Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2506: See the float order, see the float

"This worm tide seems to be affected by the flute, and it is unpredictable. This worm will definitely be controlled."

Yu Yu’s eyes whispered and whispered. It’s undeniable that even in the five elements of the fire, they felt a deep shock and even a trace of worry. These five elements are really able to block the fire. Is this a worm? And this worm has turned into a giant sword, dotted with the sky, and may give them a fatal blow at any time.

Yu Huafan couldn't help but feel a creepy feeling. He felt that the moment when this huge insect tide giant sword fell, the small five elements from the fire array would surely blast.

"Kid, are you sure?"

Yu Huafan asked again.

"If you don't believe me, you can go out and try."

Jiang Chen smiled and shrugged, and I did not force you to stay in the five lines from the fire.

If you eat a cockroach, you can only choose to silence. At this time, let him go out to fight with these worms. What is the difference between sending and dying?

The girl in the green shirt, walking in the air, in the peach blossoms, Wudong falls on the mountain, the eyelids fretting, the bamboo flute is lightly blown, the worms are pleasing, the insects are tens of thousands, and the countless is inexhaustible. .

A black figure, standing in front of the girl in the green shirt, holding a black token like a fire, if the card is a demon, with a horrible devouring power, as if to take all the darkness into its own .

"See the floatation order, see the float."

The black figure said lightly.

The girl in the green shirt is slightly beheaded, and once again, the bamboo flute is blown. The eyes of the ancient well have no waves, and the calmness is as clear as the past. It seems to be isolated from the world and not with the world.


The rush of bamboo flutes echoed above the void, between the Taolin, and the giant swords of the worms. At this moment, they slammed down and hit the five lines of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s pupils tightened and his face remained the same. He resisted the attack with his own strength. The five elements from the fire were also turbulent at this time, and they were crumbling, as if they were going to collapse.

Jiang Chenli pulls the mountain and stabilizes the five elements from the fire. Now there is no protection from the ancestral tower. Jiang Chen can only rely on himself. Once the five elements are broken from the fire, then it is possible for them to fall into a shackle. Submerged by the tide of insects.

This time, Jiang Chen had to go all out, because once the five lines were broken, they would surely fall into the death escape. At that time, they really had their lives, they went all the way, and eventually they could live. A few down, hope is also extremely embarrassing.

Everyone sucked in a cold air, but the giant sword of the insects just smashed the five elements away from the fire.

“Can you hold it?”

Xue Liang asked.

"It's quite good."

Jiang Chen smiled and seemed to be completely unconcerned. Xue Liang nodded slightly. In his opinion, if Jiang Chen promised, he would certainly be able to do it.

"Little brothers, if you can't, don't force yourself. Now our situation is not very optimistic. If you fight hard and go to work, maybe we still have hope."

Yu Jingfan solemnly said that his strength is the strongest. At this time, his words are also the most authoritative. Lian Yu Er Niang is also looking at Jiang Chen.

"I think he can come a few times."

Jiang Chen re-powered, his power became full, and the five elements were reinforced by him. The power he consumed, the spirit of wood can be fully restored. Now Jiang Chen does not know how strong the opponent’s offensive is, so He must go all out.

"Not bad, let the storm come more violently."

The black figure looked at the girl in the green shirt. The latter was silent, but the flute twirled, but it broke out even more horrible sound waves, and even formed a kind of howling, shocking the mountains.

I saw that the insects above the sky once again gathered together. Even though the dead snake worms and ants had piled up into mountains, they still succumbed to all the moths, and the layers of the impact began to rise.

The worms and swords once again merged together, and they are many times more than before. Even the feathers are fascinating. At this time, Jiang Chen’s five elements are separated from the fire, and it is really hard to resist.

"Come on, I have to see if your spear is sharper or my shield is thicker."

Jiang Chen’s eyes are sharp and he looks at the sky. He knows that behind this, there must be someone to control it, but who is behind him is still unknown.


Along with the charge of the flute, the giant sword of the worm tide once again fell on the five elements from the fire array. Jiang Chen continued to reinforce, but the five elements were separated from the fire, and there were still a series of cracks, and they were extremely large.

Jiang Chen had to shrink five lines away from the fire, but then, the insect tide seemed to be endless. Three times gathered, three times settled, and the five elements were already riddled with fire. Even Jiang Chen was The earthquake became seriously injured.

"The sound of such a strong flute, if it is not relying on the power of the absolute soul, it is impossible to be so powerful."

Jiang Chen was pale and thought of it.

"The first shot of a man, the thief first smashed the king, a group of ants, even if it kills more, it does not help."

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed in the eye.

"Da Yan refining the soul, the soul is big!"

Jiang Chen displayed the Da Ren refining technique, with the power of the horrible soul covering, crushing away, the flute sounds are completely overshadowed, and the big refining souls are nine strokes, and the soul power is amazing.

Jiang Chen’s soul power is powerful compared to the strong person of God’s respect. This time, the simple soul collision, Jiang Chen is also not sure, because he does not know the soul geometry of the other party, but he has to do this if the other party The soul of the crushing himself, then he will certainly suffer from the counterattack, but if the other party is not as good as him, it is bound to make the other party deeply hurt! The insect tide, naturally subsided.

The overwhelming power of the soul swept Wudong's Luoxia Mountain. The black figure was on the side of the face, and it was thousands of miles away. The young girl, the first to bear the brunt, directly ushered in the soul impact of Jiang Chen.

The soul is returned to Da Yan, the power of purifying the soul, so that the girl in the green shirt, the face is pale and bloodless, and the blood is sprayed out, the breath is completely absent, and the eyes are clear and clear, and all of them are dimmed. Wu Dong Luoxia Mountain.

Jiang Chen felt the power of the horrible soul. After all, he still couldn’t beat him. A blood spurted out, but the smile on his lips was slowly exposed. The endless worms, once again receded, and those who died The snake worms and ants that have piled up into the mountains are taken away by their companions, so that Jiang Chen can't help but sigh. The ants are still stealing, but this is not what he wants.

The sound of the flute also came to an abrupt end at this time. He knew that even if the other party did not die, he would have been hit hard and it would be difficult to fight again. This war without smoke is still winning.

"Jiang Chen, it is still Jiang Chen."

The black figure muttered, deep in the eyes, with a touch of color of grievances, full of murder.

"Are you okay? Jiang Chen?"

Xue Liang asked quietly.


Jiang Chen waved.

"Jiang Chen? Which river dust? Are you the river dust in the riverside?"

Yu Eriang’s eyes are slightly stunned and she looks at Jiang Chen.

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