Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2493: Painting the ground

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, the three heads of the fire, as one of the four guards of the Eight mais Yinchuan, it is also famous in the entire Tianzhu Mountains, even if you don’t say everywhere, you can walk horizontally, at least mention the eight veins Yinchuan The name, no one should not sell this face. Except for some inaccessible places, even if their monsters are not willing to step in, the three heads of the fire, can be regarded as the hegemony of the Tianzhu Mountains, and the people who can compete with him, perhaps a lot, but dare to offend the eight veins There are not many people in Yinchuan.

"You want to eat these human beings to refine them, but also want to expel them. Shouldn't I have to say more? If you don't say whispers in front of the people, these people don't offend you, just because you want to I have to find an excuse for myself, sell my personal feelings, and give them to me. Chuanzhu will be very happy."

The three singers of the fire said with a smile, full of enthusiasm, and did not put the blazing lizard in his eyes.

"Idiot people say dreams!"

The fierce sky lizard smashed its feet and was domineering.

"Oh, that looks like this, who should belong to this group of people, you have to see the real chapter."

The three heads of the fire sighed and whispered.

There are many monsters in the peak of the gods, but the three heads of the fire can become one of the four guards of the eight veins Yinchuan, indicating that his strength must not be underestimated, there must be extraordinary, ordinary half-step gods It’s hard to help him, so the three-headed scorpion will be so proud and mad.

The three-headed scorpion and the blazing scorpion lizard completely regard Jiang Chen and others as food in the mouth, and it is the kind that does not need to be hunted at all.

"We seem to have been treated as prey."

Yu Erniang shrugged and said that whenever she seems to be filled with the charming style, people are fascinated, and the man’s gaze will never be able to move away from her delicate face, deep eyes, deep The collarbone attracts everyone.

"Little brother, I will run with you one by one, how about? As long as these two big guys start, let's run, there is always a chance to escape the birth."

Yu Eriang slammed his finger at Jiang Chen.

"What if you eat me?"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"If you want to eat us, you will have to give in. Otherwise, they will definitely lose both."

The short-haired swordsman said, his eyes sparkled with light, and they are waiting for the opportunity. If there is little chance, they will stay away from it. After all, human beings are the food of the beast, which is an unacceptable thing. In this world of weak meat, nothing is impossible.

"When you will seize the opportunity, you will not leave with me. Although these people are not moving, it is because they are waiting for opportunities. Otherwise, there is only waiting for death here."

Qu Zhen Shen Sheng said, Xin Xinying and Liu Xingjun and others, the chicken noodles, especially Liu Xingjun, full of fear of death, his mentality has completely collapsed.

Jiang Chen silently looked at these two behemoths, the horrible fire of the three heads, the body is huge, the hundred feet are long, the three heads are all blue and white, above the eyebrows, with a beating fire. Rising up, it is named after the three fires. The most terrifying thing about the three heads of the fire is his animal fire, the fire. This kind of animal fire is quite terrible. Although it is more than a fire of the five elements of Jiang Chen, it is extremely terrible between the same level. As his strength continues to escalate, the three fires of the fire are merged. It is even more powerful.

"Don't you, I am afraid that you will not be? Eight veins Yinchuan, I have long wanted to teach."

The blazing scorpion lizard stepped out in one step, and the ground moved to the mountain, and the hundred-meter pine and cypress was crushed like a toothpick. One claw swept over the void, the wind whistled, and the screaming cranes made people feel guilty.

The three flames of the fire screamed coldly, and the three heads moved together, dancing and longing, sweeping away the surrounding ten miles of pine and cypress stone, intertwined with the fiery flaming lizard, and the violent collision made everyone feel deafening, most The original battle is the most terrible battle, especially the monsters. Their favorite is the hand-to-hand combat. See who can laugh at the end. This is the unwritten rule between the monsters. Powerful and fearful body.

The blazing scorpion lizard and the three scorpions of the smoldering fire are naturally not to be outdone. At this moment, the two monsters are fighting against each other, but some people are running away, but whether it is the blazing lizard or the three scorpions, Naturally, this kind of thing is not allowed to happen.

"Who dares to step out of the circle within ten miles, I am in a hurry, I must kill innocent!"

At the moment, all the movements of the people are abruptly stopped. In the face of **** scenes, Liu Xingjun has completely collapsed. Life is at this moment. Unbearable, he is almost crying out, and it is very difficult to be repulsed by this kind of pressure.

After the strong attack of the three heads of the smoldering fire, no one dared to act rashly. In the latter part of the heavenly gods, in the middle of the three heavenly gods, they were killed by the three heads of the fire, which no one can believe, but the facts In front of you, who dares to take a half step?

This is the painting ground for the prison!

The blazing lizard did not attack the three scorpions of the smoldering fire, because he understood that if they did not give these humans a horse, then they would surely escape, the blazing scorpion and the three scorpions Not stupid, the result of their two battles is to compete for these humans, so they naturally can not run away.

Jiang Chen has never moved, and everyone has slowly retreated. Now their faces are more ugly, and the spirit of the beast is not lower than human beings. Humans can think of chaos and escape. Why are they not thinking about it? Therefore, at this time, no one can survive, and the ground is dead, but they have to wait in the circle. This feeling, which swallows everyone, whether it is Liu Xingjun or others, has become extremely depressed.

Death is terrible, but what is more terrible than death is the kind of suffering that awaits death, but it can only be indifferent.

"Showing the enemy is weak. What we can expect now is that these two monsters have lost both sides. At that time, it was our best chance, and it was not to escape, but to fight with them. Escape can not escape. And it is the ambition of others. The strength of the two monsters is quite equal. No one can easily kill anyone. So before they both start, we still do not move. If we can live, it depends on whether you can I can stand the loneliness."

Jiang Chen whispered that everyone's life has his fixed number, and he does not want to change anything at random. He is not a savior.

Living is an opportunity, death, and another way of rebirth.

[Dizziness and brain rise, these two days are not good, I started to drink Chinese medicine from yesterday, and today I have two more. 】

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