Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2583: A sword is broken, and the sword is one.

"It’s amazing, it’s a beautiful city. That’s the real **** of heaven.”

"Yes, the righteous daughter of the Nine Realms is also making a great contribution to the Lord. It is said that this time the righteous woman of the Nine Realms will also step on the Xuan Shen Shen."

"That is the real **** of the sky, but it can be seen from afar. We are exhausted, and we are afraid that it is difficult to stand under the same world."

"That's right, I also want to see, this is the fairy who is the first beauty of Dulong County. What kind of face is the peerless."

Jiang Chen’s heart was clear. He concluded that the righteous daughter of the nine lords would definitely not be able to get away with Yan’s city. She said that she would return to the border, and Jiang Yan’s confidence in his woman was definitely able to It has become the focus of attention, but what is the origin of the nine realm and the Xuan Shenfu?

Jiang Chen brows a pick, what is this again? At least, even the people in the world are sharpening their heads and want to go in. It is conceivable that the nine realms of the Lord are also such an idea. This is the mystery of the Xuan Shenfu, estimated to be compared to those in the Qilian world. The big gates must be much stronger.

The Qilian world does not know how many times larger than the Linhe boundary, and the owner of the Qilian world can be elected as the main class. The strength is absolutely incomparable, even if it is the strength between the single-round boundaries, the rivers and the rivers Compared with the boundary, it is also a world apart.

It seems that I have to go to this Xuan Shenfu to go.

"The old name is Hanako, don't hinder the son to eat wine."

A handsome young man holding Qingfeng kicked out with a kick, and the turbulence swayed in the air. He beat the cows in the air and kicked the table of the middle-aged man not far from the wine cellar.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a coarse-grained linen, and he had a broken blue steel sword on his back. There were gaps everywhere. It was simply worthless. Even the fake artifacts were not counted.

The middle-aged man’s face was sloppy, his eyes were scattered, his look was erratic, and he held a huge jug. When the handsome young man kicked the table and chairs in front of him, the middle-aged man did not even go. Protecting himself, but holding the jug in his arms, smashed the young man to attack, still holding his own jug and continuing to drink.

"Mom, do you dare to ignore me? Do you know who Laozi is?"

The young man of Haolang began to appear, staring at the middle age of a linen.

"Forget it, my brother, it’s just a rice flower that doesn’t even come to God. Why are you embarrassing him?"

A woman in Tsing Yi, with two cute nephews, said with a smile.

"We will go to the East in the future. Don't make trouble."

Another steady young man said, Shen Sheng.

"Accounting for your stinking is a good life, otherwise I will not kick you, you can't, oh, my emperor, never killing a nameless generation."

Jiang Chen looked at the middle-aged man and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Above the attic, only three of them, Jiang Chen and a middle-aged man each have a group, and the other three are a group of people. The rest of the people have already quickly checked out and left when the young man has just shot.

"You are the people of the Eastern Emperor?"

The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly became indifferent, even with a hint of chill.

"Since I know, I still don't roll fast? I don't change my name, I don't change my name, Donghuang Fanghua."

The handsome young man sneered, looking at the middle ages, the incomparable arrogance.

Jiang Chen also sneered, but also married a girl's name, no wonder the smell of a creamy little life, but did not wait for the East Emperor Fanghua sword Jiang Chen, middle-aged is once again impatient asked:

"You three are?"

"You don't want to toast and don't eat and drink fine wine. Today we don't want to make trouble. You are going to roll."

The words of a steady young man, although not directly recognized, have already explained everything. The three of them are the strength of the middle of the gods. Naturally, they are incomparably confident. It is not as good as swearing to deal with a heavenly god. Naturally, it is invisible to kill people, but they still have things to do, so the steady youth does not intend to make a living.

"That's it, the people of the Eastern Emperor Sect, all **** it."

The middle-aged man suddenly raised his head and the wine gourd in his hand was slammed by his grip, but with the blessing of the gods, it did not completely collapse.

Jiang Chen saw the middle-aged man's eyes with a hint of killing and the killing of the sky.

"The arrogance, it seems that today does not give you a lesson, you do not know what is called heaven and earth. Living in the world, it seems to you are extravagant."

Dong Huang Fanghua stepped out in one step, and his sword was arrogant, and he would kill the middle age directly.

"Maybe, I should have died long ago."

The middle-aged man muttered, and immediately the palm of his hand moved slightly, the sword light flashed, and the three emperors of Donghuang Fanghua were all there. Jiang Chen was also slightly stunned. The middle-aged man’s hand was held in the ruined green. Above the steel sword, and the next second, Jiang Chen felt a sense of silence, and in a blink of an eye, the three emperors of the East Emperor Fang, all dead, Jiang Chen’s heart was shocking, too fast, this sword, already Completely surpassed his own kendo, and his strength is not enough.

Jiang Chen’s heart set off a stormy wave. Such a sword is too fast. It really shocked him who has reached the realm of human swords.

The strength of the three emperors of the East Emperor Fanghua is not strong, but there is also a mid-term in the middle of the gods, there is no power to fight back, even no signs of any, all three people fall down, even the sword marks above the neck, I can't see it, it's lightning fast.

Jiang Chen feels that his strength is really not strong, but the realm of swordsmanship can be so horrible, to the extreme, even he is extremely shocking, that sword, Jiang Chen avoids, have to do their best Going, what kind of legend is this person?

A sword broke through the air, Wan Jian Chao Zong, one of the swords, shocked Jiuyi.

Jiang Chen knows that even on the realm of swordsmanship, even himself is far behind. Jiang Chen saw his lonely figure, and could not think of such a person who was so desperate for life, would be such a stunned saint of the sword.

The desolate eyes, the lonely and dead soul, this body is like a dead body, but a sword is shocked.

Jiang Chen never admired anyone, but this awkward middle age made him look at him.

"Heart and sword!"

Jiang Chen murmured, this is the realm of his dreams, the true integration with the sword, as desired, even if it has been a combination of dragon and sword, the sword and the sword, it is impossible to achieve the same. realm.

In the middle of the year, I saw Jiang Chen, but did not stop, but took the wine gourd and got up and left.

Jiang Chen followed the middle ages and walked out of the Western Region of Lingbi City. Lingbi City is divided into tens of thousands of miles, divided into east, west and north. In the western region, it is the site of the entire East Emperor, killing people, so the middle age must choose to look far.

Under the green hills and green mountains, he looked back at the middle ages. He felt someone followed him, but he didn't know who it was.

"If you kill someone, do you want to leave?"

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