Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2393: True dragon

Under the pressure of the sacred flag, Qinglong squatted back and forth, even if Wu Rufeng also showed a shock, he never thought of the gods in the hands of Jiang Chen, even horrible, obviously all artifacts, but However, it is completely inferior to the flag of God of Jiang Chen.

The sacred flag is waving, and a horrible death scent is filled between the heavens and the earth, killing the temper, and swaying. Wu Rufeng is shrouded by the dark clouds of the ghosts, and the power of the gods is evident. At this moment, Qinglongyu is also getting weaker and weaker. It can't resist the gods and flags of Jiang Chen. The ghosts and wolverines in the gods and flags are generally raging, tearing the wind blade, such as drinking water.

"Damn guy."

Wu Rufeng said with a gnashing of his teeth. The flag of the gods is like a huge stone that is pressed against his heart.

"The green dragon is out, the wind is coming."

Wu Rufeng once again urged Qinglong. During the time, the mountain dance silver snake, the green dragon finished, like the same world unparalleled dryland mad dragon, overwhelming, the wind and the shadows, the mad dragon raging, Jiang Chen look calm, the **** flag is also not afraid, Jiang Chen grip God's flag, this time, he should be hands-on.

After the dragon changed, Jiang Chen was like a dragon in the world, holding the flag of the gods, and began a violent attack. The **** flag was in the hands of Jiang Chen. If there was a **** help, in the momentum, the Qinglong dragon was completely crushed, and that The hurricane that the hurricane generally swept from is also unable to push the river dust half a step. Under the dragon change, the dragon gas in the river dust body has reached its peak, and even the fire unicorn feels a pressure. This is the real dragon. In the face of this illusory mad dragon, it is completely crushed. The shadow of the shadows, the dragon shadow storm of the wind and the wind, was completely occupied by Jiang Chen, it is difficult to attack Jiang Chen.

"Sweeping the world, only I am dead!"

Jiang Chen holds the flag of the gods with one hand, stirs the stars and rivers, and the clouds are surging. A black dragon is crushed and emptied. Compared with Wu Rufeng’s mad dragon, it is hundreds of times more than the whole. The Wanli Mountains are all shrouded in the shadow of the black dragon. The black dragon directly swallows the green dragon that Wu Rufeng evolved. At that moment, the earthquake shook and everything was shocked.

The power of the gods' flag is put to the limit. Under the black dragon, everything is annihilated, and there is no survival. Wu Rufeng is swallowed up by the black dragon. Even if the Qinglong 幡 renews the sail, it is still difficult to counter the Jiang Chen.

"A terrible black dragon. This guy has a dragon, and it is a real dragon."

The fire unicorn trembled in the heart, even he was extremely shocked, and his heart was very surprised. The Wu Longfeng’s Qinglong scorpion relied on a trace of dragon gas to evolve a dry land mad dragon, but the **** of Jiang Chen Flag, relying on Jiang Chen's own dragon, turned out a 100,000-foot black dragon, which no one had thought of. The black dragon was suicidally engulfed and crushed Wu Rufeng, which was completely swallowed under the black dragon. However, among the black dragons, the fire unicorn has sensed a true dragon that makes him dignified.

The true dragon's temper is not an ordinary dragon. It is not a true peerless dragon. It is impossible to have a true dragon. Even if it is a child of a dragon, it is impossible to have a true dragon before it reaches the kingdom of God. .

Although the fire unicorn has a lingering fear, he will not ask Jiang Chen. This is his own secret. However, the change of Jiang Chen’s dragon is to make the fire unicorn more and more shocking. It was thought to be just a kind of improvement. The means, I did not expect the dragon's pressure after this dragon's change, it actually exists, and it is still the spirit of the real dragon, the fire unicorn has now become more and more difficult to see through the dust.

But he knows that this guy is not a leisurely generation, his original choice, and may bring him unimaginable benefits in the future.

"The true dragon, Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, you guys, is it true reincarnation? Ha ha."

Fire Kirin smiled and shook his head, muttering to himself.

However, at this moment, Wu Rufeng has been swallowed up by the black dragons of the gods, and the black dragons are exhausted. The ground is dark and the green dragons are dying. If Wu Rufeng faces snow and ice, his eyes are scattered and his mouth whispers:

"How is this possible? This is impossible!"

He couldn’t think of it anyway. Jiang Chen’s flag of God was so horrible, he swallowed his own Qinglong hurricane, and he was not even spared. He was deeply hurt. In the end, even Qinglong’s shackles were broken. In the hands of Jiang Chen, for Wu Rufeng, the blow is undoubtedly quite large.

Looking at the hand to break into two pieces of Qinglong, Wu Rufeng's heart, suddenly sinking into the bottom of the valley, his face is quite ugly, under the impact of the fierce and arrogant peerless black dragon, Wu Rufeng's internal organs are all very much Trauma, now, his strength is also greatly reduced.

"Qinglong, but that's it? Next, it's your death."

Jiang Chen said coldly, striding a meteor, starting from the sword, collecting the flag of God, lonely sword, and vertical and horizontal.

"Lonely, no sleep, no solution!"

Jiang Chen’s sword is not only a sword, but also a fierce sword. The sword is even more tearing the void. Wu Rufeng once again clenched the mace, and started twice, all of which were blown down by Jiang Chen. The third time, Jiang Chen The sword was finally cut across. Wu Rufeng retired and retreat, avoiding inevitable, the sword fell, and Wu Rufeng’s arm was also cut off by the students. Before the sword, Wu Rufeng had no way at all. Moreover, he is now deeply hit, and now his strength is greatly damaged. He is also completely passive.

This time, Wu Rufeng finally pounced, fell to the ground, kneeling on one knee, his face pale, with a touch of fear in his expression.

"I lost, I really lost, I actually lost to a kid in the middle of the gods, ridiculous, really ridiculous, hahaha."

Wu Rufeng said with a big laugh, but Jiang Chen looked out. This guy seems to be calm, but at the bottom of his heart, he is extremely afraid of death.

"Winning and losing, I have already been in my heart. If you kill you, I can be safe."

Jiang Chen walked in step by step, leaning against Wu Rufeng.

Wu Rufeng suddenly raised his head and stared at Jiang Chen.

"You can't kill me. I am Qinghe Zong Ertai."

Wu Rufeng said guilty, because he felt the killing of Jiang Chen, there was no weakening at all.

"Qing He Zong? Oh, it’s ridiculous. Do you think I am afraid of Qing Hezong? Or, if I am afraid of Qing Hezong, will I still shoot you?"

Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed. Sometimes, people are really sad, especially those who are unclear, who are so arrogant, but humble like a street mouse.

"No, then you can't kill me. Otherwise, my older brother will never let you go."

Wu Rufeng stepped back step by step, facing Jiang Chen, who stepped in step by step, his heart has become extremely fearful.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

"Death is not terrible. It is terrible that you don't even have the courage to face death."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

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