Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2451: The game has just begun [three more]

When the medicinal medicinal herbs came out, the whole ancient dragon city was completely boiled. What a horror is the fairy medicine, fearing that no one would doubt it, and this time the news released by the fangyuanfang is that it can slow down the peak of the gods. Or the half-step of the king of the king, this is the biggest attraction.

What is the most terrible thing for practitioners? Years, only years, as long as you are not in the emperor, then you will always be eliminated by the years, and once the deadline is approaching, it is the return to the sky, even the more powerful people, there is the day of death, unless One day, you can achieve the emperor's position, and the supreme god, is the immortal existence!

As soon as the effect of the gods of Yanshou Dan came out, the entire Gulong City became popular, and those who were originally limited to or who were recuperating in the ancient city of Gulong and the masters of the half-step gods were all eager to move, because then This immortal medicine may become the most crucial step for them to break through.

Being able to increase the limit and delay the life is not at all comparable to the Shenyuan Stone or the Artifact Magic, especially when people are dying. At that time, only the years are their only expectations.

Even Jiang Chen has to admire the marketing method of Zi Luo. In three days, the news of the auction of Shen Yanshou in the Juyuan Square is now completely spread, even in the surrounding cities. It is the people who want to fight for the **** of life.

"I didn't expect this time, the dust of the dusty king of Jiang Chen has not yet passed, but there is another horrible drug in the ancient dragon city, which is enough to make the old guys who are in the peak of the gods completely crazy."

"That's right, this time of competition, I am afraid that it will be extremely fierce, but those who are qualified to compete for this **** of extension of life, fear is not a minority. After all, this ancient dragon city is the largest city in the river front, the strong Lin Li, even if it is the strong man who came out of the kingdom of God, I will not feel surprised."

"Haha, this time I have a good show. Now more and more strong people are entering the city of Gulong, and the strong among the hundred leagues are coming here. This is more and more expecting. This Gulong City will have a great battle with the United Kingdom."

"A small Jiang Chen, I don't think there will be such a good ability. His life and death can not do my thing. I still care about this **** Shenshou Dan."

In all directions, they are all coming to Gulong City, because the big facts that come in the Gulong City are too many. Many people are coming here. The strong ones are like clouds, and the gods are strong, it is more like a cow. Once I was afraid that the entire Gulong City would be overcrowded.

Dongcheng has also become the most lively place. After all, Juyuanfang is here, mixed with people, whether it is scattered or sectarians, all of them are gathered here, and now the people of Juyuanfang are completely saturated.

However, Jiang Chen was not idle. During the day, he was indeed safe and stable in the violet mortuary in the Juyuan Square. But at night, Jiang Chen went out of the city three times and killed a total of twelve ancestral temples. The elders of the door, and, at this moment, everyone’s eyes are focused on the ancient dragon city. The death of the twelve heavenly nerves is also a wake-up call for the people of the Baizong Alliance. It turns out that Jiang Chen does not have I left here, but still in the ancient city of Gulong.

Although many people have been lost in succession, they are among the people in the 100-party alliance. As long as they are not joined by the 100-member alliance, they are not worried. However, Jiang Chen’s unscrupulous killings have completely angered the Baizong Alliance. Meng Fanpeng led the top ten masters. After three consecutive times, they failed to catch up with Jiang Chen. When they hit it, Jiang Chen was hiding. The existence of the Zulong Tower made him almost a stealth-like existence. Can block!

Every time Jiang Chen shot, it was clean and neat, and he never picked up the masters in the mid-term of the gods, because that is his threshold. If the strength exceeds the middle of the gods, it will certainly drag themselves, although Jiang Chen Not afraid, but if he is surrounded by people, he wants to leave again. I am afraid that it will not be so simple. After all, after Meng Fanpeng and others have eaten their own losses, they cannot fold in their hands.

Jiang Chen’s choice is also extremely clever. The days of the Baizong Alliance are extremely shocking and shocking, and Jiang Chen is killing people outside Gulong City. It is impossible to happen with the Three Thousand Guards in Gulong City. collision. Moreover, these three thousand guards are the strongest of the gods, even if Jiang Chen does not dare to slay in the city, such words are tantamount to self-destruction.

As long as he does not kill and set fire in the Gulong City, then the Gulong City, which has been in a neutral state for thousands of years, cannot be targeted at him. Even the Zongmen Alliance, which is such a large league of hundreds of alliances, may not dare to cross the pool. The hustle and domineering of Gulongcheng can be seen.

"Damn Jiang Chen, I didn't expect him to dare to leave here. As long as the auction is over, all the elders of the Zongmen will gather together. Even if they dig three feet, I will show him to me. Come out. Hey."

Meng Fanpeng looked at the dark night sky, Jiang Chen once again murdered and fled, and Jiang Chen left his name every time. This is the biggest ridicule and excitement, and every one of the hundreds of alliances with insufficient strength and gods, Everyone is at risk.

Jiang Chen is like a ghost of the night, constantly appearing, killing, reappearing, and each time gave a fatal blow to the strongmen who went to Gulongcheng reinforcements, but in these three days, only three waves were killed. However, although Jiang Chen’s assassination was a drop in the bucket, he gave Meng Fanpeng and the people in the Baizong Alliance a lot of shock, and their anger was completely ignited.

Jiang Chen’s successive killings have added a mysterious veil to the entire Gulong City. Jiang Chen’s ghosts are unpredictable, and people are unpredictable. No one can find them. The face of the 100-party alliance is also greatly affected at this time. The challenge, even with the leadership of Meng Fanpeng, is tough to catch Jiang Chen.

"The game is just getting started."

Jiang Chen looked at the stars above the night sky, his eyes were extremely cold and full of playful colors. His blood was cold, but the sword was hot. He wanted to use his blood of the Alliance to sacrifice his own dragon sword. .

When the three-day time arrives, Gulongcheng is full of people, especially in the Dongcheng. Before Juyuanfang, it is already full of people. In the auction hall of tens of thousands of people, there are plenty of seats, and countless strong people are all for the night of the **** Shenshou Dan Come.

Even Meng Fanpeng is no exception. After finding out that Jiang Chen has no fruit outside the city, he quickly rushed back to the city, and the **** of Yanshou, who was auctioned in the gathering of Fangyuan, even wanted him to get it.

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