monsters are the most difficult. One, you and I are not necessarily opponents, but these monsters It is too tricky."

Xu Jin whispered that these monsters are his fear.

"I didn't expect you to be very courageous, but I don't like to trade with humans, and I don't want to be used as a tool."

If you wear a mountain beast, let the corner of the mouth slightly tilt up, this guy, it seems that it is not so good to deal with, Jiang Chen seems to touch the bottom line of the mountain beast.

"Killing you, Dan medicine belongs to me, isn't it the best of both worlds? What qualifications do you have to talk to me about conditions, humble humans?"

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, not angry, but very heroic two medicinal herbs, directly bombed to the mountain beast. The mountain beast is also a slight glimpse, but it is quickly taking two medicinal herbs.

"My sincerity is enough? Wear a mountain beast predecessor. If you think that I am using you, then you don't have to take a shot. Anyway, you have already got two medicinal herbs. Of course, you have a fight with the unicorns. Maybe I will be thankless, I am also considered to be the beauty of adults."

"Are you threatening me? Or do you want to irritate me?"

Wearing a mountain beast, punching out, squatting on the ridge of the Kowloon Grottoes, a horrible shock force, forced to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen instantly moved, changed the shape of the body, appeared in the oblique front of the mountain beast .

At that moment, the whole audience was stunned. No one thought that Jiang Chen could complete the teleport of the void shuttle. It is true that the demon beast of the gods is nothing to do with him.

"This guy, it seems that I really look down on him."

His eyes are stunned and cold, but it is already here, and he will never be willing to give up. Jiang Chen must also be killed. Otherwise, it will become a big problem in the future.

"You succeeded in angering me. Of course, your radical approach is very useful to me, because I don't believe it, this old rhinoceros can help me?"

The mountain **** beast screamed and he accepted the two immortal medicines of Jiang Chen. For him, it is already quite earning. Even if he does not fight with the one-horned rhinoceros, Jiang Chen can’t help but, but As a monster, he has his own dignity and credit.

If you are now shrinking, then everyone will think that he is afraid of this old rhinoceros, and since he has received Jiang Dian’s immortal medicine, he will never help. This kind of revenge is for the mountain **** beast. It is already worth the money. As a monster, he sees his dignity more than anything else. Although they are violent, they are extremely credible, especially those who wear mountains and beasts, and there will be no scorn. Jiang Chen is gambling on the mountain beast will definitely shoot, obviously, he bet on it.

Jiang Chen knows very well that this battle between the mountain beast and the one-horned rhinoceros is already imminent, but he must ensure that he is foolproof, and he must put a reliable helper for his camp, and wearing the mountain beast is the best choice. Since you have reached a consensus with the one-horned spirit, if you fight alone, you will definitely become a cannon fodder. The monsters at the beginning of the day in the early days of the gods can be different.

"Take people medicinal herbs, and people to fight disasters, this water of the spring, I have to set a one-of-a-kind, today, we will see here."

The mountain-beasted beast finally started a real decisive battle with the unicorn spirit. This battle, no matter who is anyone, is holding his breath, especially their own, has long been a long-awaited, just advanced to the heavenly gods 100,000 years ago. At that time, two people have had temptations, but in the end they are all equally divided. This time, they are going to really score a victory, and fight you to die.

"Humble humans, you will be like the pangolins, all of them will die of Huang Quan."

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