Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2502: When the peach blossoms are scattered, re-examine the ancient vines!

This is the understanding of Yu Erniang on the white swordsman. His people are like a sword. They are in the past, they are invincible, their heads can be broken, the sword can not be broken, the blood can flow, and the sword does not look back!

"White sword god, Xue Liang."

Jiang Chen’s way, Yu Erniang is quite shocking. The identity of this guy seems to be quite curious. What is he doing? Why do you know the white sword **** Xue Liang? Although Yu Erniang is not a cold name for this name, it seems that this white sword **** should be a well-known person.

"Compared with him, how are you?"

Yu Eriang seems to be curious to watch Jiang Chen. After all, the gap between the two people is still not small.

"I am not as good as him."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Yu Eriang seems to be somewhat disappointed, grinning, and once again looking at the white sword god, he is already a fire lion in the late thirteen days of the gods, proud and stand, angry and bull.

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"The law is heaven, the law is natural, everything has a fate."

Xue Liang faintly, looking at Jiang Chen, no joy or no sorrow, but in his eyes, it reveals a deep admiration of color, Jiang Chen can confuse the entire riverside situation, killing five hundred days of the gods The ten-and-a-half-step king of the king, and the killing of all hundred people in the alliance, under the **** of the king of God, escaped from birth, this itself, is a miracle that could not be completed, but Jiang Chen, did it.

Xue Liang rarely admired anyone, but whether it is in the secret of the secluded secret or in the life and death of the riverside, Jiang Chen let him see a really terrible enchanting, how to develop it, in front of Jiang Chen, all Genius, destined to be eclipsed, all the enchanting, are just over the eyes.

"It’s also true that meeting is a fate."

Jiang Chen nodded.

"I am looking for the heart of Akasaka."

Xue Liang’s voice fell, and Yu Erniang’s expression was more and more dignified. It’s far from being easy to get the red glow of the ancient rattan heart.

"It seems that this red-green ancient vine heart has indeed attracted many people."

Xue Liang brows a pick, looked at Yu Eriang, did not speak.

"That's it."

Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Xue Liang did not say much, very direct, and promised Jiang Chen, from the attitude of Xue Liang to Jiang Chen, Yu Erniang can understand that this eye is higher than the top of the white sword god, but gave Jiang Chen He is quite respectful, and his strength is only the beginning of the gods.

Xue Liang seems to have never looked at her from beginning to end. In his eyes, he is only a friend of Jiang Chen. Is it that you are not attractive enough? Yu Erniang never doubts his charm. He can only explain this white sword god, which is a real sword idiot. In his eyes, there is only a sword in his hand, and nothing else.

In the heart of Yu Erniang, Jiang Chen could not help but have a little more curiosity.

Three people walked, for a few months, finally arrived at the place where Yu Eriang said, it was she who agreed with her two brothers.

The mountains are everywhere, the peach blossoms are scattered, the height is low and low, the place is cool, the water is flowing, the sky is straight, the forest is far away, and the mountains are boundless.

"It's here, I won't remember it, Baili Taolin, it's amazing."

Yu Erniang frowned and Jiang Chen saw her nervous for the first time.

The peach forest is cool, the fluorescing and fragrant, making people feel refreshed and happy, it seems to be intoxicated, not their own.

"This Taolin is very strange."

Xue Liang whispered.

At the moment when the three people stepped into Taolin, Jiang Chen felt an extraordinary force, sucking and pulling, pushing them into the hundred miles of Taolin, and revealing the strangeness everywhere, people do not know why.

"I clearly remember that it is here, but I can't find it."

Yu Erniang said, the face is covered with frost, the two brothers will never leave, they meet this time.

After three spring breezes, there is no Wanli Mountain. When the peach blossoms are scattered, the ancient vines are re-examined.

"This hundred miles of Taolin is a battle. If it is not what I expected, we should have been mistaken into the law."

Jiang Chen said.

The layout of this Taolin is quite subtle. Every peach tree caters to Taiji's four elephants and gossip. The technique of Qimen reveals the secrets everywhere. The person who arranges this method must be a peerless person. And this peach tree grows naturally, the roots of the tree are the base, the peach blossoms are the shadows, the peach blossoms are changeable, the arrays are thousands of finds, the change is not separated from the ancestors, the peach blossoms are unbeaten, then the array is immortal, and the life is endless.

"You mean, we were trapped by the formation? My brother, may have been trapped by the formation?"

Yu Er Niang's face is more and more dignified, but they feel that in this peach forest, it is difficult to find the direction, completely lost the position, do not know where to go.

"It can be said that I am not sure if your brother is trapped here, but we are indeed trapped in this peach array."

Jiang Chen shrugged and said.

"You are still so busy, you can see that this Taolin is a battle, why should you enter it?"

Yu Eriang turned over and turned her eyes.

"When I didn't come in, I didn't know that it was a battle."

Jiang Chen said innocently.

"This method is really not simple."

Xue Liang whispered, they have been observing for a long time, and they have not seen any clues.

"Let's take a step and look at it. Otherwise, no one knows where this peach forest is strange."

Although Jiang Chen knows the formation method, it is not an extremely powerful master of the array. Because he has not yet reached the point of transparency in the study of the law without the initial method, it is not a master of the omnipotent method. Any array of methods is hand-picked, at least this peach flower array, he still has no clue, but Jiang Chen is not panic, even the unchanging no-form method has been broken by him, he believes that all methods are common, This peach flower array must not be able to beat him.

However, Yu Erniang does not think so, she is most worried about her two brothers.

"Are you sure to get out of here?"

Yu Erniang looked serious and asked meticulously.

"I try my best."

Jiang Chen silently decapitated. At this moment, he was overwhelmed by Yu Erniang. However, this peach flower array is indeed very strange. The strange thing is that it is not aggressive, it is more like a foggy array. Deep in it, it is difficult to extricate yourself.

"Whirring whirring--"

A gust of wind swelled, peach blossoms fell, thousands of miles of pink mountains and rivers, but Jiang Chen felt a terrible yin, constantly eroding their bodies.

"No, my strength is being lost step by step."

Yu Erniang’s face changed greatly, the yin wind rang, and the peach blossoms were messy, and they seemed to be confused by this strange yin, and Yu Eriang felt her strength, as if it was step by step. No warning.

"I also have this feeling."

Xue Liang suppressed the shock of his heart and whispered that this really horrible place is to constantly weaken their strength. This is even more creepy than the aggressive approach.

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