Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2522: Red clothing 13th floor

The scream of the jade face fox made Jiang Chen and others look like a change, because that jade face fox also attracted their attention. That is to say, it is not just a group of them who rely on Yumian Linghu to find it here, and it is very likely that the person is not good.

"Who is Xiaoyu?"

Yu Er Niang asked.

"She is the object of my love, she is so perfect, so clean, so smart, so gentle and kind, then -"

Yumian Linghu closed his eyes, and his face was intoxicated, as if he was a teenager who fell in love, his mouth was full of happiness.

"If we don't catch up, you are so perfect, clean, smart, gentle and kind, and you will become a doll in the hands of others."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly.

The jade face fox suddenly opened his eyes and his heart was shocked. At this moment, he realized that his little jade might have encountered danger. Jiang Chen’s reminder reminded him of his time.

"Go away!"

Yu face Linghu quickly chased up.

“It seems that we are not the first to enter this volcanic cave.”

Yu Jingfan said in a deep voice, now they are more convinced that this Chixia Guteng heart is really here.

"Then we are not hurrying, otherwise, will it be the first to be picked up by others?"

Yu Huafan quickly said that the group quickly followed up.

Jiang Chen was chasing after him. He was behind the jade face fox. He felt the strength of the two powerful tycoons. All of them entered the volcanic cave. Although they are intricate and varied, they never change their ancestors. In the end, Under the leadership of Yufu Linghu, Jiang Chen entered a flame square, with countless flames, spraying light columns, swaying from the bottom of the ground, squirting dozens of meters high, and then gradually subsided, once again the flame beam With blazing magma, it eventually turned into fly ash.

Every ten or more meters around, there is such a one-meter square flame terrarium. There are hundreds of thousands of flame squares in the entire flame square. The flames are extremely glaring, and the flaming people can’t see anything. Jiang Chen and others are careful. This flame square, the head is the top of the 100-meter wall, the air is extremely thin, and there is heavy smoke everywhere.

"It's so hot here, I feel like I'm going to be cooked."

Yu Huafan turned his eyes and said, constantly breathing.

"Jiang Chen, why are you okay?"

Yu Huafan looked at the people around him, and everything was the same. Even the jade face fox was sweating, and the white feathers that were originally erected were also on the body.

"There is a saying that you don't have to listen, curiosity kills the cat."

Jiang Chen is faint.

"You...oh, forget it, I don't know anything about you."

Yuhua said unwillingly, but the secret of Jiang Chen’s body really made him more and more surprised. When he rescued them from the peach blossoms and rescued them from the illusion, he knew that Jiang Chen was not malicious, but everything was In the dark, he is still a little uncomfortable.

"Weird, why didn't you have the smell of Xiaoyu?"

Yu face Linghu said anxiously.

Jiang Chen feels the atmosphere around him, but he has nothing to gain, because the heat waves in the depths of the magma are too turbulent, and only the hot atmosphere of terror can be felt.

"somebody is coming."

Jiang Chen whispered, several people looked back, not so sure, a woman in red, long hair fluttering, with a touch of cold color, narrow eyes, thin lips, with a natural vicious and smashing . Beautiful but beautiful, but it is the beauty of snakes.

Behind her, four women who are not very beautiful and look at them silently look at them, ruthless, cold and cold, in stark contrast to the blazing fire in this volcanic cave.

"Are you looking for her?"

The woman in red faintly said, holding her hand in her neck, dying Xiaoyu, with a chill in her mouth.

"Insane woman, what happened to Xiaoyu? The bastard, I won't spare you."

The jade face fox gnashed his teeth, and the fierceness was revealed. Looking at the little jade with a very weak breath, his heart was extremely painful.

"A group of shrimps and crabs will find it here with a jade face fox. Do you really think you can get a piece of it? This is not a place where all the cats and dogs can come."

The red woman said with sarcasm.

"Now, her mission is completed and returned to you."

The woman in red said, she loosened Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu fell directly into the flame of the cave. Under the flame, it was a rolling magma.

At that moment, the jade face fox was dumbfounded. He did not expect the red woman to be so vicious.


The snoring of the jade face fox is extremely harsh, but the next second, Jiang Chen disappeared in the same place, but his strength is too weak, even the red woman did not notice.

Under the protective body of the five elements of fire, Jiang Chen jumped into the depths of the magma, timely protected Xiaoyu, pulled her back from the edge of death, and fed her two medicinal herbs. Completely saved a life.

"It’s an old sorcerer to kill."

Jiang Chen was calm and leisurely, holding Xiaoyu in his arms and slowly coming out.

Everyone is a gaze, including the red woman, because she didn’t see how Jiang Chen took it. At the beginning of a small nerve, she could barely know under her own eyes. It’s a little trick to save this monster.

The jade face fox tightly pulls Xiaoyu's claws, deep in the eyes, revealing a deep gaze, but finally escapes in the dead, if it is not Jiang Chen, she has already lost the yellow spring, Yuping Linghu looked at Jiang A glance at the dust, he saved Xiaoyu, and re-created with the same kind, this identity is like a fan, the man with the strength of the fascination, so that the jade face fox has a squatting comprehension.

"Xiaoyu, wake up, wake up."

Xiaoyu was extremely miserable by the women in red, and she was dying, but under the help of Jiang Chen, she finally woke up.

"Little ice, are you? I am not dead yet?"

Xiaoyu said extremely weakly, his eyes were difficult to open.

"Not dead, I won't let you die, even if you don't like me, it doesn't matter, I will protect you all my life."

The jade face fox is holding Xiaoyu tightly, the body is hot, but the heart is cold, he hates that he can do nothing to protect the person he likes.

The woman in red is slightly stunned and cold and cold:

"A monster, I want to kill and kill, can you help me?"

"I don't know, God has a good life, people are born to his mother, and the demon is born to the demon. Why can you decide the life and death of others?"

Jiang Chen calmly said.

"Because my strength is strong enough. It's really a group of cute guys, but you don't have to stay here, or go out early. Otherwise, you will have a small life, but you have no turning back."

The woman in red stroking her long hair, covering her mouth and smiling, revealing a murder.

"If I guessed it well, the girl should be one of the top ten gates in the chain, and the 13th floor of the red dress?"

Yu Jing said quietly.

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