Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2402: White sword god

Jiang Chen’s spiritual knowledge was instantly released, and everything outside of a thousand miles was shrouded in his mind. He could feel the surging force of every soul.

But today's Da Yan refining technique can only be trained this way. If you want your soul power to be more horrible and more solid, then it is not so simple. But even so, with the help of Da Yan refining, Jiang Chen still felt a bit of extraordinary soul power.

"Alive... alive... I can't die, come back... I want to return..."

In the horrible soul of the mind, with an inexplicable repression, this repression, only Jiang Chen can profoundly understand, because the power of this soul seems to be caught in confusion and confusion, he wants It is the most incomprehensible to complete the blood sacrifice and want to change. Can it be said that this is only the power of a soul, wandering in the funeral mountain?

Jiang Chen’s heart is extremely shocking. The power of this soul is so horrible that he does not know, but it directly affects tens of millions of monsters to die, only for blood sacrifices. This is not something that can be done, especially the power of the soul is still in an embarrassing state.

On the occasion of Jiang Chen's doubts, a figure came to the air, the white-shirted sword, the dust-free, long-haired flying, temperament, slender figure, like a non-old fairy, silent on the void.

The man looks cold and the momentum is like a dragon. Everyone present, including Jiang Chen, feels a lot of pressure. This person is not simple, it goes without saying.

The surrounding air has become cold, because the appearance of this man has completely made everyone's heart become extremely dignified. These strongmen are even better than Tang Zhen, even if it is Yu Rongyan and Xu Jin and others looked at each other and were deeply shocked. Even if they joined forces, it seems that they may not be able to defeat him. He is like a tall drone, not climbing, not surpassing.

"Who is this person? It is so powerful, and I have never heard of it."

Liu Quanchao frowned, very curious about this white man.

"I do not know either."

Yu Rongyan shook his head, and his heart was extremely fearful about this white youth. He was extremely cautious and careful.

"Only one step is to be able to break through the gods. These masters are too powerful in this secluded secret. Even the monsters facing the gods are innocent."

Wu Ting Hou silently sighed, these masters, mysterious, quietly appearing outside this funeral mountain, no one dares to come forward to inquire.

"A white dress, all sides vibrate, sigh, and a green sword come up. I know, I know who he is, white sword god, Xue Liang! Forget the sword of the white sword god, I did not expect it to be him!"

The person behind Yu Rongyan, some people changed their look, Shen Sheng said, at that moment, Yu Rongyan and Liu Quanchao looked at each other, finally remembered a legendary figure in the river. However, his strength is beyond the heavens, how can it appear here?

"White sword **** Xue Liang, isn't that the ultimate genius of forgetting the sword? His strength is said to have reached the middle of the gods. How did he come in?"

Some people are puzzled.

"Forgetting the sword is mysterious. For so many years, no one has ever entered a secret environment. I am afraid that at least it will be forever. Many people seem to have forgotten the forgotten swords. I don’t know, I forgot the swords. The Lord, but the heads of the top ten rivers in the river, did not fall into the wind, and four of them were the masters of the top ten of the top ten gates in the river."

Yu Rongyan sighed, and the white-sworded **** in front of him was also more and more dignified. Behind it, but standing a world-class peerless, but forgetting the sword, in the riverside is a super-existent existence.

"Forget the sword, yeah, for so many years, I am afraid that it has long been forgotten, but this saga of the swordsman must not be simple, the white sword **** Xue Liang, that was ten years ago, it has already The existence of the river and the river, his appearance, fear is absolutely not simple, is this funeral mountain, attracted him?"

Zhang Lei whispered.

"It's hard to say. The person who forgot the sword, mysterious, his strength, has been suppressed in the half-step gods, only one step, you can enter the gods, although the strength is suppressed, but the ordinary half-step gods, In his hands, even the chance of rebellion is not there."

Yu Rongyan is extremely serious. For the white-sworded sword **** Xue Liang, his evaluation is extremely high. After all, the strength of forgetting the sword is extremely powerful, and he is the leader of the sword.

"So once his strength breaks through the gods?"

Jiang Chen looked at Yu Rongyan and asked.

"Then it will suffer from five thunders, it is comparable to the thunder of the sky, and it is a stronger thunder than his strength. So forced to suppress, no strong man of the gods dare to step into it, even if it is hidden to suppress the strength, It will not be spared."

"In this way, this white sword **** may be really something."

Jiang Chen muttered.

"Why, this person is afraid that it will not be weaker than Xuanyuan, or even worse than it. These two people should be the strongest among the whole secrets."

Liu Quanchao said, looking at Jiang Chen, he told him not to underestimate the enemy, this white sword god, a single back, is enough to make people feel awe.

"Leave it, it's not for you."

Xue Liang said faintly, the voice was very flat, but it was heard in everyone's ears. He seemed to be comforting and threatening.

"Since we have come, we will never leave easily. Thank you for your words."

Yu Rongyan shouted.

"I don't care."

After that, the white-sworded sword **** turned away from the void, and this means, half-step in the heavens, but no one can do it.

"This guy is too mad. People are called white swords and gods. It is just a compliment to him. I don't believe it. It is also a half-step god. He alone can really be so enemies with so many people. Hehe."

Wu Qianxu said with some disdain, although his strength is not as good as Bai Yijian, but now they are so many people, how can he not even his opponent? If he really shows the strength of the gods, fearing that it is really miserable is his own.

"People can't be seen, this white sword **** is really not simple."

Jiang Chen smiled, but Xue Liang has already rushed up. How can they fall behind?

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