Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2435: Worried

Jiang Chen brows his head and locks. He did not think that he tried his best to avoid the life and death and win a glimmer of life for everyone. At this time, they turned their own swords and faced each other, and they were afraid to accept it.

Jiang Chen’s heart is filled with a bitter smile, but he instantly understands that these people’s eyes are full of violent colors, which are like no souls, but they have a lot of energy.

"Is that purple light just now?"

Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked, but the purple light was indeed extremely strange.

"Yang Shixiong, quite a brother?"

Jiang Chen called Yang Jian and the handsome man in the ancestral tower, and both of them were surprised by each other. They were filled with doubts when they saw Liu Quanchao and others treating Jiang Chen’s evil spirits.

“How is this? How can they turn their guns to deal with you?”

Yang Jian is unbelievable. This scene makes him shocked.

"Yeah, why is it? Don't they know that without them, all of them will die?"

Very handsome and angry said that the two of them were in the ancestral tower, and they escaped. The rest of the people are dead and dead. However, Jiang Chen has just gone from the hustle and bustle of Xuanyuan. They saved them in their hands, but they pointed the knife at Jiang Chen.

"Yang Jian, quite handsome, what are you doing, and you are not coming over, this Jiang Chen is an unscrupulous executioner. Don't you know that he killed everyone? The genius disciples of countless sects are all Jiang Chen. Kill, this, don't you understand?"

Liu Quanchao shouted.

Yang Jian and the handsome man looked at Jiang Chen bitterly, and things have developed to this point, which no one has ever thought of.

"Their souls should be controlled, or they don't remember that I saved them, just remember that in their memory, I killed the executioner of everyone."

Jiang Chen whispered, it is definitely a purple light, so that everyone's soul seems to be controlled.

"It must be that Xuanyuan Sky is stalking from it. That guy carries some of the memories and means of jealousy. It seems that I still look down on him!"

Jiang Chen thought that this time he put the tiger back to the mountain and did not know what kind of action he would have. At that time, he was afraid that he was already away.

"Jiang Chen, what should I do now? You have to explain it."

Yang Jian asked, and now Jiang Chen has become the target of public criticism. In these eyes, Jiang Chen is the greatest scourge, the devil is the same, but Yang Jian and the handsome guy know, but how can they both? Change the minds of these people?

"It's too late, just leave here as soon as possible, I don't want to kill."

Jiang Chen shook his head and looked at Liu Quanchao and others. At a glance, their strength is gradually recovering. If these people attack and attack, their situation is quite dangerous. After all, his current injury is quite serious. If it is not the suppression of the soul realm, defeating Xuanyuan Sky, now it is still unknown.

Jiang Chen feels that the dragon pattern in the body has been enhanced by countless ways, and the soul fusion of hundreds of millions of souls. His strength is afraid to break through again.

"Then you can't give Xuanyuan Cang to the black pot? In that case, it is not too cheap. The Xuanyuan is so empty, and the guy is still not dead. If you let him gather these people, your situation is quite dangerous. ”

The handsome man whispered, and the words were full of worries.

"Jiang Chen, I never imagined that you were so despicable and shameless. Everyone took the shot and killed this. Otherwise, it would be to return the tiger to the mountain."

Liu Quanchao took the lead and rushed to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen’s brows were wrinkled. This group of guys was completely blinded by the Xuanyuan sky. Now the soul marks of these people are afraid of being changed by Xuanyuan’s sky. As for his absolute lack of such a powerful means, it must be a means of integration.

Jiang Chen faced the full attack of all people, his face was extremely dignified, brought Yang Jian and handsome, and turned and ran. The current situation, with their explanation, is that the cow is playing the piano.

Has been ran for tens of thousands of miles, Jiang Chen is considered to be out of the pursuit of Liu Quanchao, but Jiang Chen's heart, but already has a bad feeling in the heart.

Although Yang Jian and the handsome man are not blinded by the soul mark of Xuanyuan, but what can they do now? It is not so easy to turn over Jiang Chen.

"In this time, I need to practice well. I feel that I should break through."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Haha, this guy is too horrible. In the middle of God's humanity, you can play the demon of the gods as grandchildren, but we are far behind."

Yang Jian shook his head and smiled. Jiang Chen’s strength is strong. It’s undoubted. For nearly a year, if it’s not Jiang Chen’s appearance again and again, let them turn their backs, maybe they’ve already died like this. The secret is in the dark.

"Yeah, the same strength, different combat power, you really make me shy to death."

The handsome man said with a grievance, but he also knows that if he is more abnormal than Jiang Chen, he really has to die.

"My strength is not enough. I want to have my own place in this godland. Is it so simple? At least there must be a king of the world to have some right to speak. Otherwise, in this riverside, I am afraid that I will not know how many people are crushing."

Jiang Chen smiled and shook his head. Yang Jian and the handsome man also knew that the gap between Jiang Chen and them was very big. He was destined to be the dragon that flew for nine days, and it was destined not to be ordinary. The brother who can become a person like Jiang Chen, Yang Jian and handsome, are dead and regretless.

Jiang Chen feels that the dragon pattern in the body has reached an unprecedented number, and the battles brought about by this period of time and the integration of billions of creatures have caused Jiang Chen to completely change. This time, he has already It is a breakthrough.

Nowadays, the fire unicorn is seriously dying and slumbering. The red lotus is almost annihilated by the fire spirit. It is also a life-and-death line, and it has fallen into a deep sleep. Even the dragon spirit of the ancestors that he just knew is also falling asleep. Jiang Chen knows that the Zulong Emperor is the soul of the Zulong Tower. Although he does not know what kind of relationship exists between him and the Zulong Tower, he wants to wait until the day when the Dragon King wakes up. I can know one or two.

Jiang Chen can't rely on anyone now. He can only rely on himself, so he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Jiang Chen runs the dragon, and the dragon in the body is constantly rising, millions, and this time, his dragon pattern has reached more than 2.9 million, and still in a horror The speed is growing, and it is almost three million dragons.

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