Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2411: Four demon kings

"This guy is terrible." Yu Rongyan whispered, the nine-section whip swept down, but it was beyond the reach of the whip, and Xuanyuan Cangyi easily resolved the offensive.

"That's also a battle, even if it's a war dead here, it definitely can't make him succeed."

Liu Quanchao roared and screamed, and successively launched a wave of strong attacks. Above the sky, there was a burst of blasting sounds. Xuanyuan’s sky was an enemy and four, and it was stable and regulated.

"The same half-step gods, we can never fall behind, haha."

Xu Jin opened the big match and made a lifelong battle. He played against Xuanyuan Cang, and this attack, even he felt a guilty heart, but in the hands of Xuanyuan Cang, it was solved.

Qin Yumo did not want to be outdone, but rushed to come up, but it was difficult to get close. Xuanyuan Cang sang four palms and let Xu Jin and others be severely damaged.

At this moment, the sword **** was liberated, and the horrible Ling Tian Jianqi, sharp and unparalleled, made Xu Jin and others understand.

"Since you are so stubborn, I can only let you go to hell."

Xuanyuan’s eyes were cold and cold, and the last step of the blood sacrifice was blocked by the sword **** Xue Liang. How could Xuanyuan’s heart be willing?

"Give me a fight, the beast!"

Xuanyuan Cang rushed to the sky, the palms linked, and the ten-headed gods and monsters, rushed to come, this moment, even Xue Liang, is also a serious color of the face, the twenty-headed gods of the monsters, will completely He was blocked, and he did not have any spare power to help Xu Jin and others, and he himself was under tremendous pressure from the 20-day gods and monsters, stepping back, even though these monsters are not enough to threaten Xue Liang, but he is worried about the fatal blow of Xuanyuan's sky, it may make himself suffer.

Xue Liang knows that Xuanyuan Sky is absolutely not so simple on the surface.

A gust of wind whizzed past, a black bat that covered the sky, appeared on the void, and on the other side, a white woman with long wings, the body was bumpy and exquisite, with a black crown, the temperament was extraordinary. Behind him, tens of millions of cannibal ants were constantly sucked into the **** valley and finally poured on the ancient behemoth.

On the other side, a nine-headed scorpion is also proud. On the other side, a man with a horn of horns gaze silently at the battlefield in the distance. These four guys are all monsters.

"It really is a conspiracy. No wonder these tens of thousands of years, we will always have the demon of the gods disappeared. It turned out to be fostered. Finally, it formed a powerful force, or just a nourishment. It is really sad, sigh."

Nine heads of sighs sighed, incomparably dignified, and he did not want to see the spirit of the holy mountain, just to see the change of the funeral mountain, but now they are extremely shocked, this ancient behemoth Let every one of every monster be trembled from the heart.

"Dark Batman, do you think this ancient behemoth, what would it be?"

The horn man said, he is the strong man of the Tianniu family, and the king of the primate class in this secluded secret.

"It's hard to say, but I think it must be an ancient monster. Once it is resurrected, it is extremely unfavorable for us. This secluded mystery is a million years ago. I don't know where the sacred **** is from. This, the ancient behemoth can be resurrected, and it has been brewing for countless years. We, afraid, are duty-bound."

The dark bat king whispered.

"I also think that this ancient and fierce beast is too much pressure for me. Our ethnic group, do not know how many descendants, are killed by this blood sacrifice, afraid that it is yours, not a minority. If blood sacrifice Success, we are in this secluded secret, I am afraid that it will never be dominated. Even... whether it can survive is unknown. This monster makes me feel fear."

The anteater ants are extremely dignified.

Her words, for the other three, are also very vibrating, this ancient behemoth, once the resurrection is successful, it may not be the cake of who moved, when the time is secret, perhaps it will become a human purgatory. Just for the sake of resurrection, it has already made such a big movement, and thousands of monsters are sacrificed. How terrible it is, how terrible it is, how to destroy the heavens, and hundreds of millions of souls, all dedicated to his resurrection, this is It’s like a terrible bet.

"We, it's time to take the shot, and definitely can't make this ancient behemoth come back to life. Otherwise, our good days will come to an end."

Jiutou smashed his head and made nine fines, but it was difficult to transform the dragon, but his power is also the most shocking, because his strength has reached the peak of the middle of the gods, and they are all in charge of the southeast. The four extremes of the northwest exist, and the one-hundred-year balance is their only choice. Although they can't advance, they don't make people step on their heads.

The inheritance of generations, in their hearts, they are the real master of this secluded secret, let a horrible Taikoo beast resurrected, they will never allow.

"Hundreds of gods and gods, you should not talk."

The dark bat king said with a smile.

"That depends on how many years you have regressed."

The four demon kings appeared at the same time. At this moment, all the monsters were rioted, because the demon king’s pressure was unbearable for them, even the hundred beasts that were commanded by Xuanyuan’s sky. Become hesitant.

"Four big demon kings!"

Xuanyuan’s face changed slightly, but he had already thought of it. The four demon kings are not fuel-efficient lights. If there is no perfect strategy, what should I count for the 70,000-year-old plan?

Xuanyuan Sky has long thought of this scene, you have Zhang Liangji I have a wall ladder, resurrecting the ancient behemoth, imminent, no one can stop his footsteps.

"The four demon kings, it seems that this time the battle of the monsters, it should not be so lonely."

The white sword **** Xue Liang smiled slightly. He knew that the four big demon kings would never allow it. Some people started to move on the old age. Once they resurrected the ancient behemoths, where would they be placed?

Therefore, these four demon kings will definitely spare no effort to shoot, although the Xuanyuan Cangzhen is powerful, but the four demon kings are definitely the most powerful existence in this secluded secret.

Xuanyuan Cangwu smiles coldly, palms grow in the sky, the flag moves, and the fifty beasts of the gods are broken from all directions. This is the death monster that he trained for three thousand years, that is, the dead man in the human mouth. It is the unknown factor to deal with all, as long as those monsters are all swallowed by the ancient monsters, then, when the resurrection, the secrets of the secluded will be completely destroyed.

"No one can stop me, and heaven is no exception."

Xuanyuan Cangwu’s domineering side leakage, planning for 70,000 years, how can he be broken at this time, good things?

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