Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2587: Huangjishan Ladder

Such a master, the strength is not strong, can actually be more challenging, and it is still so fast, devastating, before the three brothers who challenged the three brothers, hundreds of people are defeated, only dozens of people can challenge success, but true The only second test that can afford to live is only eight people.

"You have passed."

The three guarded brothers said with a dignified face that Jiang Chen was the first person to destroy them and defeat them.

Some of the Xiaoxiao mouths looked at Jiang Chen dryly. If this guy became a brother in his own door, wouldn’t he have a good life?

"Now, what is the second level?"

Jiang Chen stood up and jumped down and fell to the side of Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao’s smile was awkward and his strength was respected. It was the iron law of the world. If he had enough strength, he would receive corresponding respect. Jiang Chen has conquered them.

"The second level is in the Huangji Mountain. As long as you can climb the mountainside of the Huangji Mountain, you can be regarded as a disciple of the Eastern Emperor. In the past, the Zongmen selection disciples once every 100 years were represented by Huangji Mountain. There are a total of 999-story ladders in the mountains. Among the introductory disciples, as long as they can surpass the hundred-story ladder, they will be eligible to become emperor disciples. However, nowadays, people who board the emperor mountain must surpass five hundred layers. The ladder is qualified to become a disciple of the Eastern Emperor. This second level is difficult to say, simple, but not simple."

When Xiao Xiao was coming, he did not dare to miss it. He was afraid that Jiang Chen would be guilty about his previous attitude.


Xiao Xiao continued:

"Because the Mount Royal Mountain is more than 90,000 meters high, it is directly inserted into the cloud, and the 999-story ladder, each floor has a height of more than 100 meters. It is like a ladder. The Royal Mountain is the real Qilian. The first mountain in the world, and the size of the Huangji Mountain, is also endless, so that the heights are not overwhelming. It really reaches the top of the 600-story ladder. It is the height of the cold, and at least the half-step of the king. Because of this, Huangji Mountain is also the forbidden place of the Eastern Emperor. The disciple who once had a half-step **** kingdom set foot on the seven hundred-story ladder and died on it. So even if it reaches six hundred The ladder is already the capital of the sky. Even our lords have not been on the 800-story ladder."

Dawn seems to be somewhat indifferent and will not say more.

"The most important thing is that this Huangji Mountain is said to have been the ancestor of the founding father of the Emperor of the East. It is the sacred creation of the world, the reincarnation of the Five Elements, sacred and inviolable. If it is a generation of evil spirits, it is impossible to climb five hundred layers. The ladder is so high."

"So, this is the summit of the Imperial Mountain."

Jiang Chen looked up, the entire East Emperor Sect, the mountain range of the Zongmen, could not be seen at the end, but the Emperor Mountain was towering into the clouds, straight into the clouds, as if it were a giant hand, shocking the world. .

"This East Emperor Sect, it is really not simple."

Jiang Chen thought of it, but this second level should not be difficult for him.

"The strongest introductory disciple so far, that is, the master brother, has climbed 792 layers, no matter the strength or talent, it is unparalleled in the world. Secondly, the second brother, the East Emperor Taiji, the 780-story ladder, This time, the number of places in the Zongmen is none other than the two brothers. As for the disciples who are vying for the quota of the nine worlds, the strongest one should be Ling Guang, the 682-story ladder. The half-step **** kingdom. The reason why the ladder of the Huangji Mountain is difficult to climb is the heavy pressure of oppression like a mountain. Few people can climb the peak. I can only climb more than three hundred ladders."

Xiao Xiaoying smiled and said.

"Then I will try it."

Said, Jiang Chen is to go to the Huangji Mountain, under the Emperor Mountain, there are two half-step old kings of the king, guarding the Huangji Mountain, usually open once a year, in order to climb the Zongmen disciple, hope The increase in strength.

"Two elders."

When Xiao Xiao greeted the two old people, he entered the Huangji Mountain with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is also secretly swearing, this is the real big door, the half-step **** kingdom, can only guard the mountain here.

“There is a psychic stone monument, no matter how many layers you step on, it will show up.”

Xiao Xiao pointed to the huge white jade stone monument in front of him.

"Thank you."

Jiang Chen said that the stride of the meteor climbed away, and Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, this guy finally did not care about him.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are like a torch, and the volley is desperate, stepping on the clouds.

90,000 meters of high mountains, straight into the clouds, this is so majestic, Jiang Chen is also only seen in his life.

Suddenly, in the heart of Jiang Chen, there was also a rise in the summit, and a small impression of the mountains.

"You said, how many layers can this guy go?"

"It's hard to say, after all, he is a shocking mountain, his strength is terrible, and it is the most terrible."

"It’s also true, but after all, his strength is there, even if he is strong, he will encounter a real half-step god, but he will also bow his head."

"It's hard to say, but I think he wants to reach the height of Ling Guang, it should be impossible."

Many disciples are very curious. Before the psychic stone monument, they looked forward to the hope of Jiang Chen. In a flash, they disappeared at the foot of the Huangji Mountain.

At the moment when Jiang Chen boarded the Emperor Mountain, he felt a majestic and peaceful energy. It seemed to hang over this unsuccessful mountain. The more he climbed up, the more he settled in it. The energy of this dignity and harmony was lingering. Above your own body.

Jiang Chen's pace is as stable as Taishan, step by step, and in a blink of an eye, it has already been on the 500-story ladder. At this moment, many people have been shocked. Jiang Chen has indeed passed the second gate of the Huangjishan Ladder.

"Is it already five hundred layers? I have to look at it, what is the style above the mountains."

Jiang Chen was calm, but the spirit of not accepting the loss in his heart drove him, repeatedly rock climbing and rushing into the sky.

"Huangji Mountain, East Emperor Sect, the essence of this sect, is not comparable to other major sects."

Jiang Chen thought that the reason why he chose the Eastern Emperor Sect was also because of the mystery of the Eastern Emperor.

Jiang Chen swayed straight until six hundredths of a tier, many people sighed. Before the psychic stone monument, the number has been constantly changing. Jiang Chen has no pressure, before the dawn and his oppression Jiang Chen did not feel it, and this height is still rising. When Jiang Chen walked to the 836th floor ladder, the entire East Emperor was boiled because he surpassed it. Ling Guang, the strong man of the half-step **** kingdom.

"Scorpio, this speed is too fast? Will he surpass the second division of the East Emperor Taiji?"

"I will wait and see, hahaha."

"Super super!"

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