Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2407: It’s going to change

At this moment, Xuanyuan’s vast excitement, incomparable excitement, a full 70,000-year plan, and a total of 70,000 years of effort, won the final outcome, and he arranged the **** sacrifice of the beast, he used more than a few For thousands of years, he has been preparing and has been brewing for a long time. This is a plan, but it is a conspiracy of infinity.

Every generation of monsters in the burial soul mountain has been controlled by the power of his faith. These hundreds of monsters, nowadays, are all true slayers, because he wants to change his life and complete the blood sacrifice. These hundreds of gods and gods are the ultimate rituals, and the blood of the beast is just a primer, but this primer is already shaking the whole secret.

The battle between the stars and the moon, the change of the sun and the moon, finally ushered in this moment, Xuanyuan Sky has not put anyone in the eyes, until this ancient beast has completed the resurrection, and finally after the transformation, then he is one person below 10,000 people In the face of the horrible Taikoo strong man, his heart only has awe and fear. He has seen some of the memories of the ancient and fierce beast. It turns out that this godland has such a terrible side. He also knows that it was too old and fierce. A strong person like a beast can destroy a place like the river front with one finger. For the whole **** world, it is only a drop in the ocean.

Therefore, he will be extremely fearful, but he is extremely happy, because he will become a strong, this ancient and fierce beast is really terrible, even if it is the case, he is enough to cross the entire river, even in Dulong Among the counties, they will surely become the best in the country.

The horror of the burial soul mountain, the blood of the beasts is splashing, flying in the hurricane, pouring on the skeleton of the blood, this scene, earth-shattering.

"Not good, this blood sacrifice, I am afraid that it will change the sky, and withdraw from the funeral mountain."

Jiang Chen said quietly.

"Really so terrible? Want us to all quit the funeral mountain?"

Liu Quanchao hesitated for a moment, after all, the current state of the funeral mountain seems to be dangerous, but it may not be as serious as Jiang Chen’s, and it is impossible for this funeral mountain to surpass the existence of the gods. Is it invincible, can't you just run in the end?

"How old are you? Hahaha, is it your turn to be the **** of the gods? Is there anything that has happened yet? It scares you out of the way, waiting for what will happen, you Still can't directly scare the souls of the dead, a pair of pants?"

The Oriental sipping a sneer, now that Jiang Chen is not self-sufficient. I am giving orders here, do you really think it is your own leader? The oriental mad drink is naturally not forgetting ridicule. He is narrow-minded and has long regarded Jiang Chen as a stab in the eyes.

"I am a few old people, I don't need you to comment. You have to stay, at least, I won't stay. You want to die, no one is pulling you."

Jiang Chen said faintly, his words, Yang Jian and the handsome, will definitely obey, and Liu Quanchao and Zhang Lei, is in hesitation, Wujia brothers and Xu Jin, as well.

"Oh, this is just the rhetoric of your coward. Just say it when you are afraid of death. Don't hide it. Otherwise, you will only die more. We are here, for the sake of experience. I am honing myself, but I don’t know, Bao Jianfeng is smashing out. If you don’t even dare to face this little wind and small waves, then what is the road to the strong? If you are afraid of death, you can leave, rest assured, I am I won't laugh at you, coward."

The words of the oriental sipping drink are full of cynicism and sarcasm, and the people over Yu Rongyan are laughing. Jiang Chen has become a person who has been abandoned in this moment, and the oriental binge drinking is ridiculous. But it is not unreasonable to say, because then, what they have to face is the experience.

Only by stepping on one step by step can we continue to make breakthroughs, and Jiang Chen is completely regarded as a deserter at this moment. Who will sympathize with him?

"Haha, this kind of person is also worthy of being a strong person? If the strength is not good enough, he is the first person who proposes to run the road. Under such a day, there are such brazen people?"

"Yeah, this kind of person is not good enough. It is normal for people to be afraid of death. In the end, if people are afraid of death, what are we doing? Go home and go to the milk."

"It’s really disappointing, a mouse licking, licking a pot of soup, I am jealous. It’s really not self-sufficient.”

"People have their own aspirations. This kind of person is disdainful to us. Oh, because the distance between us and him will be farther and farther. It will not be long before it will become the mouth food of the beast. Maybe not."

Faced with the duties of those guys, Jiang Chen laughed and said nothing, some people, too conceited, then will eventually become a loess, there is a saying that the best, people have their own aspirations, why should he force others?

"The road is different, I don't want to be a murderer. I am a greedy and fearful person. The danger here, I can't stand it, so I will leave first."

Jiang Chen glanced at the huge blood-colored skeleton, and the skeleton was gradually poured into half of the place. And his heart is getting more and more dignified.

"Jiang Chen, we are following you."

Yang Jian dignified, without any hesitation, Jiang Chen is his main heart.

"Me too." The handsome hand, on the shoulder of Jiang Chen, this is his backing.

"Jiang Chen, you... Hey, you have to be self-sufficient. Since you are worried about the danger here, then you will withdraw from the funeral mountain as soon as possible. I believe that you have the ability to protect yourself."

Liu Quanchao said.

"I wish you a good trip."

Xu Jin and Zhang Lei also chose to stay and finally bowed to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen smiled lightly and calmly left. There is no one worthy of his nostalgia. Everyone has the right to choose their own life and death. Moreover, in order to experience, in order to open their eyes, but for themselves, for that kind of faith, to live, to be able to become a strong, to stay in the green hills without burning.

"This kind of person is destined to be a kind of life, hahaha. One day, you will die under your own ignorance. Of course, you can also choose to go back. As long as you drill down from me, I am still willing to accept you. An apology. Going out of the funeral mountain, the crisis will not stop."

The oriental mad drink said indifferently that the ridicule of Jiang Chen never stopped, Jiang Chen slowly turned around, with a touch of cool color in his eyes.

"Noisy guy."

Jiang Chen shook his head, waving between his hands, a sword came out, the wind was rising, the sky was dry, the Tianlong sword was like a streamer, and the sky was cut through the void. Jiang Dust stepped on the air, but at this time the oriental binge drink, the tongue was cut off. Go on.

At that moment, Yu Rongyan and others instantly changed color, and a heart of sorrow appeared in the heart. A sword came out, and the heavens and the earth changed color. At this moment, what they saw was only the back of Jiang Chen.

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