Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2485: Tianzhu Mountain

"Excuse me, you are so disappointing."

A dull voice echoed above the void, between the cold mountains, snow-capped mountains, steep mountains and thousands of miles.

A slender black eagle, sighing between the valley mouths of the valley, made the evil spirits tremble and did not dare to speak.

"Fortunately, there is still a lingering soul in the vertical and horizontal. You know, he is the best dark star body I have chosen in the riverside. I intend to let him experience it again, but I did not expect it to become a dust." Have you been degraded to this point?"

The sound of the black shadow gradually became gloomy, and the evil spirits were tight and the heart was quite uncomfortable. In front of this person, the hand can destroy the ghost eye, his power is indescribable, and the evil spirit knows The adult in front of me is a real powerhouse.

Mo said that it is the entire river front. Even in Dulong County, it is not always possible to find a strong man like him. Even the strong man of his kingdom, in front of this noble adult, can’t afford to live a little. Rebellious heart.

"I know that Lixie must go all out."

"Do you go all out? Do you know how hard I am looking for him? And, in any case, I will give you a month to resurrect. If you do, you should understand what kind of end will happen."

The black shadow said quietly.

"100,000 souls, you also need the body of a **** king who is strong, this is a spiritual bone, and you can't die!"

The black shadow dropped the medicinal herbs, and then stepped out of the valley step by step, stepping into the ground, and shrinking into a ruler. It was better than the empty air.

Until the black shadow dissipated, Lie felt that the oppression between the heavens and the earth was lifted a lot.

"Old ancestor, this person, who is it?"

Behind Li Xie, a middle-aged man with a dignified look asked in a low voice, and he was a lord of the ghost eye, and fought hard.


Li Xie whispered, and was ashamed.

"Is that the demon?"

The violent whisper, the eyes, the more complicated, shocked, sighed, feared, and ultimately the mood, can not be calm for a long time.

"If you can catch them, you don't know if they are right or wrong. At least, we are blind, and we are not far from the river.

"Voldemort, Voldemort, ancestors, is this really a chance for us?"

Violently, the look was complicated, and he was shocked and sighed.

Qilianjie, Tianzhu Mountain Range, 180,000 miles long and horizontal, the mountains are steep, the layers are stacked, the ancient woods are standing, the miles are leaping, and the beasts are difficult to walk. It is the largest mountain range in the Qilian world. The mountains are high, and the birds can't reach the sky. The more.

It is rumored that the Tianzhu Mountain Range in the Yanlian area once had the ancestors of Zhongzhou sitting here. Forever, even in the entire Dulong County, it is considered to be an extremely large mountain range, enough to rank in the top five. Column.

The Tianzhu Mountain Range is extremely high, and it is full of thrills. The fog barrier is smashing, and it is not a leap. It can only sneak.

Jiang Chen passed the road and leapt tens of thousands of miles. The 180,000-mile Tianzhu Mountain Range, if there is no space tunnel, takes a long time to get out.

Jiang Chen was in a small town on the edge of the Tianzhu Mountain Range and the Tiger Jump. He rested for two days and marched in March. Jiang Chen once again killed no more than two hundred and a half steps under the gods. Now Jiang Chen’s Fame, in the several boundaries around the river front, is also known as the far-reaching, can be called the joint pursuit of the river front, for the first time in Wannian.

And Jiang Chen is also the more and more killing and decisive, and the one who does not stay, the gods in the ancestral gates of the rivers, and the masters on the top of the list of killers, have been killed by Jiang Chen, and the real Half a step in the gods, no one will be so shameless to pick up a guy in the early days of the gods.

This road ran from the river front to the Tiger Leap, and to the edge of the Tianzhu Mountain Range, a murderous, 90,000 miles, no one can stop.

To go to the stars to find the moon and the dragon, on the other hand, Jiang Chen also wants to go through the boundaries, while looking for the whereabouts of the dragon.

Jiang Chen took a break from the teahouse at the junction of the Tianzhu Mountain and the Xiaocheng. Three or three, there are also past merchants and lone rangers, walking through the Tianzhu Mountains. However, if the strength does not reach the early days of the gods, it is not dare to step into the Tianzhu Mountains. You must know the Tianzhu Mountain Range of 180,000 miles. It is necessary to go for a long time. There are countless beasts in the mountains and forests, and the beasts are rampant and there are The robbers in the middle of the Tianzhu Mountains, if the strength is low, wherever they go, it is impossible to move.

"Little brother, are you going to cross the Tianzhu Mountains?"

A sturdy and handsome man, walked to the side of Jiang Chen, said with a smile, the Han Chinese to middle age, the momentum is calm, is also a strong man of the gods, behind a sharp edge of the chopper, full of sharp, sloppy A person who does not trim the margins has given Jiang Chen a lot of good feelings.


Jiang Chen brows and looks up at the man.

"How about a piece with us? I see your young age, good strength, but it has already reached the early days of the gods, I have no other meaning, we are the people of Nalan City's 镖兰,, this is ours The unique medicinal materials of the Tiger Leaping World go to the Qilian World. It is estimated that it will take three or four years to go along with it all the way. There is also a kind of care."

Jiang Chen slightly decapitated, he is alone, but also boring, but also can take a lot of detours, this road for three or four years, afraid to go for a long time.

"My name is Zhen Zhen. It is the second home of the Lan Lan Escort. We are a group of five people. Those of them are also the best of my Lan Lan Escort. The strength is all in the gods. I have already walked through the mountains and the mountains. However, I think the little brother is good, many people have more protection and more peace of mind."

Qu Zhen smiled and said, very mellow man, next to the side, a woman and three men, is self-satisfied with tea, did not go to see Jiang Chen.

"Thank you, thank you, big brother."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, just at this time, not far away, a ragged, stinky old man came from afar, and many people in this small teahouse in the city were wrinkled. brow.

Everyone is deaf ears and looks cold. Because this person is obviously not a dignitary, nor a sect of the sect. It is just an old man who is close to the big limit. The strength has begun to decline, and even the reluctance of the human being is already good.

A stinking, confused eyes, and seemingly full of despair.

Jiang Chen couldn’t bear it, and the heart of mercy was born.

He kills countless people and kills only those who kill him. But in the same way, he also saves countless people, and the compassionate heart and the heart of killing are not necessarily in the same place.

[The new story transitions, the ideas are not smooth, only two more. 】

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