Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2573: Fighting ambition

"It’s a real madman!"

Jiang Chen mouth sneered, and his heart is also looking at this fight, because his thoughts completely subvert his previous cognition, his decisiveness, I am afraid that even Xue Jiajia is completely unaware of it. No one wants to leave such a madman around, because he can become an explosion at any time, and harm others.

"You know that once the Tiangong extinction array is started, the eight veins of Yinchuan will no longer exist, and the dead people will be the top eight characters in the Yinmai Mountains, and even in the Tianzhu Mountains. The backbone of the mountains, more than half of the high-level monsters, will be buried here."

Jiang Chen said with a deep voice, he did not doubt that Dou Ming has this power.

"Yeah, what do you say, what do you do with me? Hahaha. Others have been killed and wounded 1,000 times a thousand times. Am I still alive? I can condescend in this eight veins Yinchuan, you think that area snow Jia, can you trap me? I just have the heart for it, and you are the foreign spoiler, so I have to start my plan ahead of time."

Fighting eyes are cold and cold, extremely annoying looking at Jiang Chen.

"I am fighting against the Protoss, will it be a seat for him to be a mixed-race monster? It’s really an idiotic dream, my lineup, the world is unparalleled, even if you broke my two-fold system, this third battle, I See how you broke it."

Dou Ming is confident, because he knows that Jiang Chen will not kill himself.

Jiang Chen looks solemn, and it is not difficult to break the third squad method. But once it is broken, he does not know what kind of results will follow. This Qingguang Luohan array is closely connected with the Tiangong extinction. This method is broken. When the palace is extinct, it will destroy the entire eight-pulse Yinchuan. This method is a small, most horrible place to fight against foreign enemies. It is an explosive self-destruction. The Heavenly Palace is extinct enough to destroy the whole. Eight veins Yinchuan, no one can escape.

Jiang Chen is not stupid, and Dou Ming is not stupid. At this moment, two people are opposite each other. Jiang Chen can not be afraid of death, but he still can't do it. He will set the life and death of the entire eight-pulse Yinchuan people, it will be one. The huge catastrophe in the field.

If Jiang Chen really did, then his heart will be greatly affected. Ling Tianzhi is not above all life and death. People have virtues, killing can't solve everything, and despising killing. It is also destined to make people fall into disrepair. So many people are innocent, and Jiang Chen can't ignore it. Breaking the third law, Jiang Chen can't go through it. It is the principle of his innermost heart.

Dou Mingming did not care at all, because he was only responsible for his actions, only for his own purposes, in his eyes, all life and death revolts are no match for him.

At this moment, Xuejia and Laojiao are also fighting each other. The old man is not afraid of life and death, and Xuejia is extremely passive. The old man is forced to die by force, and Xue Jia is forced to fight with him everywhere. The master of the master, spare no effort in the battle, can be imagined, that vibration is absolutely shocking. Eight veins Yinchuan, has fallen two rivers, landslides, blood and rain, both people have suffered a lot.

Xue Jia is even better, but the old man is biting him, you can not be afraid of a gentleman, but you must be careful of a mad dog, because he will fight for you in desperation, the old man is like this, Xuejia is completely Some are impatient, but the other party is not an ordinary monster, the blue and blue scorpion is terrible, everyone knows, if he accidentally took his poison, then he will be defeated, so Xue Jia did not dare to take it lightly.

Jiang Chen broke through the two-fold array method one after another, and Xue Jia is even more impatient. In this way, he will never have the upper hand. The opponent's state of mind is to die, and he is looking forward to his own, his son can never have something.

"Fighter, you must block this mixed boy, this is difficult, Xue Jia will have a thank you."

Xue Jia said, the old man was deceived together, a fierce silver mad dragon, swaying the sky, black sharp corners, radiant, deep and gloomy, and the silver mad dragon is the body of Xue Jia, alone The horned snow dragon is also a branch of the dragon family. It is not an orthodox dragon, but it has a meager blood of the dragon, which is called a silver dragon.

The silver dragon and the old-fashioned cockroach smashed in the air and smashed the mountain glaciers. It is already a pediatrics, and the king of the gods is so powerful that it is shocking and chilling.

"You are playing with me."

Jiang Chen looked at the fight, but the latter was a leisurely walk, and his face was calm and unintentional.

"How about that? If you are not broken, if you don't break it, you will be trapped here. If you break it, then once the Tiangong extinction is started, the whole eight veins Yinchuan will fall into **** because of you. Hahaha. Do you feel like you are an sinner of the ages, do you still want to marry a hero? This is not the place you should come, but you did not hesitate to step in. Now If you are kneeling on the ground and licking three heads, maybe I can think about it, give you a life, and then train you well and become my successor. Of course, the premise is to take all your methods for my reference."

Dou Mingming is also the talent of the river dust, knowing that Jiang Chen has absolutely a big baby in his hands, otherwise it is impossible to have such a high understanding of this method and his accomplishment at such a young age. The mysterious squad is not the best way to do it, but it is still quite difficult for people under the king of God to break. Jiang Chen, but it is really done.

Jiang Chen hesitated, and at the same time he is also looking for the best of both worlds. If you can solve this third method and save more people, it will be even more perfect.

Jiang Chen is not a big-hearted person, but he can't bear to let so many innocent people fall into desperation.

"Your time is running out."

Fighting shrugs.

"After a fragrant incense, even if you want to break this third squad method, there is no chance, because this method will automatically disappear. Instead, it is another way of encircling the entire eight veins of Yinchuan. You know what kind of formation is that."

Fighting and sneering, it seems to be a treacherous conspiracy, so that others have no way to go, he is more proud and more gratified.

Jiang Chen’s gaze, the connection between the third Qingguang Luohan array and the Tiangong extinction array, is by no means simple, and it is controlled by Bian Mingming himself.

Among the ice caves, carved jade, full of soldiers, and treasures.

Yan Qingcheng eyes staring at Xueying in a cold, unspeakable.

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