Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2445: Three great talents

Jiang Chen does not regret it, because he has done what he should do. He has never been embarrassed. Since he has been defamed, he will come back in his own way.

"It’s dead, but it’s still arrogant. It seems that you really don’t know what it’s like to die.”

Li Tianhuo sneered and said.

"Give this guy to our ghosts, I must let him taste the taste of life, and never give up the taste of life."

"You are honest, let him hand over all the treasures, and then send them to your ghosts, how?"

Jiang Chengzi said with a smile.

"Jiang Chengzi, what do you mean by this? Is it true that I will be coveted by this elder's body? It is a joke. Haha."

"Ming people don't do dark things. Now Jiang Chen has been unable to fly in the wings. What should be done, but you have not said it."

Jiang Chengzi said faintly.

"Kill him! Make him a thousand!"

"Yes, I’m going to die, kill him now, torture his soul for 10,000 years, and smash his bones."

"Our disciple can never die in white!"

The killing of Jiang Chen this time can be said to arouse the anger of everyone. He watched his genius disciple live and kill in the Shura formation trapped in Jiang Chen. This kind of pain can be imagined.

"Jiang Chen does not kill, it is difficult to solve the hatred of your heart, then this guy must die."

Meng Fanpeng pointed to Jiang Chen, a chill of coldness came, Jiang Chen's eyes were slight, and death was approaching him step by step.

"Kill the river dust!"

"Kill the river dust!"

"Kill it up soon!"

The shouts are endless, Jiang Chen violates the public anger, kills the Quartet, completely angered all the ancestral gates in the river, and this battle, Jiang Chen is also defeated and glory, shocked the river!

"Jiang Chen... Xuan Fengzong can't protect you, I have you and you."

Xuan Qingming took a deep breath, but he could do nothing. He could only watch Jiang Chen being killed by Meng Fanpeng and others.

"Jiang Chen, I see now, what tricks do you have, and when you die, you can finally look at it."

Xuanyuan Cang said with a sneer, Jiang Chen died, the **** Zulong Tower could not suppress him anymore, and the soul of the Zulong Emperor is bound to be completely dissipated. Jiang Chen wants to fight with himself again. This time, so many people died, but he was a little underestimated by Jiang Chen, the Thunder means, the general sword array, and the killing.

Beyond the secluded secrets at this time, you can wait for the sadness, because Jiang Chen has killed almost all the disciples, only less than 80. This is the most horrible one in the history of the secluded secret, the number of people who survived, even Less than one percent, tens of thousands of people are finally completely flapped here.

"Jiang Chen, now you can completely look at it, you kill innocent disciples, **** and brutal, terrible, this is your robbery."

Jiang Chengzi said faintly, step by step toward Jiang Chen, now everyone sees Jiang Chen as a stab in the eyes, he is absolutely impossible to leave here alive.

"Hand over the sword in your hand, maybe you can leave a whole body."

Li Tianhuo said with a smile, the feminine, full of cold, chilling.

"If I said, I am not convinced!"

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"You don't accept it? Haha, what can you do if you don't accept it? Can you still fight with all of us? Don't be too naive, you are already in the middle of it, you are honest, you may die." Decent, of course, if you practiced as a corpse, it might be a good choice."

Li Tianhuo smiled and his eyes were like a torch.

"You so many people, oppressing a younger generation, but some people can't stand it anymore."

A cold voice appeared in the ear of Jiang Chen and others, not others, it is the white sword **** Xue Xue.

"who are you?"

Jiang Chengzi said quietly.

"White sword god, Xue Liang."

Xue Liang's words, so many people are sucking a breath of air, no one thought that this person who came out of the secluded secret, dare to face the elders of the three major sects, and the face is not the slightest timid.

"You are the white sword god, Xue Liang?"

Li Tian is overcast.

"Forget the first day of the sword, known as the most powerful enchanting in the river industry in the past 100 years, strong and unparalleled, no one can stop, vertical and horizontal young generation, no defeat, strength, and even can challenge the older generation of strong, good, awesome what."

Meng Fanpeng came to the road. At this moment, many people are looking dignified. I didn’t expect this white youth to have such a terrible identity. The white-sworded god, as the name suggests, is domineering.

"For many years, I have never forgotten my sword. I thought someone would forget the existence of our forgotten swords."

Xue Liang faint.

"Forgetting swords and swords is unparalleled in the world. Although it is less than Qinghe Zonglu, it is also a big school of the older generation. Hehe, Bai Yijian, these young talents, but let us people in the riverside, the face is graced. ""

Meng Fanpeng said that he didn’t smile.

"Stubborn and weak, people in the riverside world have their own conclusions."

Xue Liang is not willing to show weakness.

Jiang Chen did not expect that Xue Liang would stand up at this time, but it is not known whether he wants to help himself.

"Alright, this kind of thing is not something that you a younger generation can make a final conclusion."

Meng Fanpeng said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen's people, I want it."

"Do you think that you have the strength to forget the sword?"

Meng Fanpeng suddenly shook his head and looked at Xue Liang.

"I want to give it a try."

Xue Liang shrugged.

"Let you down, forget the sword, no face."

Meng Fanpeng and Xue Liang looked at each other and smiled.

"Xue Liang, I will remember you."

Jiang Chen said to Xue Liang.

"I think you will be the one who challenges me. In the riverside, there is only such a funny person, you are dead, how lonely I should be."

Xue Liang and Jiang Chen are opposite each other. At that moment, Jiang Chen can see that Xue Liang seems to have known all of this. He looks at his eyes and is full of trust, but he has not stood up to explain the truth. Jiang Chen does not Blame him, because even if he said it all, there will be no result. Jiang Chenmou’s killing of the whole secluded people is hard to change, let alone he will now It is hard to reverse the crime.

"If I don't die, this riverside world, who can be me? Haha. You? You are really strong, but I am destined to be stronger than you."

Jiang Chen said with a sullen look.

"All of them are dead, you can still be so arrogant, Jiang Chen, it seems that you are really not dead, do you think that no one can cure you under this day?"

Xuanyuan Cang smiled and appeared next to the two people. The triangle was in the triangle. The three looked at each other. In each other’s eyes, some were contemptuous and mad, three arrogant people, three powerful people. Three lawless people, this is destined to be a feast of the younger generation of the river.

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