Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2384: Real backhand

Although he is invincible, strong, and talented, he is still forever sealed in the mountains. The death of Jiang Chen, it will not take long, it will be forgotten, and it will be ignored by the monsters in the whole secret and secret world. They will be relished by those who are alive, and they will not take long to step on the river. The dust of the dust has become a kind of fertilizer for this sacred mountain, and it has been sleeping here.

Everyone is completely desperate, and the one-horned spirit has taken the lead and swept through the unparalleled. Everyone has been beaten back by the horned rhinoceros, and once again, even the capital that has stood up is gone. Yang Mingcheng is dead. Dao Xiao, Xu Jin dying, Wu Qianxu and Wu Tinghou are hand-to-hand, brotherly, tears sacred.

Despair, loneliness, hate injustice! Everyone's heart is filled with many ideas, but the ending is that no one can change it. This is the number.

"Which is also a joy to life, why is it hard to die, and life and death are like the way."

Liu Quanchao faintly said that since there is no room for resignation, waiting for death may be the best choice.

"It seems that we are destined to die, and how talented, hahaha. In the end, isn't it a loess?"

Zhang Lei said with a smirk, the only thing that can stand still now, perhaps only the mountain beast, because he can only stand, as long as he falls down, it is really dead.

"Your demon spirit, for me, can be regarded as a kind of benefit, but if I want to live, I can strip off your demon spirit and exert its greatest value."

The one-horned spirit said with a smile, but wearing a mountain beast, a large body like a ridge, is constantly shaking, because this one-horned rhinoceros wants to kill chickens and take eggs, and is a living self.

"You are despicable and shameless! The old rhinoceros, you will be retribution. If you have the ability, you will kill me directly!"

The mountain **** beast roared, he could not imagine how cruel the next-horned spirit would kill the chicken and take the eggs, because it must be alive, endure the pain of despair, and can not die until the demon spirit is completely divided, he will Silent death is more terrible than human torture.

"You have no choice."

The one-horned rhinoceros smiled and the eyes were covered with a haze of color.

"The best medicine has the effect of restoring divine power. Next, these people will be handed over to me."

I laughed and said.

"Okay, but the eyes of the last Lingquan did not flow out of Lingquan, but unfortunately."

The one-horned rhinoceros said indifferently, and swallowed two of the best medicinal herbs in one body, and the limbs in the body were all recovered. However, the eye of Lingquan has nothing to do with him.

As for the water of Lingquan, he is not obliged to help him find out. He is already doing his best, because he has paid the biggest reward he can pay, and he has lost his life, and he is the leader of the beast. It is his promise and his dignity.

When all the monsters had eaten the best medicine, the corner of the mouth showed a faint smile.

"Now, all the water of your spiritual spring will be handed over to me. Since I didn't get that one, I can't go empty-handed?"

He turned and looked at the many monsters such as the one-horned rhinoceros.

"What do you mean?"

The horned rhinoceros eyes stared coldly at the cockroach.

"What do I mean, don't you understand? Received my panacea, you should always say something? The water of Lingquan will be taken out, otherwise, don't blame me."

He looked calmly and calmly.

In the eyes of the horned rhinoceros, a glimpse of the radiance, a little luck, the power of the body, but disappeared in an instant without a trace. In time, all the beasts were shocked and looked at them with horror.

"Do not try to mobilize the power in your body. Otherwise, your divine power will break your meridians and violently die. If you hand over the water of the fountain in your hand, maybe I will spare you. One."

"Despicable and shameless human beings, do you actually take medicine for us?"

The sound of the one-horned rhinoceros is deafening, but it seems to be lacking in strength. Even the eyes are weak.

"I didn't force you, it's all you eat yourself, no wonder me."

He shrugged and said disapprovingly.

"You are a thing that is not as good as a beast."

"I want to kill you, humble humans, you dare to count us!"

"The brother of the rhinoceros, you must not let him go, must kill him."

"If you are a human being, don't ever believe it! You are a scum."

Every monster is incomparably angry, because now that they have eaten the best of the scorpion, everyone has become divine, and it is already exhausted. Now it is poisoned. It has become a little white rabbit that has been slaughtered by anyone. The fierceness of each monster is at this moment, and there is no such thing.

How can you believe this human being in the incomparable remorse of the horned rhinoceros? In the end, he killed all the monsters, because his greed, but now he has become a prisoner of the ranks of others. This kind of sale, the unicorn has never been done for a lifetime, but he did not expect to live for more than ten thousand years. It was actually played by a boy of a few decades old, and it was a step in the wrong way.

Now, the one-horned rhinoceros and all the monsters are all prisoners. I have to say that the one-horned rhinoceros has now discovered how stupid he is. He always does not believe in human beings, but this moment he chooses For the arrogant dignity of his own beast, he let go of it, and eventually he ate his own fruit.

The man is a knife and I am a fish. At this moment, all the beasts have chosen to give up the water of the fountain in their hands, because this is their last hope.

The heart is speculative, the world is impermanent!

Liu Quanchao and others are also a slight glimpse. I didn’t expect that 琅琊 actually turned the water at the last moment, putting them in a dangerous situation, but for them, it’s useless, because now everyone’s fate is pinched. In the hands of you.

However, Liu Quanchao and others are more aware of the situation. Even now, even if it is a shot, there is no chance of winning. Because even if the group of monsters did not shoot, they will not live for too long. This embarrassment will definitely not let them go. of.

This is because the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephants, and the organs are exhausted, this is the step, and he has planned from the very beginning to perfection, step by step, and the development of the matter is completely in accordance with his expectations. At this moment, Liu Quanchao, etc. People really understand that the ambiguous heart is speculative, saying that it is a good intention, but it is to lift him up, because all he has done, except himself, is almost a wrath.

Really control the back of the overall situation, it is this genius enchanting of this **** Danzong!

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