Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2544: Seven-level float, Pudu sentient beings

"Red Xia Gu Tengxin! I must get it."

Yu Erniang silently looked at the white tiger's wilting figure. At this time, he completely turned into a tiger that had been pulled out. There was no threat of a little bit. He was there, motionless, and his eyes were full of fear. color.

"Don't mess around, Er Niang! Just watch it change. If Jiang Chen can beat that guy, we don't need to take risks."

Yuhua Fan said with a deep voice, for the sake of this red-green ancient vine, their three brothers and sisters have been squatting for a hundred years, and if they finally fall into disappointment, what are the faces, and go back to see Jiangdong’s father? Therefore, Yu Erniang has already prepared for it, and she will not get the heart of Chixia Gu Teng, and she will go home without a face.

"But, why did Jiang Chen not want to get this red heart?"

Yu Eriang murmured, now she is in a dilemma. If she finally got the heart of Chixia Gu Teng, it is also the credit of Jiang Chen, how can she open her mouth?

"I know your difficulties, but don't act rashly. In this ghost place, if you have a little difference, you will fall into Huangquan."

Yu Jing said with a deep voice, and he looked at Yu Niang.

Jiang Chen and Li Zongheng are all in a rigorous manner. In this battle, Jiang Chen can't have a moment of slack. After the rebirth, he is obviously stronger and stronger. The strength is also more and more terrible. If you don't take extra care, Jiang Chen is not. I can guarantee that I will be able to take him and turn over the ship in the gutter, even if he has to be careful.

"This day, I have been waiting for a long time."

The fierce voice is full of war and full of expectation. Jiang Chen is his death to the devil. If he can kill Jiang Chen, then he will be as good as the dragon in the future, laughing and arrogant, and once lost, once lost Even if his talent is amazing again, he will certainly stop, so he knows that he can only win and not lose.

It’s not Jiang Chen, but his own demon.

"History repeats, you will repeat the same mistakes."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, confident and calm, Jiang Chen's dragon changed his body, still resolutely fierce, whistling, and the power of Wan Hao was crushed, and the screaming and violent screaming, the more excited, the two people fisted each other, vertical and horizontal In the tree hole space.

Xue Liang silently looked at this scene. Jiang Chen’s strength was still above him. At least for now, he is not Jiang’s opponent. Even if he tries his best, he is still impossible to defeat him. As a ghost, he is also a ghost. Xue Liang is not a person who is willing to accept and lose. Even if he is arrogant, he is afraid of being above him. So Xue Liang has to regroup, his strong heart can never be silenced. The person or obstacle that is in front of him will be destroyed by him.

"One day, one day, I will fight with you in a bright future, Jiang Chen."

Xue Liang muttered, but at this moment he still hopes that Jiang Chen will be better, and will be forced to die in this tree hole space.

Jiang Chen is arrogant, step by step, and after the dragon has changed, he can already fight with the half-step **** king. The ordinary peak of the gods is not a match, even if it is a half-step god, it is also Nothing to say.

Jiang Chen's physical strength, extraordinary terror, and intertwined with the sturdy and vertical, the palm of the wind, the mountains and the tsunami in general, the sturdy and vertical is also not retreat, his heart has only one war, bravely forward, retreat!

"Little floats, seven levels of floats!"

The swaying and constantly changing hands, the terrible black tower, the unparalleled world, crushing the void, the seven-level floating squad, is the seven-story black tower, each layer, as if it is oppressing all beings, Jiang Chen feels the crush of the seven-level floating squad The force, constantly retreating, but he still looked down on the seven-level floating squad.

"Three thousand dragon prints!"

Jiang Chen hit a seal and hit the top of the seven-level floating squad. He did not move like a mountain. The black tower was still intact, but Jiang Chen was shaken back. In the momentum, he had already fallen.

However, Jiang Chen is not in a hurry, reaching for a grip, Tianlongjian, still has not shot for a long time, this time, it will once again demon slayer, break the seven-level float.

"Lonely, no sleep, solve thousands of miles! A sword is cold and fourteen states!"

Lonely swordsmanship, vertical and horizontal, the sword light is like a meteor falling, falling into the dust, going to the fierce, the sword over the sound, swaying, falling on the level of the floating squad, the seven-level floating squirm slightly trembled, squinting Tightly locked, he knew that Jiang Chen had finally sacrificed the Tianlong sword, indicating that he had completely moved the real anger.

"Seven-level floating battalion, destroying all beings!"

Li vertical and horizontal hand grip, seven layers of black tower, once again suppressed, Jiang Chen a sword sweeping, skyrocketing, not afraid, and the seven-story black tower battle together, golden light flashing, the moment the sword fell, a little cold first To the seven-story black tower, it was also shaken away, and the black tower was held sharply.

Jiang Chen's sword, the edge of the man will be exposed, falling flowers and water, not to squander the dust.

"A strong sword!"

Yu Jingfan took a breath of cold air and his face was extremely dignified. This sword, the first time he saw it, including Yu Eriang, was awesome, and Longwei Town was nine days!

"This sword is afraid that even the sword in the hands of the owner is less than it."

In the heart of Yu’s horror, there was a stormy wave. This Jiang Chen really is a character who can confuse the world in the riverside. Even if it is a king of God, seeing these treasures, I am afraid that it is hard to be tempted. It’s really enviable and embarrassing to have such a god.

Jiang Chen holds the Tianlong sword. If there is a **** help, and there is no fear of shrinking between the sharp and the cross, even faintly occupying a slight advantage, we must know the strength gap between the two, but it is not small, but now it seems that It is equally divided.

"You are indeed getting stronger, but I am not vegetarian."

"Seven-level floating battalion, Purdue beings!"

A terrible power of faith was born out of the seven-level floating sect. Jiang Chen’s face changed. He never imagined that this sturdy seven-level floating sect could have the power of faith and the power of faith. It has surpassed the power of the gods, and even a mortal can turn things around with the power of endless faith.

"Sword breaks the sky and God!"

Jiang Chen Jian Ling Cangwu, the entire tree hole space is a string of fiery red cymbals, but the power of the Purdue sentient beings is to completely suppress Jiang Chen, the seven-story black tower is suppressed, Jiang Chen feels To his own strength, it seems to be stripped away by a little bit, and his soul is suppressed by the power of this faith.

"No! No! No!"

Jiang Chen’s innermost strength is constantly resisting, but the power of this terrible belief has completely wrapped him in. The seven-level floating squad has completely turned into a purple-black color. Jiang Chen’s painful expression is seen in the fierce aspect. In the eyes, it is more and more brilliant.

"Buddha shines!"

In the heart of Jiang Chen, the last trace of Qingming has always been maintained. At that moment, the Buddha’s light shines and illuminates the entire space.

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