Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2520: Ruthless obliteration

Jiang Chen held Qing Ling Dan and flexed his finger to the front of the jade face fox.

"Receive it, use the remedy that your baby has made, and I can't do it alone."

Jiang Chen said.

The jade face fox glimpsed a little, and the face was incredulous, and it was trembling.

"You, you mean, this green Ling Dan, is it for me?"

Yumian Linghu dreamed that Jiang Chen would give Qingling Dan oneself, but even the Qingling Dan, which is the **** of the gods, makes the Lord of the Eight Pulses Yinchuan, the perfect medicine for the movement. This silly human being gave himself?

"If you don't want it, I will take it back."

Jiang Chen is a light road.

"If you want to."

The jade face fox is nodding like a chicken glutinous rice. The eyes are full of shock and joy. The happiness is bursting. Even if all of his own heaven and earth treasures add up, it is not worth a green Ling Dan. How can he not? Excited, not excited? This "despicable" human once again makes the jade face fox look impressive. Now it seems that he is not so shameless.

Yumian Linghu dreamed that he did not expect that Jiang Chen would give such a valuable medicinal medicine to himself, and this guy actually produced ten green Ling Dan at one time, but even the refining guru could not imagine, batch refining System, can be called invincible.

Dan Lei has dissipated between the clouds, but Jiang Chen knows that those people are getting closer and closer, and the power of countless stocks is approaching. They have to leave this place quickly.

"Not good, someone is coming!"

The jade face fox screamed and clasped the green Ling Dan, and it was more important to see the Buddha than his own life.

"Do you feel it too?"

Jiang Chen is faint.

"And not a single person, hundreds of powerful forces are rushing."

There is some suffocation in the jade face fox.

"The time is running out, go."

Jiang Chen said with a deep voice, turning around with a jade face fox rushing in the direction of Yu Eriang and others.

With the power of the soul, Jiang Chen solved the illusion of Yu Eriang and others and let them take a step forward.

"You go first, I am coming. Some people are coming here."

Jiang Chen said.

"But - you!"

Yu Eriang looked at him worriedly.

"Reassured, can't die, there is such a small thing, this live map of the Tianzhu Mountains, I will never be in danger."

Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Let's go, believe that Jiang Chen is far safer than believing that you are coming."

Xue Liang said plainly, for Jiang Chen, from the beginning of disdain, to face up, to shock, and then to stunned, it is already more respectful, this is the real opponent. Xue Liang knows that he may not be the opponent of Jiang Chen now, but he will never give up the pace of chasing the strong, forget the people who come out of the sword, forget the love in life, only for the sword.

"Well, thousands of miles away, we are waiting for you."

Yu Jingfan took the hand of Yu Eriang and turned it into a stream of wind and turned away.

Yu Erniang’s worried eyes gradually drifted away in Jiang’s eyes.

"It’s a crazy woman."

The jade face fox screamed and smiled.

"Do you believe that I killed you and tune a bowl of fox soup?"

Jiang Chen looked at the jade face spirit fox quietly, and the jade face fox sneered a sneer, but did not agree with it, but did not talk to Jiang Chen. He knew that Jiang Chen was not the kind of person. From the moment he gave himself to Qingling Dan, he knew that Jiang Chen’s heart was hot.

For their monsters, there is nothing good or bad, the grace of dripping water is reported by the spring, not to mention the Qingling Dan, the medicinal medicine that he could hardly reach in his life. Although the jade face fox does not say, but for Jiang Chen, he is admired in the eyes, this is a kind person who deserves respect.

But the next second, Yumian Linghu thought he was wrong.

Jiang Chen held the Tianlong sword and commanded a hundred and eight peaks of artifacts. At this moment, above the dark canyon, there was no sword in the illusion.

"What do you want to do?"

Yu face Ling Fox could not help but ask.

Jiang Chen did not answer him. At this moment, he found that Jiang Chen’s face became extremely indifferent, as if he was a **** of death. The cold breath of thorough heart made him feel chilling.

"It is here, Chixia Gu Tengxin, must be here. Go quickly."

"Ha ha ha, I was finally found by Lao Tzu, hey, it is a secret place."

"Who said no, I decided that the heart of Chixia Gu Teng must be here."

"Chixia ancient rattan heart, not me!"

"Don't say too early, be careful that the wind is shining."

More and more people have entered the dark Grand Canyon. Hundreds of them are all of the best, the worst, and the late days of the gods. The most powerful ones are just the peaks of the gods. The people who are in the kingdom of the gods did not appear here.

Jiang Chen faceless expression, indifferently looking at the people who entered the illusion, step into the sword array, the heart is clear.

"You don't want to kill..."

The jade face fox feels a bit dry and dry, hundreds of days in the late stage of the gods or the peak of the strong, is he not to die? With this sword array, he is too confident too much? And these people have no innocence with him. Why did he kill these people?

There is endless doubt in the heart of the jade face fox, but Jiang Chen has never said a word, half an hour, the sun finally fell into the valley, the dark night, covering the entire Wudong Luoxia Mountain, but no one knows, here Among the dark canyons, a feast of slaughter is about to begin.

Jiang Chen slowly closed his eyes, and his heart muttered: Everything, it will end from here.

Xiao Xiu Luojian array, at this moment, in an instant, hundreds of gods and strong people, even in this moment, I felt the darkness of the sky, the screams of despair, deafening, a terrible sword light, like the death ray , penetrated in the small Shura sword array.

There are no dead ends, hundreds of days of peaks, at this moment, all are caught in death, blood and cold screams, blending in everything, sketching an extremely **** picture, the jade face fox is completely dumbfounded, Is this still a gentle human? Is it still a kind of graciousness that will be given to the human beings by Qingling Dan without hesitation?

The jade face fox can't understand, and the inner heart is full of sorrow. The hundreds of gods and gods, even without any resilience, are annihilated in the sword array. Life is not at this moment. value.

The jade face fox is not a great man, but when he sees such a brutal and horrible scene, he can't help but tremble. Jiang Chen’s power is the first time he’s seen it. Even if it’s a half-step god’s kingdom, there’s no such means. Hundreds of gods and gods, even if they want to kill three or two half-step gods, they’re not talking. Under the pressure, Jiang Chen can kill hundreds of strong people with one's own strength, and it is silent.

The icy and gloomy Grand Canyon is once again in peace.

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