Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2516: Blade teenager

The jade face fox fox softly on the ground, the original sinister and sinister eyes, but also become a lot of gray, white hair, roots, squinting, constantly breathing, looking at Jiang Chen, sharp little head, like The rattle is generally swaying, but there is a lovely look. The small figure of less than three feet is completely different from the singular beasts, so it is called the elves of the Tianzhu Mountains.

"Mom, don't run, don't run."

The jade face fox sullenly said, the thick voice, full of anger and unwillingness, the anger of the eyes, it goes without saying.

"I still want to kill my friend, you are a good illusion, but it is useless to me."

Jiang Chen said quietly.

"The illusion is not mine at all."

Yu face Linghu looks like a grievance.

"What? Not yours?"

Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked. If the illusion is really not under the jade face, then it is not only that they exist.

Jiang Chen firmly tied the jade face fox, cold channel:

"Take me back to find them, I don't want to kill you, as long as you take us to find the red heart of the wild flowers, I will let you go."

"The greedy human being, the red heart of the ancient vines is what you can touch? Hahaha."

Yumian Linghu sneered and said, Jiang Chen hit the palm of his hand and hit the cover of the jade face of the fox, and the jade face screamed for a while and trembled.

"I am going to go to me."

"Before I knew this, why bother?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and was really a guy who didn't see the coffin and didn't cry. He thought it would be a hard bone. He didn't expect to give in so soon.

“Are you really able to find the location of the red heart of the wild cardia?”

Jiang Chen will be suspicious to ask.

"You can choose to be silent. I can also choose to kill you and go back to find my friend."

See the jade face fox should not sound, Jiang Chen faint.

"I want to find the heart of Chixia Gu Teng, look for it, tell me early, why not say it early? Am I the kind of person who does not speak loyalty? Since you promised not to kill me, I will definitely bring you to find the red radish Heart."

The jade face fox immediately put on a flattering face, under the face of the hair, with a fox-like ghost smile, Jiang Chen can not easily believe him, only control his life and death, he will be willing to be himself Selling life, otherwise, this jade face fox is a hob.

When Jiang Chen and Yumian Linghu returned to the original starting point, they did not see Yu Eriang and Xue Liang and others.

"what happened?"

Jiang Chen’s death and death buckled the neck of the jade-faced fox, and the jade-faced fox was scared to death.

"I don't know, I really don't know, the illusion will appear here from time to time, but I don't know why it sometimes is not there, and there is an extremely powerful boy in the illusion."

The jade face fox whispered, and the horrified eyes did not seem to dare to hide.

"When is there a timeless fantasy? How can this happen? Even you don't know?"

Jiang Chen’s brows wrinkled tightly, and his heart was more and more worried. Because he came from the moment he came in, he felt the unusualness here, and even made him feel a very depressed feeling. The initial unclear, after all, still Realized, Yu Eriang and others are not known, it is not a good thing for Jiang Chen.

"The magic array has disappeared again."

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a ridge of coldness, suddenly turned back, saw a young figure, ice blue clothes, no wind automatic, cold scorpion, flashing sharp blade, thin, but give a force The feeling of being awkward.

The teenager stared at Jiang Chen, cold and cold:

"Handed over."

"what do you want?"

Jiang Chen faintly said that he could not feel the strength of this young boy, but he was like a mountain, pressing on his own body.

"It is him. I have seen him twice in the illusion. Every time the illusion disappears, he seems to appear."

The jade face fox screamed and trembled, and the body trembled constantly, as if the momentum that crushed everything, let him be a **** to this young man.

"My friend, in your hands?"

Jiang Chen Shen Shen, if Yu Er Niang and Xue Liang and others, in his hands, then Jiang Chen will not be soft-hearted.

"You don't want to talk to me about the conditions, give me the frozen person in your hand. I only say it again."

The blade of the juvenile suddenly increased its momentum, and the jade face fox screamed, and did not know whether it was true or not. It even directly stunned the past, and the kind of crushing of all the pressure made Jiang Chen’s heart incomparably shocked.

"Somewhat, you are not afraid of me?"

"Who are you? Why should I be afraid of you?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Well, I will let you know now, why are you afraid of me, because in my eyes, you are just an ant."

The blade boy grasped it with a hand, the void was broken, the valley was in the middle of the valley, but the ground was moving, but Jiang Chen could feel that this bladed teenager seemed to be just a hit, but it was the kind of killing. Frenzy, crush everything.

"Dragon Armor!"

Jiang Chen screamed and instantly opened his strongest defense, but the Tianlong armor was beaten and broken. In Jiang Chen’s heart, there was a wave of stormy waves. This blade is a teenager, and his eyes are cold. It is terrible. Who is he?

"It is good to stop me from hitting."

The youngster of the blade smiled coldly, punched out, the mountain was broken, and the void was destroyed. However, Jiang Chen looked clearly and clearly, except for Baizhang around him, everything was as calm as ever, and the broken one was just the space of this hundred feet. The control of the power of space, even to the point of such a perfect fire, is simply shocking.

Jiang Chen actually felt the threat of death under this young boy’s fist. He couldn’t think too much about the car. The two horrible powers of the thunder in his hands were instantly gathered together. The fusion of the thunder and the violent force swept the void and the blade. The young man made a slight move. Jiang Chen’s strongest blow did not even shake him. And in a moment, the whole space became quiet again, as intact.

Jiang Chen’s integration of the thunder and the thunder was also completely blocked by the knife-fighting teenager.

"It's a guy with some skills, but unfortunately, it's still too weak to accept death."

The blade of the teenager turned his eyes, and the palm of the hand was like a knife, breaking the avenue.

Jiang Chen didn't want to, and sacrificed the ice-covered person. At that moment, the blade of the young boy, with a touch of shock in his eyes, the eyes of the ancient well without waves, but also revealed the shock of the unspeakable.

Jiang Chen did not know why, he did not hesitate to block the knife and the young boy with the ice-blocking. Otherwise, Jiang Chen felt that even if it was the Zulong Tower, it would be estimated that he would shake himself up. Today, there is no ancestral guard, Jiang Chen faces such a devastating offensive, life and death are only in the first line.

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